• 静静地流淌空荡荡酒厂旁边不时有一盏灯出现“卢路”某个房子里

    The river lay quiet beside the empty distillery and from time to time a light appeared in some house on Lucan Road.


  • 著名北美探险先驱路易斯克拉克1805年11月14饥饿情况到达哥伦比亚

    Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.


  • 但是阅读可以帮助到每一个人。因此,可布同事们受灾地区分发传单过去周里,他的团队致力洪水

    But reading is something that can help everyone.So Jacobs and his colleagues distribute fliers in disaster areas.In the past two weeks, his team has focused on the Missouri River flooding.


  • 圣弗朗西斯科水电公司这所州立的发电机公司领头联营企业致力于在巴西亚马逊的兴谷建造世界第三水力发电大坝合同上取得优势。

    A consortium led by Chesf, a state-owned electricity generator, won a contract to build the world's third-largest hydroelectric dam on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon.


  • 西非国家,很多大坝建造尼日尔沃尔特班达马

    Ethiopia has staked its development on damming the Blue Nile and other rivers. In west Africa dams are due to be built on the Niger, the Volta and Bandama.


  • Kidd船长,就和其同时代的嗜血海盗黑胡子一样1701年泰晤士处决码头海盗谋杀船员吊死。

    Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.


  • 一场年度Redneck捕鱼比赛中,人们棒球拍来到伊利诺斯醉心他们复仇行动了

    An annual Redneck Fishing Tournament now brings men to the Illinois River with baseball bats in hand, keen to get their revenge.


  • 1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队2年后正式组织效力,他伊普雷索姆交接处战壕参加坠落飞机抢救工作。

    He joined the Royal Naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme.


  • 南北走向泛美公路太平洋之间,蜿蜒流淌着廷格里里卡依偎畔的山谷比托斯卡纳(1),就是科尔查山谷。

    NESTLING beside the Tinguiririca river, between the north-south Pan-American Highway and the Pacific, the Colchagua valley is sometimes compared to Tuscany.


  • 这些智人遗骨化石1967年埃塞俄比亚奥莫omo附近被发掘出来的。

    The fossils were found in 1967 near the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia.


  • 大多数1976年投入使用的地铁线路都是地下的,其中Potomac(条流经华盛顿特区的,译者注)下面,穿过华盛顿特区弗吉尼亚州,还有一段则地上横跨Potomac

    Much of the Metrorail system, which opened in 1976, runs below ground, including a section that goes under the Potomac River between Washington and Virginia and one that goes over it.


  • 马克吐温开始航行密西西比条船上工作

    Mark Twain started out working on a boat sailing up and down the Mississippi.


  • 介绍了大概今哈萨克斯坦七地区一带1415世纪左右成书史诗《乌古斯可汗传说》。

    It retells something of Qi He area in Kazakhzitan country now and the epic, the legend of Wugusikehan, which was finished about 1415 centuries.


  • 只保护动物星期日卧龙中心条小发现并且活着但是中心的员工穿过这条之前就消失森林

    The protected animal was spotted alive on Sunday by a river from the Wolong center, but it disappeared in the woods before the center staff crossed the river.


  • 巴西原始野生橡胶树南美洲亚马逊主要种植南亚地区。

    Brazil Hevea original wild Amazon in South America, is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asia.


  • 研究完成2010年,这次卫星资料勘探详细记录了积雪覆盖的情况,以及冰川印度、恒雅鲁藏布流域的延伸情况。

    Completed in 2010, the satellite-based survey took an inventory of the snow cover and glacier extent across glaciated regions of the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra River basins.


  • 吉南样子哨北缘石道镇一带,古代层间—脆性滑覆断层

    There occurs ductile-brittle gliding-nappe faults in the Proterozoic, new and old cap rocks on the north margin of the depression in the Shidaohe area, Yangzhishao, southern part of Jilin Province.


  • 墨累穿越澳大利亚内地能看到百万年悠久的峡谷壮观的高耸青葱的悬岩金色峭壁,还有无尽蓝天红桉森林

    Cruise through Australia's outback and see million-year-old gorges golden sandstone cliffs towering over blue-green lagoons and majestic red-gum forests under endless blue skies.


  • 而沙贾汗人生最后是被监禁旁的堡垒度过的,来说不啻雪上加霜。

    To rub even more salt into the wound, the emperor had had to spend the last eight years of his life imprisoned in a 12 fort on the Jhelum River.


  • 而沙贾汗人生最后是被监禁旁的堡垒度过的,来说不啻雪上加霜。

    To rub even more salt into the wound, the emperor had had to spend the last eight years of his life imprisoned in a 12 fort on the Jhelum River.


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