• 建筑1798年1802年间流行的古典主义风格基础上建造的。

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.


  • 老年生活的幸福很大程度上取决种族性别婚姻状况

    How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.


  • 八十年代早期很多时间往返韦科尔帕索之间

    I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between Waco and El Paso.


  • 他们倾向问题包含成因后果不仅仅询问受访者尝试东西

    Rather than merely asking about something they wanted to try, they tended to include both cause and effect in their question.


  • 10月1日2日美国弗吉尼亚州举行

    It is on October lst and 2nd in Virginia, America.


  • 布洛的理念里,希望恐惧未知危机一种创造力乌托邦式“希望的愿景”相辅相成。

    Hope, for Bloch, has its starting point in fear, in uncertainty, and in crisis: it is a creative force that goes hand in hand with utopian "wishful images".


  • 我们有时新闻产品发布的喧嚣声中,倾向忽略一些网上出现重要事件

    Sometimes in the bustle of news and product launches, we tend to overlook some significant events that emerge from the net.


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录规模最大枕头大战最新纪录2013年10月27芝加哥创下,共有4500个枕头3813参与。

    The Guinness World Record: The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27,2013 in Chicago, with 4,500 pillows and 3,813 people.


  • 荷兰农民能够长一段时间不受这场危机的影响,因为他们专门从事奶牛养殖工业作物园艺的工作。

    Dutch peasants were able to remain unaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture.


  • 巨型动物争论很大程度取决确定古老骨骼埋藏它们沉积物年代的技术

    The debate about megafauna pivots to a great degree on the techniques for dating old bones and the sediments in which they are buried.


  • 有些屈从别人意见,太专注决策共识自己观点太沉默,太容易没有时间精力的时候接受事情

    Some people are too subordinate to others' opinions, too focused on decision consensus, too silent about their own point of view, too agreeable to take things on when they don't have time or energy.


  • 人类社会一个优点,人类倾向于在压力环境下给予接受彼此支持

    One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances.


  • 国际红十字新月博物馆1988年日内瓦开放

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988.


  • 俄罗斯外长北约秘书长第五会谈星期二卢森堡结束

    A fifth round of talks between Russian Foreign Minister and NATO's Secretary General ended Tuesday in Luxembourg.


  • 未来几年里广播新闻报道不再聚焦道路状况高速公路交通而是空中交通堵塞

    In the coming years, instead of radio reports about road conditions and highway traffic, news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky.


  • 西奥多、富兰克林·罗斯福、威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱德怀特·艾森豪威尔登·约翰逊、杰拉尔德·福特乔治·布什成为总统之前就职这座大楼里。

    Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush all had offices in this building before becoming president.


  • 讲义中提到,毕晓普类型的矶鹞诗人非常执迷感受更加细微之处、那些细小沙粒石英碎片。

    Bishop's sandpiper poem, there in your handout, is obsessed with the mere details of experience, those sand grains and quartz grains.


  • 健康好处大多来自氧化剂——胡萝卜素、维生素E维生素C 中发现了抗氧化剂化合物能抑制沿身体血管形成斑块

    Most of the purported health benefits of tea come from antioxidantscompounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood vessels.


  • 最终1996年离开斯坦福大学的讲座教授职位,圣达菲研究所专注复杂性理论经济

    He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute.


  • 一方面,类似新闻记者每天报道评论新闻时会与生活建立联系这些概念日常实际联系起来。

    On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.


  • 新西兰普通议员2016年提出提案试图准许公司高收入雇员退出不正当解雇制度

    In New Zealand, a 2016 private members' Bill tried to permit firms and high-income employees to contract out of the unjustified dismissal regime.


  • 项目成员致力鼓励人们这种语言学习交流这种语言20世纪60年代消失了。

    Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language, which died out in the 1960s.


  • 一位老师特别热衷色彩图片引入数学教材认为卡通文化长大学生容易理解这些内容

    One teacher was particularly keen to introduce colour and pictures into maths textbooks: he felt this would make them more accessible to pupils brought up in a cartoon culture.


  • 某种程度上可以归因企业个人明显缺乏社会责任感社会责任感建设一个更美好世界至关重要

    To some extent, they can be ascribed to a distinct lack of a sense of social responsibility among enterprises and individuals, which is of crucial importance in building a better world.


  • 著名北美探险先驱路易斯克拉克1805年11月14饥饿情况到达哥伦比亚河口

    Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.


  • 复旦大学先生看来,来参观世博会外国人宽容欣赏的态度接受睡衣时尚

    In the eyes of Fudan University's Mr. Yu, foreign visitors to the Expo will accept the pajama fashion with tolerance and appreciation


  • 它们产生排放量取决驱动它们电力如何产生的,刹车轮胎道路磨损都会产生微小空气颗粒

    The level of emissions they cause will depend on how the electricity to run them is generated, while brakes, tyres and roads all create tiny airborne particles as they wear out.


  • 例如亚马逊流域,能否进入整个地区取决当地船员其他助手是否愿意进入实力相对强大的美洲印第安群体居住地区

    In the Aamazon, for example, access to entire regions would depend on the willingness of local crew members and other assistants to enter areas inhabited by relatively powerful Amerindian groups.


  • 肥胖20世纪80年代开始蔓延,许多其归咎食物份量增加缺乏运动,这不可能全部原因。

    The obesity epidemic began in the 1980s, and many people attribute it to increased portion sizes and inactivity, but that can't be everything.


  • 一些批评人士将此归咎平权行动——那些来自问题高中学生较低考试分数成绩录取往往精英学校里很吃力。

    Some critics blame affirmative actionstudents admitted with lower test scores and grades from shaky high schools often struggle at elite schools.


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