• 法国研究人员上周五酒吧播放音乐客人喝酒的速度会

    Customers of bars that play loud music drink more quickly and in fewer gulps, French researchers said on Friday.


  • 至少到目前为止进行这些交易不是中国规模最大、名头的公司,而是一些名不见经传的公司,往往来自内地地区,”托马斯表示

    "So far, at least, it's not the biggest and best-known Chinese players doing these deals, but smaller names, often from the hinterland," says Mr Thomas.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队战平,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening gameon Friday.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队战平,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup on Friday.


  • 不过,迷失在威尼斯是要付出代价——数以千计旅行者屈服这片土地,纵使耳边环绕着信鸽振翅的轻,满眼稀疏日光下宁静的小院

    Getting lost here paysthe tramp of a thousand tourists yields to tranquil sunlit courtyards and the sound of pigeonswings.


  • 巴布先科先生第一车臣战争中的征募兵,而志愿参加了1999年打的车臣第二次战争,具体原因还不明确

    A conscript in the first Chechen war (1994-96), Mr Babchenko volunteered to fight in the second (which started in 1999) for reasons he leaves unclear.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队战平,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening game on Friday.


  • 还透露成波当年村子里时候也是的叮当结婚是从邻居那儿借的。

    He revealed that Yu was extremely poor when he lived in the village, so poor that he had had to borrow money from his neighbors to hold his wedding ceremony.


  • 但是来自佛罗里达中欧其他地区的许多视频有着起来像是嚎叫,咆哮嗡嗡或是喇叭一样的声音。

    But numerous videos from Florida and elsewhere in central Europe have the vibration sound as a howl, a roar, a buzz, or a horn.


  • 趣》创作2000年,达群教授法国“2000中国古典音乐系列音乐会委约、陈其纲邀请而做中国打击乐作品。

    Written in 2000, Sound Games is created by Professor Jia Daqun after the commission of French "2000 Chinese Classical Music Series concert" and the invitation of Chen Qigang.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队战平,但赛场看台南非球迷(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过了墨西哥球迷的人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped 1 the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged 2 a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening game on Friday.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队战平,但赛场看台南非球迷(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过了墨西哥球迷的人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped 1 the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged 2 a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening game on Friday.


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