• 民主党倾向社会看作是“平民”(农民种植园工人贪婪贵族之间持续斗争

    The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflict between "the people"—farmers, planters, and workers—and a set of greedy aristocrats.


  • 个人最近并未品尝任何昆虫标本欣喜自己无限好奇心促使博览书、乐交往四处旅行。我希望永远拥有好奇心。

    I personally haven't tasted any entomological specimens lately, but I am still rejoicing in the limitless curiosity, the draws me to books and people and places.I hope I never lose it.


  • 为了获得SOA简单性维护性,需要公开方式的种类减至最少,这些公开方式可以服务相当广泛用户

    For the sake of simplicity and maintainability of the SOA, you need to aim for the smallest possible number of exposure styles that will serve a reasonably wide consumer base.


  • 萨那小组投身栖息地毗邻偏远社区他们大行动就是学校创建扮演重要角色

    One enormous demonstration of Vathana's and his team's commitment to remote communities bordering elephant habitat was their role in the creation of schools.


  • 凯利研究表明博客倾向相同语言国家间被相互链接每一个语言包含链接更密集的网站包。

    Mr Kelly's research shows that blogs tend to be linked within languages and countries, with each language-group in turn containing smaller pockets of densely linked sites.


  • 我国国内经济复苏取决出口美国公司开发亚洲广阔不断增长消费能力

    Our economic recovery at home will depend on exports and the ability of American firms to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia.


  • 另外一个二月末三月发生在都江堰彭州之间

    Then there was another swarm at the end of February and early March between Dujiangyan and Pengzhou.


  • 美国,有那么一人热衷“军事博客”,这些博客作者论坛用户对全球烽火连三月,军事战略战术前沿的军事科技十分兴趣。

    In the United States, they’re called ‘milbloggers’ -- that is, bloggers or Internet forum users interested in war news, strategy and tactics and the latest military technology.


  • 当麦克劳德的一拥护者游说奇司威克街头时,德克也在小学火车站门口分发着特制的传单

    Whereas Ms Macleod has an army of supporters canvassing the streets of Chiswick, Mr Daker cuts a solitary figure handing out leaflets outside primary schools and train stations.


  • 但是取而代之公司发现它本身正在面对火爆脾气愤怒用户来自隐私拥护者博客充斥着的批评

    But instead, the company found itself facing a firestorm of angry users and awash in criticism from privacy advocates and bloggers.


  • 自打比尔·盖茨后,主流消费中还不曾有的哪个科技执行官能如此代表性闻名世。

    Not since Bill Gates has any tech executive been this iconic and well-known among mainstream consumers.


  • 他常常认为报纸应该类似付费电视的套餐服务,合理定价通过读者销售其他产品增加收入将来也许捆绑在一起的报纸就像付费电视频道一样,范围影响已经没有原来那么重要了。

    Get the pricing right; increase revenues by selling other products to readers; in future, perhaps, bundle newspapers like pay-TV channels. Their reach and their influence are less important.


  • SCI 126中,鲜红星系均匀地分布核心边缘之间SCI 111中,这些星系则倾向聚集成高密度区域

    Within SCl 126, these BRG groups were evenly distributed between the core and the outskirts while in SCl 111, these groups tended to congregate towards the high density regions.


  • Facebook上朋友之间的互动能够帮助AreaRugClub评估如何更好地服务现有客户潜在客户

    Interaction with FB friends has helped the Area Rugs Club assess how to better serve both their current and future customer base.


  • 可以敌人周旋期间伺机进行攻击因此容易上手进行游戏的一个角色。

    He can stun a group of enemies and move in for the attack, so he is the easiest to play as.


  • 存有天界女性存有能量、爱希疗愈火焰以及玫瑰姊妹引向自身,我正接地集中我的心识知晓自身的辉煌光明

    I am grounded and centered in the knowing of my magnificence and Light, as I draw upon the energy of the Divine Feminine Beings of Light, the Isis Healing Flame, and the Sisterhood of the Rose.


  • 我们请来一位羽毛球教练一些资深球加入。”就读长春师范大学英语专业叶思林

    "We have invited a badminton coach and some veteran players to join the group, " said the English major at Changchun Normal University.


  • 得益标准的办公生产力程序以及其他有用的工具KDE软件不仅掌控电脑同时掌控你的生活工作

    With a standards-compliant office, productivity and groupware applications, as well as other useful tools, KDE helps you take control not only of your computer, but your life and work as well.


  • 发现马达加斯加西部德肯狐猴,巡游黥基顶部寻找食物躲避掠食者

    Troops of Decken's sifakas, found only in western Madagascar, cruise the tops of the tsingy searching for food and evading predators.


  • 公司拥有数目十分可观来自出版业印刷业的稳定客户布里斯班厂房面积达1500平方米

    The company has a long list of clients in the publishing and general printing industry. It currently operates in Brisbane, Australia where it occupies a 1500 square metre factory.


  • 此前动物发现美国犹他州堪萨斯州哥伦比亚布卡拉曼加、帕米尔东南部中国滇西保山地区

    Before, this fauna was only discovered in Utah and Kansas of the United States, Bucaramanga of Colombia, the southeastern part of Pamir and the Baoshan area of western Yunnan, China.


  • 外侧动脉分布外侧丘系、中央网状结构;

    The lateral group supplies the lateral lemniscus, central tegmental tract and reticular formation.


  • 冷水沟铅锌矿赋存元古界栾川管道口地层中,矿体断裂破碎卡岩带控制。

    The Lenshuibeigou lead-zinc deposit occurs in Proterozoic Luanchuan group and Guandaokou group formation and is controlled by faulted and fractured zone and skarn zone.


  • 西汉出露盆地南部、千枚岩砂岩为主夹灰岩生物礁;

    The Xihanshui Group, which distributes in the southern of the basin, is mainly slates, phyllites and sandstones with carbonatite and reef blocks.


  • 透镜裂隙之间呈列式排布发育保存构造透镜体弱应变域中

    The fissure lens group, in en echelon arrangement, is ease to be developed and conserved in the weak strain domain of tectonic lens.


  • 水岩残存西姚片麻岩之中,是斜长闪岩、磁铁石英岩黑云变粒钙质片岩白云质大理岩组成。

    Shushui rock group remains in Xiyao gneiss, and made up of amphibolite, magnetite quartzite, biotite granulite, calc-schist and dolomitic marble.


  • 结果表明沿路径上波长、传播方向变化取决垂直结构以及波风之间的相对方位。

    It is shown that the variations of wavelength, phase velocity and propagation direction depend on the vertical structure of the wind and also on the direction of the wave with respect to the wind.


  • 但是取而代之公司发现它本身正在面对火爆脾气愤怒用户来自隐私拥护者博客充斥着的批评

    Butt instead, the company found itself facing a firestorm of angry users and awash in criticism from privacy advocates and bloggers.


  • 类似分次的定义,定义了部分分次环部分半分次模。

    Similar to group graded rings and modules, partial semigroup graded rings and modules are defined.


  • 类似分次的定义,定义了部分分次环部分半分次模。

    Similar to group graded rings and modules, partial semigroup graded rings and modules are defined.


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