• 公司位于广州市二沙星海音乐厅西侧,隔晴波路南望珠江水道二沙珍稀的临江景观地段

    The company is located in Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall Ershadao west, across the Pearl River waterway clear Bolu Nan Wang is Ershadao rare riverside landscape lots.


  • 广东美术馆位于广州珠江二沙具备收藏研究、陈列展览教育交流、服务六项综合使用功能国家级艺术博物馆

    Guangdong Museum of Art is located on the Ersha Island in the Pearl River and is the National Art Museum with the integrated using of collection, research, exhibition, education and communication.


  • 打算去看看珠江上面精彩龙舟赛。 虽然我知道规模最大的龙舟赛会在番禺区举行,我情愿我家附近二沙岛南岸观看比赛

    I will watch the fabulous dragon boat race on the Pearl River. I know that the best and biggest race is in Panyu, but I will watch it from close to where I live just south of the Ersha Dao.


  • 目前,广州现有豪宅除了二沙岛的新世界花园别墅金亚花园散布市内各处的少数高档物业可供出租外,其他可供出租的并不多。

    Guangzhou existing residential hall in the New World garden villas, the Asian Garden and a few scattered throughout the city for rental property, high-grade, the other is not available for rental.


  • 开始服用依普罗坦时,味觉障碍又复发了。

    When she began taking eprosartan on a second occasion, her dysgeusia returned.


  • 承认美军正在使用西基地,仅限于后勤

    He admitted on Tuesday that us forces were using Shamsi, but only for logistics.


  • 去年琳从洪水肆虐家中出来,目前西雅图一个公寓

    These days Strong lives in a studio apartment in Seattle, having moved there from her water-ravaged home last February.


  • 无论陆地还是在海上,往氧化碳一般都要移除海水,因而导致压力的产生。

    Both on land and offshore, pumping carbon dioxide into sandstone usually displaces water, causing pressure to build up.


  • 该岛巴利阿里群岛大岛之一,(三个岛为梅诺卡岛、伊比福门特拉岛)公元前世纪成为罗马殖民地

    The island is oneof the four major Balearic Islandsthe others are Menorca, Ibiza, and Formenteraand it was colonized by the Romans in the secondcentury B.C.


  • 随后有消息透露方于星期下午伊赫一家宾馆举行了原本没有在计划中的会面

    It was later revealed that the three principals held an unscheduled second meeting Tuesday afternoon at a Sharm el-Sheikh hotel.


  • 哈连户伸巴拉之后摩押地儿子

    Sons were born to Shaharaim in Moab after he had divorced his wives Hushim and Baara.


  • 描写胜利庆功照片,就不得不提到标志性的“胜利日之吻”了,那位这一切成为可能护士——迪斯·恩不久前91岁的高龄过世了

    It’s perhaps the most iconic photograph from the victory celebrations of World War II, and the nurse who made it possible, Edith Shain, is dead at 91.


  • 托纳种抑制CSD的乙基溴乙酰胺间隙结合阻滞剂曾被认为是一种能防止偏头痛的的化合物

    Tonabersat is a neuronal gap-junction blocker that inhibitsCSD and was once considered a promising new compound to preventmigraine attacks.


  • 每天练习技术8的第部分(缓冲区设置)俄卡核心印记。

    Technique 8 Part Two (The Insta Buffer) and Eckasha Quick Seal each day.


  • 哈连休妻户伸巴拉之后押地生了儿子。

    And Shaharaim begat children in the country of Moab, after he had sent them away; Hushim and Baara were his wives.


  • 先生强调,里斯蓓克特的成功得益于者,其一赫尔曼•海塞的“西伯利亚草原狼”,一匹集神圣邪恶于一身的狼;其则是布鲁克•斯宾诺莎,眼中上帝具有超越道德与公正的秉性。

    Mr Moser emphasises Lispector’s debt to Hermann Hesse’s “Steppenwolf”, who is part divine and part diabolical, and to Baruch Spinoza, who saw God as having an amoral, indifferent nature.


  • 个月纽约北部林间小路上,名叫克里斯·布里(ChrisChabris)的心理学家摄像机一个20岁的年轻人身上,在一个沿着林间小路慢跑的人身后。

    Two months ago, on a wooded path in upstate New York, a psychologist named Chris Chabris strapped a video camera to a 20-year-old man and told him to chase after a jogger making his way down the path.


  • 2011年4月7日,纽约,被称作狗”隧道挖掘工人大街地铁建筑工程北向隧道的隧道掘进机走出。

    A subway construction worker, known as a "sandhog" exits the tunnel boring machine in the northbound tunnel of the Second Avenue subway construction project, Thursday, April 7, 2011 in New York.


  • 公司创始人山迪·利文(Sandy Sullivan)表示传统火葬产生氧化碳这种过程之多

    Its founder, Sandy Sullivan, says conventional cremation produces four times as much CO2 as does this process.


  • 1999年8月9月间,米尔·巴萨耶夫(Shamil Basayev),车臣叛军头子,和出生于的阿米尔·哈达布(Amir Khattab),共同开进达吉斯坦,从而触发次车臣战争

    In August and September 1999 Shamil Basayev, the leader of the Chechen fighters, and Amir Khattab, who was born in Saudi Arabia, led two armies into Dagestan, triggering the second Chechen war.


  • 穆巴拉克因遭遇数周持续高涨抗议活动而今年月份下台,在过去多月他一直被禁闭在伊赫(Sharm el-Sheikh)海滩度假胜地的山顶别墅里

    Toppled in February following weeks of mounting protests, Mr Mubarak had spent the past two months confined to a cliff-top villa in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.


  • 注入氧化碳过快注入岩石难以承受的数量,都要冒压裂风险使氧化碳随着时间推移慢慢地被挤出

    Injecting the CO2 too quickly, or adding more than the rock can hold, risks fracturing the sandstone, allowing the CO2 to slowly leech out over time.


  • 他藉儿子以利亚萨希勒家的儿子基玛利寄去。他们人是大王西底家打发巴比伦去见尼布甲尼撒的。

    By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying.


  • 他藉儿子以利亚萨希勒家的儿子基玛利寄去。他们人是大王西底家打发巴比伦去见尼布甲尼撒的。

    By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying.


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