• 立场坚定他们认为正确事情经理们的责任。

    It's up to managers to be strong and do what they believe is right.


  • IT经理如果有人第一错了事情不是错误,而是学习所需要代价。

    It managers: The first time someone does something wrong, it \ \ \ 's not a mistakeit \ \ \' s a learning experience.


  • 组织行为期刊上进行的一次研究显示,在经理决策中,潜在的损失作为得到提交的同样事情更加醒目。

    A study in the Journal of Organizational Behavior showed potential losses figure far more in a manager's decision-making than the same things presented as gains.


  • 即使是非常事情这种类型经理决不允许在没有批准下发生

    This type of manager won't let anything happen without her approval, no matter how small.


  • 三星做到了,大部分归功于李健熙——一个喜欢事情发生变化无穷的魅力,“改变除了妻子孩子之外的人和事”,1993年曾这样劝诫手下的经理

    That Samsung could is in large part due to a cult of personality around Mr Lee, who likes to keep things shaken up. "Change everything but your wife and children," he exhorted managers in 1993.


  • 作为项目经理这些处境困难的,处理这些事情我们工作

    As project managers, these situations are difficult, but dealing with them is our job.


  • 泰瑞等候餐馆经理到来,寄希望能够帮助回忆起事情来,所以尼娅她留下餐馆里。

    Teri wants to wait for the manager of the restaurant in case he can help her so she tells Tanya to leave.


  • 经理必须手把手地教他们处理各种事情项目执行、电话留言客户会面等等。

    Managers will need to give step-by-step directions for handling everything from projects to voice-mail messages to client meetings.


  • 但是即使要求看似很详细时候,还是可以发现产品经理考虑到事情

    But even when the requirements seem detailed, you may discover things the product manager didn't consider.


  • 作为新任经理可能发现同时管理不同类型员工是一件困难事情

    As a new manager, you are likely to run into many different types of employees whom you will find challenging.


  • 底下,银行经理承认,现在事情实在太过分了。

    Managers admit privately that things got way out of line.


  • 如果成为一个产品经理,就天天找自己擅长的事情

    If you want to be a bad product manager, make sure you stay within your comfort zone.


  • 经理把它写得尽可能全面完整包括正式的和非正式的职责还有那些他们应该时间事情

    The manager should try to be as comprehensive and complete as possible, including both official and unofficial responsibilities, and things they should be doing but haven't had time to do.


  • 团队线经理已经加班加点使得自己能够完成紧迫的时间表上的事情

    The teams and first-line managers were already working extra hours to achieve an aggressive schedule.


  • 如果成为一个好的产品经理,那你得擅长于做你不擅长的事情

    If you want to be a good product manager, be comfortable being uncomfortable .


  • 是的拥有一位擅长解释该干什么事情经理的确生活困难

    And yes, having a manager who is not good at explaining what needs to be done makes life difficult.


  • 然而事实上很多面试官都一些得不可开交的经理坐到他们面前之前根本没空想到关于你的事情

    In reality, though, many interviewers are managers who are so pressed for time that they just haven't gotten around to thinking about you at all until you're sitting across the desk from them.


  • 价值有利可图客户发现他们年利率上升了,那么此时应该信用卡公司打电话,和它的经理讨论这个事情

    Valued and profitable customers who find themselves with a raised APR should call their card company and speak with a manager.


  • 组织中的产品经理可能一个组织中的产品经理专注非常不同事情(不会他们更好更差)。

    A product manager in one organization may focus on very different things than a product manager in another organization (which does not make them better or worse).


  • 未经培训,新任经理容易忽视事情带来负面效果。”Shultz

    Without training, it’s easy for a newmanager to overlook the implications of what one wrong thing said can do, ”says Shultz.


  • 31岁科勒巴(Jeff Koleba)曼哈顿名消费者品牌经理,他网上交友是一件颇为费时但却没什么回报事情

    'Online dating is a lot of time for very little return,' says Jeff Koleba, 31, a Manhattan consumer-brand manager.


  • 每周一早晨Pat都会向Mary报告开发方面事情——IT项目业务中"什么事情什么事情了" ——Mary会见C级别业务经理之前。

    Every Monday morning, Pat preps Mary on developments -- "things gone right and things gone wrong" in the IT project portfolio -- before Mary meets with the C level business managers.


  • 微软经理GregSullivan这样解释“在我们进入这个市场领域的过程中,没有什么事情是一成不变的。”

    “There isn’t a thing about our approach to this business that we haven’t changed,” says Greg Sullivan, a Microsoft executive.


  • 经理愿意批准明显正确事情

    Managers only like to approve obviously right things.


  • 如果自己不能事情梳理清楚,你得算计一下你将遭受多长时间的延迟,把它经理选项什么

    If you can't get the situation sorted out yourself, determine how much delay you will suffer and what your options are and present them to your manager.


  • 公司的集装箱经理团队告诉发生什么事情之后,环顾四周看看哪里相机,以为这是个恶作剧

    The container manager said that when his team came and told him what had happened, he was looking around for cameras to see if it was a 'gotcha' hoax.


  • 除非团队中超级英雄般的产品经理——那些晚上需要4小时不到睡眠时间、而且没有工作生活平衡可以接受50%更多工作的——否则总事情搞砸

    Unless you have super-hero product managers on your teamthose who need less than 4 hours of sleep a night and have no work-life balance who can take on 50% more work - something will break.


  • 研究中,女性男性问及工作之外时间,有多少时段被同事监管者经理顾客客户们因为工作的事情而遭到占用。

    In the study, men and women were asked how often co-workers, supervisors, managers, customers or clients contacted them about work-related matters outside of normal business hours.


  • 如果同级经理偶尔与您一起讨论一些事情看到程序员都结对工作,也许会有传言这个经理头脑发昏

    If a peer drops by to discuss something and sees programmers pairing, word might get around that the manager has lost his mind.


  • 如果同级经理偶尔与您一起讨论一些事情看到程序员都结对工作,也许会有传言这个经理头脑发昏

    If a peer drops by to discuss something and sees programmers pairing, word might get around that the manager has lost his mind.


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