• 相反他们在室内三个人一他们屏幕只有英寸,他们的做着蒙特梭利绝对想象不到事情

    Instead, they were all inside, alone or in groups of two or three, their faces a few inches from a screen, their hands doing things Montessori surely did not imagine.


  • 相反,他们在室内三个人一他们屏幕只有英寸,他们的做着蒙特梭利绝对想象不到事情

    Instead they were all inside, alone or in groups of two or three, their faces a few inches from a screen, their hands doing things Montessori surely did not imagine.


  • 摄制见到史密斯一家时,他们发现史密斯先生、太太及其两个儿子对网络科技非常痴迷,几乎从没一起做任何事情

    When the film group meet the Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons are so crazy about technology that they hardly do things together.


  • 不同软件程序协同工作方式而且这种方式还更好这样人们就可以完成一些需要每个这些系统获取信息才能完成的事情

    A new and better way to get a bunch of different software programs to work together so people can do things that require information from each of those systems.


  • 目标就是酒保留广告事情尽可能简单

    My goal is to have just one set of ads, to keep things as simple as possible.


  • 自从创作者不再主妇带动剧情,而是编造了一系列的事情发生她们身上,该剧便开始失败了。

    But Desperate Housewives went awry the moment the creators stopped trusting their central quartet to drive the plot, and started making things happen to them.


  • 作为系统管理员不是一个非常简单事情好的做法查看目录所有者

    As a system administrator, this isn't the easiest thing to do. A good rule of thumb is to look at the directory owner or group.


  • 这种方式整个生命周期集成开发工具时,使用结合在一起解决方案(point solution)完成难以想象事情成为可能

    When development tools are integrated across the lifecycle in this way, it becomes possible to do things unimaginable with a set of bolted-together point solutions.


  • 可以使用用户创建工具节省时间精力(并且可以确保不会将事情弄得一团糟将帮助维持权威的声誉)。

    The user and group creation tools are there to save you time and effort (and make sure nothing gets messed up, which helps you maintain your guru-like reputation).


  • 设计实用程序目标不是为了单个工具所有事情而是为了拥有工具,其中每个工具都尽可能地做事情

    The goal is not to have a single widget that does everything, but to have a handful of tools, each of which does one thing as well as possible.


  • 如果足够运气的话,那么伴随着人类基因计划类似事情发生生物学界

    With luck, something similar will soon happen in biology in the wake of such things as the Human Genome Project.


  • 关于约束之间依赖一般来说比较事情它们的描述很快就变得非常非常冗长和复杂。

    The hard thing about groups and dependencies between constraints in general is that describing them can soon become very, very verbose and complex.


  • 这个角度说事情没有25年前第一APA工作有关无家可归精神疾病联系的报告发布好。

    In that sense, things are not much better than 25 years ago when the first APA task force report on homelessness and mental illness was issued.


  • 讨论也在做同样事情不过讨论中,这些火花最终都不见了

    Discussion groups do the same thing, but with discussion groups it all gets lost.


  • 团队比如软件开发人员一起工作实时地处理事情需要某件更为精心设计的软件。

    When a team, such as a group of software developers, wants to work together on something in real time, something more elaborate is needed.


  • 然后,让两老鼠冷水游泳这是老鼠最怕的事情

    Then all of the rats swam in cold water, which they don't like to do.


  • 反恐托尼指责尼娜,怪她对梅森杰克之间发生的事情撒谎掩饰

    At CTU, Tony accuses Nina of lying to cover up what happened between Mason and Jack.


  • 即使样本数量不足于进行研究研究者很多其他研究者们事情——他们可能性十分不同结合在一起。

    The researchers also did something a lot of researchers do when their sample size is simply too small to study - they combined two groups that are potentially very different.


  • 如果目标针对的是提供服务服务,那么服务操作性成为首要关注事情

    If the goal aims at providing a service or a group of services, service interoperability becomes a top concern.


  • 正如自然》的文章微小线粒体基因这些事情并且成本容易负担得起

    Do it for the tiny mitochondrial genome and the cost is easily affordable, as shown in the Nature paper.


  • 尽力为这个讨论做的事情他们知道什么真正敏捷,并鼓励他们判断敏捷如何适用之前先尝试

    One of my main thrusts on the group is to guide them in what Agile really is, and to encourage them to try it before they try to decide how it fits in.


  • 最近完成蚜虫基因序列计划事情,它我们研究能力获得极大提高,”

    "And the big thing that made a difference in the ability to find that out was the genome sequence of the aphid was completed recently," she says.


  • 三元主语谓语必须表达uri,以便彻底明确并且利用流行领域这件事情标准模式和最佳实践变得越来越成熟

    A triple's subject and predicate must be expressed as URIs to make them completely unambiguous, and standard schemas and best practices for doing this with popular domains are gaining maturity.


  • 尽可能地详尽记下收发电子邮件阅读新闻网上冲浪打电话就餐洗澡等等事情上分别花费了多少时间

    Be as detailed as possible. Note how much time you spend on email, reading newsgroups, web surfing, phone calls, eating, going to the bathroom, etc.


  • 如果目标针对的是提供服务服务我们首要关注事情就是子目标之间的服务互操作性。

    If a subgoal aims at providing a service or a group of services, our top concern is service interoperability among subgoals.


  • 如果判断一个服务器为何磁盘故障不能引导通常会做第一事情是从服务器(除外),断开所有磁盘的映射连接。

    If you're trying to determine why a server won't boot after a disk failure, the first thing I often do is to un-map or disconnect all disks from the server except for the root volume group.


  • 所有这些事情似乎象是一个主意并且它们通常好主意——它们还需要许多精力创建维护而且很少项目提供实际价值

    All of these things seem like a good idea, and they often arebut they also require a lot of effort to create and then to maintain, and very often do not provide real value to your project team.


  • 当被问及“可能发生最好糟的事情”时,第一受访者会怎么看待自己中彩变一事,而第二人员又会怎么看待自己只能坐在轮椅这一事实?

    On a scale of “the best and worst things that could happen, ” how did the members of the first group rank becoming rich and the second wheelchair-bound?


  • 本质调用这个方法发生事情一瞬间调用堆栈相互交叠的权限进行快照

    In essence, what happens upon calling this method is that a snapshot of the state of the call stack is taken at that very instant and the sets of permissions intersected with each other.


  • 本质调用这个方法发生事情一瞬间调用堆栈相互交叠的权限进行快照

    In essence, what happens upon calling this method is that a snapshot of the state of the call stack is taken at that very instant and the sets of permissions intersected with each other.


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