• 国际货比基金组织亚洲经济危机反应强制执行严厉措施有人认为这会使情况更糟糕,事实上其实是会引起祸端。

    The IMF response to the Asian crisis was to impose strict policies some believe made the crisis worse, or in fact caused it.


  • 这栋房子其实并不古老事实上之前只有一家主人

    The house was not old. In fact it had only one previous owner.


  • 事实上答案其实十分简单,根本就不是个谜

    In fact, the answer is very simple, and not at all mysterious.


  • 真相我们事实上理所当然的认为我们为什么应该仅仅蛋糕,为什么这么而不能吃它,为什么吃这块蛋糕其实那么

    The truth is that our mind is actually rationalizing why we should just eat that cake, why it's too hard to not eat it, why it isn't that bad to eat it.


  • 事实上德尔猜测,少量饮酒之所以对人有益其实并不是因为红葡萄酒含有抗氧化成分而是因为酒精引起了轻微氧化应激反应。

    Indeed, Chandel suspects that the beneficial effects of limited alcohol consumption come not from antioxidants in red wine but from the mild oxidative stress the alcohol provides.


  • 网格可以在LAN进行搭建事实上私有其实就是虚拟私有网格。

    A grid can also be constructed on a LAN; in fact a private cloud is really a kind of virtual private grid.


  • 事实上一旦用户开始使用网站他们可能注册账号,因为他们其实已经参与进来了

    Indeed, once users start using your website, they will more likely sign up, because they're already involved.


  • 雨滴和泪珠的形状其实一样的,虽然大多数情况下它们被描述成一样的,可事实上它们是球形状的。

    Raindrops are not shaped like a teardrop (as they are almost always depicted in drawings)? They are actually spherical.


  • 事实上其实很好,可以客户朋友那样聊天。

    Revel in the fact that you can talk to customers like a friend.


  • 如果他们自我引导型的团队运作其实他们事实上还是混乱的状态,那么不久会在条河上像没有桨似的乱窜

    If you run your team as if they were self-leading, but in reality they're chaos, then before long you'll be heading up a certain creek without a paddle.


  • 事实上认为男朋友其实非常喜欢你的身体类型。

    Actually, I think your boyfriend really does like your body the way it is.


  • 事实上洗热水澡认为是名副其实健康杀手。

    Indeed, bathing, certainly in hot water, was considered a veritable health risk.


  • 这样做其实没错。 事实上,根据社会学家理论,大片的产生心理学的根源--是一种从众心理口碑效应结合。

    Nothing wrong with that; indeed, sociologists will tell you that hits are hardwired into human psychology, the combinatorial effect of conformity and word of mouth.


  • 卡尼对于无神论者并不感冒,比较正面地欢迎无神论事实上对于所谓“反无神论定义其实一种“无神论”,就是在无神论的最差阶段之后的一种信仰

    Kearney doesn’t much care for the New Atheists, but he positively welcomes atheism—indeed, his definition of what he callsanatheism,” is that it is belief after atheism has done its worst.


  • 事实上大家可以看到,有颗,这颗星,这有颗星,其实手痒,看起来像是用*围成个它们包围起来,其实完全没有必要的。

    The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.


  • 可能多少有一点言过其实因为事实上,这意味着它们肯定可以“按原样运行——并不意味着它们必然可以按照“完全相同”的方式运行,因此环境中测试任何应用程序至关重要。

    This might somewhat deceiving, since in truth this means they must run "as is" -- it does NOT mean the must run "the same," hence testing all applications in the new environment is critical.


  • 事实上,对孩子们来说分心其实帮助他们更好的接收周围信息

    In fact, this same inability to focus attention can be useful to children so they can take in all the information around them.


  • 其实一点平凡事实上通过Twitter获得许多难以置信机会

    It's not all mundane either, in fact I've learned of many incredible opportunities through Twitter.


  • 其实他们过的有益的事情完美主义倾向降温——事实上爸爸小学那会儿曾答应我,如果得到“C”,他就礼物

    In fact, the best thing they ever did for me was to discourage my perfectionist tendencies - indeed, when I was in elementary school, my dad offered to buy me a present if I got a c.


  • 事实上我们才能成为自然外面世界其实只是我们意识一部分融入世界的预测所以我们的自我创造现实

    In fact, what we take to be the natural world out there, is really just part of our consciousness projected into the world, and so our egos create reality.


  • 推荐关于逻辑自学课程——事实上发现其实质上一种简化

    I'd recommend a self-taught course on logic, but really I've found it's a matter of simplifying.


  • 电量耗尽之前插上充电器其实并没有什么处处——事实上可能电池更好

    It's not harmful to plug your phone in before the battery is drained - in fact, it may be better for your battery.


  • 例如基于浏览的其他网站,但是他们其实知道的真实身份,事实上cookies通常都是匿名的。

    Cookies can reveal things about your browsing habits-they are used to target advertising, for example, based on other sites you have visited-but they do not usually know who you are.


  • 事实上只要务实负责态度困惑我国社会校车问题,其实不难解决

    In fact, as long as there is a pragmatic and responsible attitude, confused our society's school bus, is not actually difficult to solve.


  • 人们面对挑战他们有时候会深呼吸发现勇气力量事实上,“激励这个词,其实说的也是一种呼吸”。

    When people face a challenge they sometimes talk about taking a deep breath to find courage or strength. In fact, the word 'inspire' literally means' to breathe in '.


  • 蹲在那里显得很臃肿其实层层毛皮羊毛皮革造成错觉,事实上毛料下的她说不定和艾莉亚一般瘦骨伶仃。

    She looked plump as she crouched there, but most of that was layers of fur and wool and leather. Underneath all that she could be as skinny as Arya.


  • 我得说其实并不完全如此。 事实上,是未来预测科幻小说。

    Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future


  • 其实认为清教徒们是的,就是说事实上这不重要

    Actually I think that the Puritans were right, in saying that it doesn't matter very much.


  • 其实认为清教徒们是的,就是说事实上这不重要

    Actually I think that the Puritans were right, in saying that it doesn't matter very much.


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