• 对于asp.net引擎处理每个请求将初始化每个已配置HTTP模块允许事件处理程序绑定处理请求期间所引发事件

    For each request processed by the ASP.NET engine, each configured HTTP module is initialized and allowed to wire up event handlers to the events raised during the processing of the request.


  • 可能还记得文章中的内容平面文件资源适配器通过轮询事件目录确定何时添加新的文件然后将内容转发模块

    As you might recall from the previous article, the flat file resource adapter polled the event directory to determine when new files were added and then forwarded the contents to the module.


  • 线程模块提供了许多同步原语包括信号量条件变量事件

    The threading module does provide many synchronization primatives, including semaphores, condition variables, events, and locks.


  • 注意现在事件如何模块中的关联

    Notice how the event is now associated with the macro from the library and the module.


  • 事件发生时适配器调用模块将与事件相关业务数据传递使用导出模块

    When an event occurs, the adapter calls your module and passes the business data related to that event to your module using the export.


  • 允许任意数量HTTP模块处理引发事件这与IISISAPI筛选器相似

    Allows an arbitrary number of HTTP modules handle the events that are raised, akin to IIS's ISAPI filters.


  • 此外主页包括可移动可收起侧边栏模块可以显示看过档案事件工作列表等内容

    Also new on the homepage are moveable, collapsible sidebar modules which can display things like who's been viewing your profile, events, job listings, applications you've added, and more.


  • 比方说,可以编写一个模块读取数据库输出SAX事件

    You can for example write a module that reads a table in a database and outputs a stream of SAX events.


  • 模块任何失败事件

    Any failed events in the module.


  • 构建器 (模块 com.icl.saxon.Builder )通知这些事件使用它们构造XML文档内存表示法

    The tree builder (module com.icl.saxon.Builder) is notified of these events, and uses them to construct an in-memory representation of the XML document.


  • 这样的情形Cairngor m中是行不通的,比如某个模块触发事件更新模型的时候。

    This paradigm breaks in Cairngorm for example when a module fires an event to update the model.


  • 需要CPAN的TimeHiRes模块才能提供处理TouchPad事件的亚秒级时间控制

    You also need the Time: : HiRes module from CPAN to provide subsecond timing control for processing TouchPad events.


  • 此外还需要X11GuiTest模块才能把syntheticXWindow事件发送应用程序

    In addition, you need the X11: : GuiTest module to send synthetic X Window events to applications.


  • 此外,还需要使用X11:GUITest模块合成X事件发送应用程序(参见参考资料)。

    In addition, the X11: : GUITest module is required for sending synthetic X events to applications (see Resources).


  • GUITest模块XTest提供了一个健壮包装器,可以显著提高事件处理效率

    The X11::GUITest module provides a robust wrapper around the XTest library for much more efficient handling of events.


  • 模块必须作为一个浏览器事件侦听器实现,目的是为接收下载以及文档相关事件

    This module must register as an event listener with the browser in order to receive the notification of downloads and document-specific events. By making use of ATL smart Pointers.


  • jQueryEvents模块Web应用程序添加交互性一步因为事件通常页面发生事情的触发器。

    The events module in jQuery is really the first step in building interaction to a Web application, since events are commonly the trigger for things to happen on the page.


  • 我们使用UriGuttman优秀的FileReadBackwards模块反向查看日志文件以寻找某些有趣的事件(必须CPAN安装File: ReadBackwards)。

    We'll use Uri Guttman's excellent file: : ReadBackwards module to look through a log file backwards for interesting events. (You have to install file: : ReadBackwards from CPAN.)


  • 规则项目可以引用 CEIEventBOM模块定义一个ilog.connector.ibm.runtime.EventContainer类型变量,从而把CEI事件发送ProcessServer

    The rule project can reference the CEIEventBOM module and define a variable with type ilog.connector.ibm.runtime.EventContainer to emit CEI events to Process Server.


  • usermode - helperAPI内核重要部分,这是由于广泛多样用途(内核模块加载设备热插拔到udev事件发布)。

    The usermode-helper API is an important aspect to the kernel, given its wide and varying use (from kernel module loading, device hot-plugging, and event distribution for udev).


  • 可以认为fragment就像一个activity中的模块提供自己生命周期接收用户的输入事件并且可以activity运行时添加移除

    You can think of a fragment as a modular section of an activity, which has its own lifecycle, receives its own input events, and which you can add or remove while the activity is running.


  • Events模块两个函数,它们是bindunbind,用于完成所有其他事件方法任务。

    In the Events module, there are two functions, called bind and unbind , that appear on the surface to duplicate the efforts of all the other event methods.


  • 提供如何模块应用程序,以及如何应用程序不同层次处理事件等很多方面早期指导

    He provide a lot of the early guidance of how to modularize the application, how to handle events at different layers of the applications, etc.


  • 由于JSR 172中的远程调用模块进行的,而且如果事件线程调用用户界面冻结直到远程调用结束

    This is because remote invocations in JSR 172 are blocking calls, and if invoked in the main event thread, the user interface will freeze until the remote invocation completes.


  • 包含导出模块使用事件时,事件会删除事件

    When the module containing the export consumes the event, the event table removes the event.


  • 有效的DAPI编码可以模块的,也可以是面向事件的。

    Effective DAPI coding can be either blocking or event-oriented.


  • 同样,ASP.NET提供了HTTP模块,该模块可以响应asp.net引擎引发事件

    In a similar vein, ASP.NET provides HTTP modules that can respond to the events raised by the ASP.NET engine.


  • 所有发布Businessevents活动都按照逻辑顺序通过ESB中的中介模块,此模块会将特定业务对象转换为Business Events所需通用事件结构

    All events published to business events flow logically through a mediation module in ESB, which transforms the specific business object into the generic event structure required by business events.


  • 为了达到那个目的线程模块提供许多同步化原生支持包括事件条件变量信号灯

    To that end, the threading module provides a number of synchronization primitives including locks, events, condition variables, and semaphores.


  • 为了达到那个目的线程模块提供许多同步化原生支持包括事件条件变量信号灯

    To that end, the threading module provides a number of synchronization primitives including locks, events, condition variables, and semaphores.


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