• 本文侵占若干争议问题进行了析。

    This paper analyses several controversy problems on the accusation of occupation.


  • 双方重申争议问题不是中菲双边关系全部

    Both sides affirm that contentious issues are not the sum total of the China-Philippines bilateral relationship.


  • 即使106被废除,仍然其他有关衍生品争议问题

    Even if Section 106 is dropped, there are other controversial derivatives-related issues.


  • 中国愿意通过平等对话双边谈判方式解决争议问题

    China is willing to resolve any disputes through dialogues on the basis of equality and by means of bilateral consultation and negotiation.


  • •萨科齐的发言人周一争议问题发表评论

    A spokeswoman for Jean Sarkozy said on Monday that he didn't want to comment on the controversy.


  • 近日莫斯科举办一次国际峰会讨论北冰洋领土主权争议问题

    An international summit convened in Moscow to discuss competing territorial claims to the Arctic Ocean.


  • 知道全球化争议问题难以是否或者的。

    I know globalization is a controversial issue, and it is hard to say whether it is good or bad.


  • 建议美国可以解决南海主权争议问题扮演一个诚实中介人角色

    She suggested that the US could play a role as an honest broker in resolving the South China Sea claims.


  • 最后对于目前一些关于中国地产市场热点、争议问题进行了分析解释。

    At last, analyses and defecate the hotspots and disputes about the real estate in China.


  • 这些知识分子认为奥巴马上任初期一些争议问题动摇中美中欧关系

    What they all agree is that a number of contentious issues might shake the relationship between China and the US - and that with Europe - quite early in the Obama presidency.


  • 未决争议问题上,中国有关各方就争议地区保持和平稳定通过和平手段解决问题达成共识。

    As for the outstanding disputes and issues, China has reached consensus with the parties concerned to maintain peace and stability in the disputed areas and resolve the issues through peaceful means.


  • 如果在就争议问题报告非某事件,那么首先你要读者注意到主角他们之间的冲突

    If you're reporting on an issue rather than an event, first get the reader interested by zeroing in onthe main players and their conflict.


  • 双方讨论时彬彬有礼,不可避免结论是:中美这个争议问题依然存在很大分歧。

    The discussion was civil, but the conclusion inescapable: The two countries remain far apart on the divisive subject.


  • 在十九世纪后期美国当时几个国际争议问题派出代表进行斡旋其中之一英国委内瑞拉之间的争端

    The United States also offered to serve as a negotiator in several international disputes during the late eighteen hundreds. One dispute involved Britain and Venezuela.


  • 去年一次逃避联合国安理会追究核装置问题努力中,伊朗提出3周内解决所有明显争议问题

    Last year, in an effort to avoid being referred to the Security Council for its egregious breaches of nuclear safeguards, Iran offered to clear up all outstanding issues in just three weeks.


  • 并未触及原作道德复杂性,没有达到预期高度,而沦为一次将争议问题一带而过的迥娱乐体验

    While it fails to reach the height it aspires to —namely the novel's moral complexity — it's quite an entertaining experience with some timely issues on its mind.


  • 文章主要探究干预质的规定性,并基础上对经济法体系几个争议问题作了一点探讨

    The article mostly probes into the qualitative difference of two kinds of public right intervention, on this base, it also discusses some disputed problems existing in the system of the economic law.


  • 修订后长达370和解协议已于周六美国法院,由其呈交司法部解决第一版协议的争议问题

    A revised 370-page settlement was submitted to a us judge on Saturday, which sought to address the Department of Justice's initial objections.


  • 虽然司法部发布现在备受争议问题官方答案,但是社交媒体用户们已经他们自己的选择做出了辩解

    Though the official answer to the now infamous question has not been released by the Ministry of Justice, social media users have argued for their own choices.


  • 这些形式存在不同争议笔者通过列举说明方式受贿罪共同犯罪进行说明,并且引出存在主要争议问题

    In these forms of existence, the author lists different dispute that way for bribery crime, and leads to explain the main issues exist.


  • 发生了万络其他安全争议问题之后,“美国民众不在相信FDA能够保护他们健康,”就职FDA顾问团的

    After Vioxx and other safety controversies, "the American people no longer trust the FDA to protect their health," said Nissen, who has served on FDA advisory panels.


  • 收养机构两位干细胞科学家詹姆斯L .谢利博士特里萨。德舍博土,还有胚胎提供者及其他人,于去年提出这场诉讼争议问题

    The lawsuit at issue was brought last year on behalf of the adoption agency; two stem cell scientists, Dr. James L. Sherley and Dr. Theresa Deisher; embryos; and others.


  • 制裁预计位居具有争议问题之列。

    Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues.


  • 几十年来,模特一直争议焦点两名研究人员表示模特体重应该职场健康安全问题

    Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades, and two researchers say a model's body mass should be a workplace health and safety issue.


  • 更多研究可能会引发更多问题制造更多争议

    More research might just raise more questions and create more controversies.


  • 竞争对于一个群落组成特定物种密度的决定程度多大,一直是相当有争议问题

    To what extent competition determines the composition of a community and the density of particular species has been the source of considerable controversy.


  • 大选当天仍然认为艾尔因为好的势头,并且争议问题上的主张都是正确的。

    Going into election day, I still thought Al would win because he had the momentum and he was right on the issues.


  • 大选当天仍然认为艾尔因为好的势头,并且争议问题上的主张都是正确的。

    Going into election day, I still thought Al would win because he had the momentum and he was right on the issues.


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