• 这个信息帮助更好了解客户准确瞄准市场行为

    This information helps you understand your customers better and targets marketing activities more accurately.


  • 随着市场技术变化,随着Scrum团队更加深入地了解客户需求以及如何最好去实现它们,需求也是改变或者废弃的。

    As markets and technologies change and as the Scrum team gains more knowledge about how customer needs can best be met, requirements also change or become obsolete.


  • 我们发现尤其是市场如此不确定之时,客户对待我们宏观研究报告一样急切希望了解活泼轻松观点

    Particularly when the markets are so uncertain, we find that what is meant to be a lighthearted view is as eagerly read as our macroeconomic research reports.


  • 市场分析需要了解市场客户需求客户什么,怎样争取客户

    Market Analysis: you need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.


  • 学习了解客户统计数据市场机遇以及关于生意其他方面肯定没有其他方法在充分调查后时间制作商业计划更好

    There is absolutely no better way to learn about your customer demographics, marketing opportunities and other aspect of your business than to spend time creating a well-researched business plan.


  • 市场细分——目标客户群体了解不懂市场领域不同需求

    Market segment - the group of customers to target, recognizing that different market segments have different needs.


  • 因此需要精心设计你的市场推广材料,最后要能达到一种引导效果,首先能够帮助你的潜在客户了解你,然后让他们产生信任感,最后自然就要同你建立合作关系了。

    Your marketing materials should be designed in a way that guides your prospects logically along a path from education to trust to wanting to build a relationship.


  • 经常新兴市场拜访客户了解客户需求之余,乘机考察当地的产品趋势顾客口味

    Zou: I have often called on to customers in emerging markets, understanding of customer needs, but also the opportunity to inspect the product trends and tastes of customers.


  • 必须了解市场客户需求然后去找相关技术解决方案这样成功可能性才会大。

    Must first understand the market and customer needs, and then find the relevant technical solutions, so the possibility of success will be greater.


  • 达成认知:即持续地组织活动,以增进细分市场目标客户了解他们对产品服务有所认知的流程

    Awareness: the process of conducting on-going efforts to understand target market segments and accounts and to create awareness with them of products and services.


  • 及时了解市场趋势竞争对手活动以及客户销售会议每月报告中的反馈

    Keep abreast and report on market trends, competitor's activities and client feedback in sales meetings and monthly reports.


  • 了解海外房产市场法律法规相关移民制度负责客户接待提供海外置业咨询服务

    Know overseas real estate market regulations and related immigration system; be responsible for customer reception; provide overseas real estate consulting services.


  • 提出证券行业数据仓库基础实施客户关系管理,从而更好地了解客户需求,保持良好客户关系提高市场核心竞争力

    The article presents the application of customer relationship Management based on Data Warehouse in security trade for keeping good relationships with customers and promoting core competitive.


  • 做好赠品行,一定要勤快了解许多资讯才能满足客户顺应市场要求

    Want this one to make good manners gift, must diligent, know a lot of new information, ability satisfies a client, comply with the requirement of the market.


  • 另外通过戴尔细分市场研究可以了解戴尔是如何客户细分、产品细分的。

    In addition, after the analysis of Dell's precise classification of market, we can get to know how Dell has classified its clients and products.


  • 可以预见一旦他们进入市场提成销售人员自然就把重点放在赚取更多提成上,而不是拜访更多客户了解需求

    Can be predicted is, once they enter the market, by taking a cut of sales people naturally focus on the earn more commissions, not to call on more customers, understand the demand.


  • 发现了客户交流之前首先了解客户需求明确目标市场这样有利于开拓业务

    Also found in the exchanges with the client, first to understand customer needs, that is a clear target market, which would also help develop business.


  • 为了提高市场占有率充分了解客户购买行为确定正确信用风险策略建立信用卡中心风险评估系统十分重要

    It's very important to establish credit card risk assessment system to increase the market share, fully understanding customer buying behavior and making the correct credit risk strategy.


  • 市场细分特点越多经理客户了解就越准确。

    The more characteristics the market is segmented by, the more precise the manager's knowledge of the customer is.


  • 基于营销集中控制推销产品的,那么通过现代市场概念重点了解客户传统

    Traditional based marketing focused con pushing products through whereas the modern market concept focused on understanding the customer.


  • 了解国际学校教育市场熟悉上海外籍人士社交圈,潜在客户渠道

    Knowledge of the education market of international school. Be familiar with foreigner social circle in Shang Hai and have the potential customer channel.


  • 品质稳定供应专业配方技术市场了解能够客户提供具有创造价值的解决方案

    A steady supply of high quality, professional skills and the recipe's understanding of the market, able to offer our customers a value-creating solutions.


  • 起初认真的学习专业知识踏实了解市场积极寻找客户

    In the beginning I studied specialty hardly and to comprehend market steadfastly and to look for client actively.


  • 国内市场有利可图外国人这些东西应当要多少钱相当了解国内客户开始庆祝圣诞他们没有概念

    The domestic market is more profitable, foreigners know how much these things should cost, but domestic customers have just started celebrating Christmas and they have no idea.


  • 国内相关市场深入了解成熟有经验顾问强大的数据库专业操作流程我们客户提供服务基础

    The foundations of our services are deep understanding of the local relative market, mature and experienced consultants, strong database and professional procedures.


  • 需要管理层团队了解市场特征,并专注客户质量和持续的提高

    This requires executives and a team that understands the parameters, and is focused on customers, quality, and continuous improvement.


  • 美华达了解,“时间就是金钱”,客户特别是获得产品推向市场

    AMIDA understands that "time is money" for its customers, particularly when getting new products to market.


  • 熟悉CBU出版物内容,以便了解行业不同领域市场客户

    Familiarization with the content of CBU publications to understand the market and players in different segments of the industry.


  • 不够一个基本了解市场客户

    It's not enough to have a general knowledge of the market and the customer.


  • 了解竞争产品价格性能,与客户保持密切接触分析价格变化趋势,掌握市场情报

    Maintain a high level of market intelligence by monitoring the performance of competition product and analyzing price change trend through close contact with customer.


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