• 头发乱糟糟

    Her hair was a mass of tangles.


  • 现实中,尽管盖茨头发总是乱糟糟的,又长着张娃娃脸,不修边幅可是个老练的生意人,走一步都成竹在胸。

    In reality, Gates is a smooth operator who, despite his uncombed hair, baby face and disheveled appearance, knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way.


  • 留着花白杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。

    The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.


  • 。 但庆幸的是做为那个年纪的孩子算很有范儿宽松绿T恤乱糟糟头发

    Thankfully low, as she rocks a look suitable for her age: baggy green T-shirt and scruffy hair.


  • 魅力指数?。但庆幸的是做为那个年纪的孩子算很有范儿宽松绿t恤乱糟糟头发

    Glamour rating? Thankfully low, as she rocks a look suitable for her age: baggy green T-shirt and scruffy hair.


  • 眼镜很普通,头发乱糟糟团,不论怎么梳理都弄不好。

    My glasses were a cheap over-the-counter pair and my hair a tangle mop, no matter what I did.


  • 这位曾经俄亥俄州第17选区推选众议员经常头发乱糟糟地出现在公众场合,毫无顾忌。2002年他因被认定犯有受贿诈骗逃税等罪名而遭美国两院除名

    James Traficant, a defiantly unkempt Congressman elected nine times by Ohio's 17th district, was expelled from the House in 2002 after being convicted of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion.


  • 《现代爱情故事》里面米歇尔菲佛头发纠缠在一起,看上去乱糟糟的。 在《尽善尽美》里面的海伦亨特(饰演一个女侍者)和《灵幻夹克》里面的凯拉奈特利(饰演一个女侍者)的发型也同样如此。

    Michelle Pfeiffer's hair in Frankie and Johnny is matted and messy, as is (waitress) Helen Hunt's in As Good as It Gets, and (waitress) Keira Knightley's in The Jacket.


  • 选择将自己部分头发束成紧贴的玉米垄,并把其余卷发编成乱糟糟的脏辫——显然她想这种“头发远离面部”的方式避免对手扭打中受干扰。

    The judo star opted to wear her hair in tight cornrows with the rest of her locks piled into a messy up 'do - clearly as a way to keep her hair away from her face whilst wrestling on the mat.


  • 游泳者湿头发乱糟糟结成一团。

    The swimmer's wet hair was matted together.


  • 欧洲迪斯尼乐园中心美国大马路”建一个旧时的和谐理发店处理乱糟糟头发胡子拉碴下巴”,也许还要管管唇上须。

    "Main Street, USA", the heart of Euro Disneyland, it promises, will feature an old time "Harmony Barber Shop" to deal with "messy hair and hairy chins" - and perhaps even offending mustaches.


  • 女孩子美丽脸上涂上层发臭油膏,把她漂亮头发弄得乱糟糟

    She smeared the girl's face with a slice of smelly ointment, and she made the girl's beautiful hair into a mess.


  • 坐在车子副驾驶位子上,顶着乱糟糟头发

    I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car.


  • 外套已经撕破了,还沾泥巴头发乱糟糟的,脸上还有瘀伤。

    Her coat is muddy and torn, her hair is dishevelled and her face is bruised.


  • 一次被推开了,不过进来的是老者身上穿着有些破旧衣服头发乱糟糟的,但是一双看起来和蔼的眼睛惹人讨厌看着的打扮十分乞讨者

    The door was again pushed away, but in a old man, was dressed in some old clothes, hair is a mess, but there are a pair of looks very nice eyes, don't hate, looking at his dress very like the beg.


  • 这样增加一点高度绝不会什么坏处能防止头发变得乱糟糟的。

    Like this will increase at 1:00 elevation, in no case will have what wrong area, and then keep hair from appropriate untidy.


  • 没有受到群野蛮人影响,依然是来自城外的头发乱糟糟天才能够混乱局面中压住阵脚,施加秩序理性

    He was uncorrupted by the yahoos and remained the wild-haired genius from out of town able to impose order and reason on chaos 19.


  • 很奇妙的生化宝宝洗浴品,能宝宝乱糟糟头发变得服贴。

    Fantastic biodegradable baby wash! Great for taming my baby's frizzy hair too! Smells Great.


  • 第一个女孩自命得意的说:“你们知道有个好的约会回来的时候你的头发肯定是乱糟糟的。”(趟床上乱搞,把头发弄乱了?)

    The first one came in and said with a smug look on her face, "you know you've been on a good date when you come home with your hair all messed up."


  • 第一个女孩自命得意的说:“你们知道有个好的约会回来的时候你的头发肯定是乱糟糟的。”(趟床上乱搞,把头发弄乱了?)

    The first one came in and said with a smug look on her face, "you know you've been on a good date when you come home with your hair all messed up."


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