• 我们知道心跳在加剧,攀登书山也将接受严峻考验

    We know the hearts are beating faster and faster, everybody will accept the acid test.


  • 孟岩的书山模糊了书架博古区别加以碟片收藏当代功能

    Yan Meng's Mountain Library not only blurs the distinction between a bookshelf and a cabinet of curiosities, but also incorporates the contemporary function of a CD collection.


  • 深信,“书山径,学海无涯苦作舟”,最好的伙伴,它让我学到了更多知识懂得真理什么

    I believe, "there is no royal road to learning". Books are my best friend, I learn more knowledge, and know what truth is.


  • 第一本书——《世界战争》中,预言两个亚洲强国因为喜马拉雅山疆界缅甸制海权问题而逐鹿沙场

    In my first book, war at the Top of the World, I predicted the two Asian giants would go to war over their Himalayan border, Burma, and sea control.


  • 家珍巴特勒需要城市撤退丛林中的迷人小屋,开始下一本书

    Writer Jennifer Hills (Butler) takes a retreat from the city to a charming cabin in the woods to start on her next book.


  • 这些去年山版的。

    These books were published last year.


  • 灵梦红色城堡不是真的城堡。这本故事赤城山传说,红色城堡

    Reimu: And the "Red castle" is not a real castle. The story of your book is the legend of the Mount Akagi. the "Red castle Mountain".


  • 摩西和帮手约书亚起来,上了

    And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God.


  • 按照亚书》里的说法,耶路撒冷锡安山就是上帝地方根据《诗篇》,那里也是大卫王的地方。

    Jerusalem or Zion, is a place where the Lord is King according to Isaiah, and where he has installed his King David, as quoted in the Psalms.


  • 大顶山支沟泥石流防治工程日常维护设计书的要求进行。

    The prevention projects for the debris flow must be maintained normally according to the project design.


  • 简单问题像是包括哪些如何引证我们资料来源、什么时候碰面、以及如何期限内完成,变得喜马拉雅山的山峰更难克服。

    Simple questions like which books to include, how to quote our sources, when to meet, and how to deal with deadlines, became often more in-surmountable, than the next mountain peak in the Himalaya.


  • 第六银雀山汉简《六韬》词汇研究在辞书编纂价值我们从增补义项提前始见书、增补例证、补充新词几个方面加以说明。

    Chapter VI is YHL on the terms of the value of the lexicography, we add to the meaning of items, see the example in advance, add the example and new words to illustrate several aspects.


  • 摩西上西那里接受刻有条诫命的法板的时候,约书亚摩西带到山上。

    It was Joshua whom Moses took with him up into Mt. Sinai when Moses received the Ten Commandments on stone tablets.


  • 女人端庄秀丽。女人是,柔情纯净。好女人是充满智慧。好女人是安全可靠。好女人是芳香美丽

    A good woman is dignified and handsome like mountain, pure and soft like water, full of intelligence like a book, safe and dependable like a harbour, beautiful and fragrant like a flower.


  • 因为随着人们生活水平快速提高生活节奏的加快,更多希望忙碌之余,享受生活,回归自然感受,回味山有水如画意境。

    As people living standard, the rhythm of life has increased rapidly, more and more people hope in busy, enjoy life, nature, feeling really mountain true water, have water as the picturesque.


  • 山得拉、歇危机杂志指出作者布朗不仅仅追求圣杯故事整个重新诠释圣杯传说

    As Sandra Miesel points out in Crisis magazine, Brown's "book is more than just the story of a quest for the Grail - he wholly reinterprets the Grail legend."


  • 喜欢户外活动运动,如行山,羽毛球游水踏单车跑步等时会睇,上网,睇音乐假期时去旅行

    I like outdoor activities and sports especially hiking, badminton, swimming, cycling and jogging. I love seeing movie, reading and listening music at leisure time. I like travelling in vacation.


  • 唐朝绰咸通三年(公元862年)出使云南所著的《蛮》中记载城界诸山,散收。”

    D., Fanzhuo was sent on a diplomatic mission to Yunnan. There were records in his "Man Book" that "Tea is planted in the boundary mountains of Yingsheng City, but no process methods."


  • 山映斜阳天接水,一杯咖啡阳光,一本书,一个下午……青山绿水的夏湾驿站将给快乐的绿道骑行宁静的享受。

    A cup of coffee, a thread of sunshine, a book, a whole afternoon……Havana Station can bring you a happy journey and joyful time.


  • 山映斜阳天接水,一杯咖啡阳光,一本书,一个下午……青山绿水的夏湾驿站将给快乐的绿道骑行宁静的享受。

    A cup of coffee, a thread of sunshine, a book, a whole afternoon……Havana Station can bring you a happy journey and joyful time.


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