• 这个理念首次哈佛商业评论篇文章提出后来扩展哈默詹姆斯钱皮——一家咨询公司CSC指数创始共同撰写

    The idea, first propounded in an article in Harvard Business Review, was later expanded into a book that Hammer wrote with James Champy, the founder of CSC Index, a consulting firm.


  • 胡品(音译)公司创始

    Pin Ho is founder of Mirror Books Ltd.


  • AEG发言迈克尔·罗斯表示公司目前没有看到起诉,暂回应

    AEG spokesman Michael Roth said the company had not seen the lawsuit and had no immediate comment.


  • 一家领先能源咨询公司创建,写过本广受赞誉,其中《石油风云》最为著名一部关于石油的鸿篇巨制,讲述石油从被发现1990年的历史。

    Yergin, the founder of a leading energy consulting firm, is the author of several acclaimed books, most notablyThe Prize, ” a monumental history of oil from its discovery to 1990.


  • 起诉称,采用了“不正当手段钢铁公司手中获取了中国方面的商业秘密

    The indictment also alleges the four used 'improper' means to obtain Chinese commercial secrets from steelmakers.


  • 美国证券交易委员会的起诉,2005年底线遇到财务困难,曾试图重新加入拉贾拉特南的公司

    The informant sought to rejoin Mr. Rajaratnam in late 2005 when facing financial difficulties, according to the SEC complaint.


  • 公司法定代表签署申请变更申请

    Alteration application signed by the legal representative of the company;


  • 企鹅公司创始艾伦雷恩爵士认为,出版商的目标广大群众出版高质量简装,他将为企鹅公司推出彼德安德鲁或者Ant&Dec些什么呢?

    What would Penguin's founder, Sir Allen Lane, whose aim was to publish quality paperbacks for the masses, have made of Penguin putting out books "by" Peter Andre or Ant &Dec?


  • 迈克尔·埃斯纳(MichaelEisner)是迪士尼公司以前老板最近专门写了这个问题进行了分析,名是:“合伙经营:伟大的合伙成功的秘诀”。

    Michael Eisner, a former boss of Disney, devoted a recent book to it, "Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed".


  • 采购公司代理申请密封投标邀请规定时间地址提交借款

    Purchasing company should seal up the application and submit to the borrower according to the date and address stipulated in tendering invitation.


  • 上周该政策发布前,脸公司创始首席执行官马克e·扎克伯格透露明年第一个孩子出生后,打算个月

    Thee announcement comes after the company's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed last week that he would be taking two months off work when his first child is born next year.


  • 上周政策发布前,脸公司创始首席执行官马克·扎克伯格透露明年第一个孩子出生后,打算个月

    The announcement comes after the company's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed last week that he would be taking two months off work when his first child is born next year.


  • 收购应当将上市公司收购报告同时提交证券交易所

    The acquirer shall simultaneously submit the report on acquisition of the listed company to the stock exchange.


  • 问及福克视频事件时候,一名发言给《赫芬顿邮报》提供了该公司对视频直播标准现行解释。

    When asked about the Norfolk video, a Facebook spokeswoman referred the Huffington Post to the company's recent explanation of its live video standards.


  • 哈佛商学院教授、《创始困境》一作者诺姆·沃瑟曼最近的一项研究发现,65%的初创公司因为管理团队内部问题而遭遇失败

    According to research by Noam Wasserman, Harvard Business School professor and author of The Founder's Dilemmas, 65% of startups fail due to problems within management teams.


  • 除了畅销作者之外,波特还是全球著名咨询公司摩力特的创始

    Apart from being a bestselling author, Porter also found time to set up a successful global consulting firm called Monitor.


  • 申请可转换为股票公司债券上市交易应当报送保荐出具的上市保荐

    To apply for the listing and trading of corporate bonds convertible into shares, a company shall also furnish an instrument of sponsorship for listing produced by a sponsor.


  • 收购应当将前款规定公司收购报告同时提交证券交易所

    The purchaser shall simultaneously submit to the stock exchange a copy of the report on the takeover of the company, as specified in the preceding paragraph.


  • 委托时均填写申请表公司相关部门核对申请事由,报请公司法定代表同意后给予办理

    Written application form should be filed for requesting letter of authorization, reviewed by concerning department and approved by corporate legal representative, before being processed.


  • 第七借款3以上(3家)采购公司同时发出投标邀请(格式1)。

    Article 7 the borrower should send tendering invitation (see Appendix 1 for the pattern) to more than three (including three) purchasing companies at the same time.


  • 畅销作者TheEnergyProject公司创始托尼·施瓦茨认为我们需要我们每天工作中重新恢复我们的活力

    Best-selling author and founder of The energy Project, Tony Schwartz, argues that we have to build renewal of our energy into our work day.


  • 女性发言表示,通常制药商会在正式申请4 ~6个月位于伦敦的管理机构发送份意向因此意味着到2010年末该公司将会递交一份正式申请

    Drugmakers typically send a letter of intent to the London-based watchdog four to six months before a formal application, a spokeswoman said, so this would imply a filing toward the end of 2010.


  • 那时开始制片公司投稿剧本计划。经过许多侮辱拖延。我明白了要是想电影就必须是自己的制片

    I started to submit screenplays and projects to production companies. It was a series of years of humiliations and setbacks. I knew I would never make a film unless I became my own producer.


  • 那时开始制片公司投稿剧本计划。经过许多侮辱拖延。我明白了要是想电影就必须是自己的制片

    I started to submit screenplays and projects to production companies. It was a series of years of humiliations and setbacks. I knew I would never make a film unless I became my own producer.


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