• 人和动物区别只是容量结构差异因为他们永远逃避他们脑海里的想法。

    There are no difference between human beings and animals except for the capacity and the structure of the brain.


  • 人和动物区别只是容量结构的差异,因为他们永远逃避他们脑海想法。

    There are no difference between human beings and animals except for the capacity and the structure of the brain. Because they never escape for the mind which are engraved on their mind.


  • 二者小心地赤字控制限度之内,并且都根据稳定增长协议偿还债务——不像德国2003以来,年都将条约置之不理(并且也逃避惩罚)。

    Both meticulously kept within the limits for deficits and debts set down by the stability and growth pact-unlike Germany, which flouted the rules for four years from 2003 (and avoided punishment).


  • 失败成功垫脚石没有失败我们不会学会怎样成功所以与其害怕逃避失败不如尝试失败?

    Failures are the stepping stones to success. Without failure, we'll never learn how to succeed. So try to fail, instead of trying to avoid failure through fear.


  • 承认自己之所以要求接纳到后备役军官训练军团,是因为惟一一个两全其美方法,既可能(但并不一定)让我逃避越南战场,而且算是服了兵役。

    I also admitted that I had asked to be accepted in the ROTC program because it was the only way I could possibly, but not positively, avoid both Vietnam and resistance.


  • 利用先天遗传后天环境借口,一定程度上逃避自己创造自己的责任同时使自己滑向痛苦深渊

    For the degree you choose to avoid responsibility for creating your self, using nature or nurture, you are making-up-a-self sliding into a dark pit of pain.


  • 接纳它会管用因为逃避不能离开寻找其它方法不会让它消失忽视不会减少你的痛苦

    Acceptance helps because avoiding it doesn't make it go away, looking the other way doesn't make it disappear, and ignoring it does not make it any less painful.


  • 往往一些出于好意的人和被误导了使我们逃避是因为他们狂热

    Often well-meaning and misguided people can cause us to avoid God because of their fanaticism. Here are the types of religious fanatics I've observed over the years.


  • 美国的贷款购房者有可能逃避债务因为许多抵押资产无追索权”,就是说放贷者不能追踪借贷者的其它资产

    American homeowners are also much more likely to walk away from their debts because many mortgages are "non-recourse", meaning that lenders cannot come after borrowers' other assets.


  • 逃避他们国内义务容易

    Escaping their domestic obligations will not be easy, either.


  • 尽管同事自己给其他同事)找了活——没有这些职位,没有这些同事,就没有这些活儿——不是那种逃避任务

    Beset as he is with problems created by his colleagues for themselves and for him—created by the mere fact of these officials' existence—he is not the man to shirk his duty.


  • 一方面,中国人烟花很强的忍耐力那天晚上即使毁坏了事物逃避惩罚。

    On the other hand, we Chinese have great tolerance for fireworks; it's one night when you can do some damage and get away with it.


  • 不会逃避现实不会拒绝以往错误获取经验,不再因此而促成自己的失败。

    Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes.


  • 无法逃避的,同时这么没什么

    That is inescapable, and there’s nothing wrong with doing it.


  • 但是事实不容忽视,大部分艰难时刻下取得成功的艺术作品都似乎逃避者。

    Yet it is a fact that the art forms that thrive most in hard times tend to be escapist.


  • 知道自己拥有了一个逃避上越南战场机会某个人天内登上大巴应该登上辆车。

    I knew I had a chance to avoid Vietnam, but somebody will be getting on that bus in ten days and it may be that I should be getting on it too.


  • 事实上运气好的人并非通过自己努力得到利益,坏人常常逃避惩罚

    The Truth: The beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it, and bad people often get away with their actions without consequences.


  • 达尔文一样南丁格尔为了一心扑在工作身体羸弱为借口逃避社交

    Like Darwin, Florence Nightingale could focus ruthlessly on her work because of the invalidism which allowed her to retreat from social life.


  • 可是认为很多是惧怕这些问题的,他在书中写道:“我们的生命中确实存在一些基本的并且重要的事情这些只能无所事事教给我们,我们却会本能地逃避。”

    However, he thinks many people fear these questions. He writes, "There is something basically important about us that only boredom can teach us, but we naturally flee from it."


  • 机会逃避这天,更近悲叹

    No chance of me locking myself away for the day, bemoaning the fact that I am one year nearer to death!


  • 为了逃避这件事一些男人只能他们袖子甚至炎炎夏日他们会这样做。

    To avoid it, some men just keep their sleeves rolled downeven in the summer.


  • 自己计划研究怎样孩子逃避合作

    She said she also plans to look into what children get out of working together.


  • 希礼了,逃避

    Oh, Ashley you're wrong. I do want to escape, too.


  • 它们企图逃走“,。”你们知道,这个世界没有逃避主义者的容身之地。

    "They were trying to escape," said the wolves, "and, as you know, there is no world for escapists."


  • 有些觉得他们可以逃避应对气候变化的协议,不过科学研究会得出的信息这些信息可能这些人提供不切实际希望同时可能断掉他们逃避的协议的念想。

    And because research creates new information, it is as likely to disabuse those who think they can avoid climate-change agreements as it is to offer them false hope.


  • 它们企图逃走“,狼说。”你们知道这个世界决没有逃避主义者的容身之地。

    "They were trying to escape," sad the wolves, "and, as you know, there is no wor1d for escapists."


  • 它们企图逃走“,狼说。”你们知道,这个世界没有逃避主义者的容身之地。

    "They were trying to escape," sad the wolves, "and, as you know, there is no world for escapists."


  • 它们企图逃走“,狼说。”你们知道,这个世界没有逃避主义者的容身之地。

    "They were trying to escape," sad the wolves, "and, as you know, there is no world for escapists."


- 来自原声例句

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