• 跌倒路上擦伤膝盖双手但是不重,车子撞坏。

    The fall onto the road grazed my knees and hands, but too not badly.


  • 越上空击中落地时,浑身伤痕累累膝盖断裂,一个肩膀只胳膊骨折,捕获的那些人拒绝其校正

    He suffered extensive injuries when he was shot down over North vietnam-a broken knee, a broken shoulder and two broken arms that his captors refused to set.


  • 如果膝盖不犯毛病的话,慢跑多数时间是在跑步机上小时4.4英里速度进行缓坡走练习。

    He jogs if his knee doesn't bother him, but most often he walks on the treadmill at a speed of 4.4 miles per hour with a slight incline.


  • 母亲摔倒破了一个膝盖条腿扭伤了,走起来有点为了照顾她的速度他们开始慢慢往海滩前进。

    They began to jog up the beach, matching their speed to Mother, who was limping a little from having skinned one knee and twisted the other when she fell.


  • 可是我这里抱怨膝盖,你的背痛的要死,你的酸痛,你还半截楼梯就喘不上气来了。

    Then you come in here complaining about your knees hurting, your back is killing you, your feet ache, and you can't breathe when you walk up half a flight of stairs.


  • 倘若伦敦马拉松冠军保拉拉克利夫在跑完艰苦比赛洗上一个冰块忍受将袋子豌豆敷在酸胀膝盖15分钟

    If London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe can take ice baths after a hard race, you can stand a bag of frozen peas against your sore knees for 15 minutes.


  • 左腿膝盖以下部分已经砸碎了。

    He left leg was smashed below the knee.


  • 在接受调查的1,000名家长中,大多数人表示他们坚持孩子晚餐膝盖上铺餐巾、离开餐桌时要打招呼,口中有食物时不要说话,等等。

    A majority of the 1, 000 parents surveyed also said they insist at dinner that children keep napkins in their laps, ask to be excused from the table and refrain from talking with a full mouth.


  • 身体向前,选择一个舒适姿势倚桌子可以膝盖支撑肘部眼睛

    Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting on your knees. Close your eyes.


  • 那时胆固醇血糖都很高(我的家族比较严重糖尿病肥胖症),还患有疝气膝盖不听使唤,同时睡眠窒息症

    My cholesterol was up, as was my blood sugar (there's diabetes as well as serious obesity in my family). I had a hernia, my knees were giving out, and I'd developed sleep apnea.


  • 姐姐老板对雇员要求很严格,只要晚到分钟就整整小时工资男士必须穿西装,而女士裙子的长度必须膝盖以下。 所以习惯用语runa tightship意思是严加管束。

    2:My sister works for a boss who runs a tight ship. Come five minutes late and you lose a whole hour's pay. The men all have to wear suits and the women must wear dresses below the knees.


  • 适应性这种机器人装有12个减震器膝盖能够弯曲(),四处行走

    Adaptable: The robot is fitted with 12 shock absorbers, can bend its knees (left) and is also able to walk around.


  • 身体向前,选择一个舒适的姿势倚着桌子可以膝盖支撑肘部

    Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting on your knees.


  • 明显的就是吃饭时候我们膝盖膝盖鞋底挨着鞋底、脚踝连着脚踝,他们怎么想不我们是怎么搅在一起的。

    While we were apparently eating, they never found out how our legs and hands met, pressing our knees together, touching each other's soles, or linking our ankles.


  • 航程最后小时内某些乘客甚至告知只能坐在座位,不能用毛毯盖住膝盖即使用书不行。

    Some passengers were even being told to stay in their seats, without blankets or even books on their laps, for the last hour of their flight.


  • 同样如果莲花坐时因为膝盖不能落到地板上,而用力下压膝盖的话,半月板造成莫大伤害

    Similarly, if you are in Lotus and your top knee is not on the floor, pushing that knee downward can apply enormous damaging force to the meniscus.


  • 苹果公司大量工作,使人们可以苹果机拿手里(放在膝盖上、胸口腿上),证明苹果机是多么适合我们生活,在所有的地方。

    And Apple has done a tremendous amount of work putting it in our hands (and on our knees, chests and laps), and showing us how it fits in our lives, in all the right places.


  • 疲劳妇女们把幼儿她们的膝盖如果幸运的话,你可以提出要一张折叠桌子

    Tired women held toddlers on their laps, and if you were lucky, you could claim a folding table.


  • 幸福夫妻总是很乐意看到在一起经常会亲密小举动——挽手,手搭在肩上、膝盖或者脖子上

    Happy couples are pleased to be seen together and are often in some kind of affectionate contact - hand on hand or hand on shoulder or knee or back of neck.


  • 文章同时指出,确定十个最相近膝盖准确率的数据为56%单

    It was also able to pick the ten closest matches to a particular knee 56% of the time.


  • 之前膝盖给了一个手掌抚上脸颊,吐出即使是自私的人渴望听到三个

    Before going, he kneeled down and gave me a long kiss, pressing his palm against the side of my face, and said those three words that even the most cynical of us long to hear.


  • 他睁开直叫膝盖得厉害,觉得得厉害。

    Edmond opened his eyes, complained of great pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and severe pains in his loins.


  • 尝试慢跑的时候间歇性膝盖冲刺休息放慢你的速度并且需要的时候可以慢跑。

    Try to do high knee sprints intermittently throughout your jog, but take breaks to slow your pace and jog when you need to.


  • 如果任何膝关节问题这个体式问题膝关节前面关节时,你可以转达前腿以便膝盖转些

    If you have any knee problem, when that knee is your front knee in this pose, you can turn your front foot outward more so your knee can also turn out.


  • 跑步增强你的心肌肉功能反过来可能损伤膝盖脚部骨骼

    Running can strengthen your heart and muscles, but conversely, it can also damage your knees and the bones in your feet.


  • 但是坚持下来了,膝盖感觉所以,我回来了,并且准备好了被选入阵容

    But I went out there and the knee felt fine so I am back and ready for selection.


  • 用餐期间不要把手放在膝盖上,不要把肘部搁餐桌上

    Do not keep your hands in your lap during the meal; however, do not rest your elbows on the table either.


  • 要是有个健康膝盖罗伊没问题。

    Well, with a healthy knee, Brandon Roy could have been, too.


  • 要是有个健康膝盖罗伊没问题。

    Well, with a healthy knee, Brandon Roy could have been, too.


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