• 黑夜过去了第二如此;但是,并没有人

    The night passed, the next day also; but nobody came to fetch the Shoes.


  • 第二脸色还是有点苍白,没什么力气感觉好多了

    The next day, I was still a bit pale and didn't have much energy, but I was feeling better.


  • 清洁工具——块湿抹布海绵——悬挂起来第二使用是很诱人的,不过那样使它们成为细菌的滋生地。

    It's tempting to leave your cleaning implementa damp rag or spongehanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.


  • 能快速学会适应想出创造性办法解决绘画中出现问题,进而创造性思维会成为第二天

    You also quickly learn to adapt and come up with creative solutions to the problems the painting presents, and thinking outside the box will become your second nature.


  • 二天,她又来了,说小鸟还是什么没说。

    The next day, she came back, saying that the bird still didn't say anything.


  • 如果从来没有听说过以上这些计划不要担心因为或许它们不是必要的。你所需要注意的是做计划应该成为你的第二天

    Don't worry if you haven't heard of some of these as they may not be necessary, just be aware that planning should become second nature to you.


  • 这些想法付诸行动生活越容易成为第二天,你的生活平衡平稳

    The more you put these ideas into practice in your life, the easier and more second nature they will be, and more balanced and stable your life will be.


  • 我们发现养成这样第二天

    We observe cats and dogs acquiring the same second nature.


  • 因为每个人看到排名第一他们好奇下载软件导致第二飙升

    Because everyone sees you're number one, they get curious and want to download your app as well, which led to the day two surge.


  • 这样报道铺天盖地常常令人困惑例如我们听到葡萄酒有益于健康但是第二获悉喝得太多会有引起乳癌风险。我们怎么做呢?

    It's overwhelming and often confusing: for instance, one day we hear that wine is good for heart health, but the next we learn that too much is a risk factor for breast cancer.


  • 睡得如此深沉以至于第二早晨醒来时候什么记得甚至了什么梦全然没有印象。

    I slept so deeply that when I woke up the next morning I didn't remember a thing - not even a trace of a dream.


  • 第二波特兰驶进了华盛顿州的西雅图,艘船带来了育空地区发现黄金

    The next day, the ship Portland landed in Seattle, Washington. It too carried men who had found gold in the Yukon.


  • 如果没有用尽当天时间存款,你可能留着明天之用,而且你可能预支第二的时间。

    If you fail to use up all of the day's deposits, you can't keep them for tomorrow. Neither can you draw from what will be put in the next morning.


  • 第二星期五又有一个矿工来访信后流下眼泪。

    The next day, Friday, another old miner came to visit. He asked to hear the letter.


  • 可以第二酒醒之后确定自己到底身处何处网站的一位创建人戈登·巴特勒打趣地说。

    "You can also use it the next day to find out where the Hell you have been," quipped the site's co-founder Gordon Butler.


  • 在家做饭便宜不会含有我们担心的配料,而且可以剩余留到第二

    Cooking at home is less expensive, there aren't any hidden ingredients, and you can have left overs for the next day.


  • 那个蓝色帽子来自太阳的瓶子的,一个扎着马尾女孩房子肩膀摇晃,帽子鼓起来了,的脸变得通红了,虽然这样的话第二损害她的,但是好像介意

    That blue cap came from a sun-block bottle, shaken by a pony-tailed girl over shoulders already too plump and pink, which would hurt her next day, though she didn't care.


  • 姊妹倒塌之后美国宇航局监控着曼哈顿上空地区第二他们的卫星下来了烟雾上升的照片。

    Nasa was asked to monitor the area above Manhattan after the Twin Towers came down and its satellite photographs the smoke rising from Ground Zero the following day.


  • 第二早上发现酒吧间的门椅子堵上了,家具挪动过。

    The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.


  • 可能知道睡眠不足不仅仅第二迷迷糊糊长期睡眠不足更可能让人糖尿病,抑郁症心血管疾病甚至还会长

    And, as you may know, lack of shut-eye doesn't just leave you foggy the next day: Chronic, long-term insufficient sleep ups your odds of diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, even weight gain.


  • 人们往往湿抹布清洁海绵等清洁用品悬挂起来第二继续使用不过那样使它们成为细菌的滋生地。

    It's tempting to leave your cleaning implement — a damp rag or spongehanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.


  • 第二挪威到了卑尔根。

    The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen.


  • 第二,一家雇用大量华工的羊毛针织厂遭到了围攻。

    On the next, there was an attack on a woolen mill employing many Chinese workers.


  • 假若仙女睡觉不会觉得第二天仙女们一样,蜷缩柔滑乳草荚里睡到中午

    If I met a fairy, I could stay awake all night without getting tired, then sleep all morning as fairies do, curled in a silky milkweed pod.


  • 第二丈夫弟弟搬家时,我父亲打电话想请阿洛帮忙

    The next day, while my husband, Arlo, was helping his brother move, my dad called hoping to also enlist Arlo's help.


  • 尽量做到每天按时入睡就算第二上午没事,不要因此睡。

    Try to go to bed at the same time every night, even if you only have an afternoon lecture the next day.


  • 第一穿了件泳衣到了第二,她想反正看得见,便迅速脱下泳衣让全身都可以得黑黑的。

    She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.


  • 我们知道第二活下来多少女人

    We also had no idea how many of the women would survive the next few days.


  • 我们知道第二活下来多少女人

    We also had no idea how many of the women would survive the next few days.


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