• 没有任何迹象表明会出现上世纪90年代预测的两人之间战争

    Nor is there any sign of the intergenerational warfare predicted in the 1990s.


  • 他们来说历史无辜的,没有带来巨大财富也没有发动战争:“一切真实的活生生的人带来的。”

    For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor waged battles: "It is man, real, living man who does all that."


  • 使哥本哈根在二战时期被纳粹占领,他们也没有参加战争

    Even while Copenhagen was under occupation by the Nazis during the World War Ⅱ, it still did not fight.


  • 出于练习目的我们假装玩过这个游戏没有看过战争游戏。

    Let's pretend, for the purposes of the exercise, that no one has ever played this before, and no one has watched War Games.


  • 但是战争出现使不能闲暇充分地对待这样重大的题目也没有机会查阅大量书籍文献验证印象

    The war - has deprived me both of leisure to treat adequately so great a theme and of opportunity to consult my library and my papers and to verify my impressions.


  • 俄罗斯官方媒体的报道不同的没有指责波兰挑起战争没有试图宣称苏联1939年9月17日对波兰入侵合法之举

    Unlike Russian official media in recent weeks, he did not blame Poland for starting the war, or try to claim that the Soviet Union's invasion of Poland on September 17th 1939 was justified.


  • 可口可乐公司随后法庭上取得了重新营业许可权在争取公众战争已经失败了工厂也没有再开张

    Coca-Cola later won permission in court to restart operations, but it had already lost the battle for public acceptance, and the plant never reopened.


  • 不像最近几周俄罗斯官方媒体普京没有责怪波兰发动战争没有设法1939年9月17号苏联入侵波兰的合理性作辩护

    Unlike Russian official media in recent weeks, he did not blame Poland for starting the war, or try to claim that the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland on September 17th 1939 was justified.


  • 人们纷纷猜测,战争升级还是战争冷却好开始谈判也没有真正预计到演讲内容

    There was speculation about whether he would escalate the war or cool it a little in the hope of starting negotiations, but nobody really saw what was coming.


  • 伊拉克运行美国战争机器慢慢逐步停转的程度:美国空军的统计数据,上个月美军伊拉克次空袭没有

    This is how far the U.S. war effort in Iraq has wound down: There wasn't a single American airstrike in Iraq last month, according statistics from the U.S. air Force.


  • 共和党也没有什么计划。然而当初监管减税卷入战争以及引发金融风暴正是共和党,他们才是美国大部分巨额财政赤字始作俑者。

    But then nor do the Republicans; and it was they, after all, who oversaw the tax cuts, the entry into two wars and the financial collapse that are the source of most of America's gigantic deficit.


  • 离岸置衡”策略没有保护战争影响平民也没有帮助他们建立自我保护能力。可以说,一策略没有很大的积极方面改善问题

    Instead of working with the people most affected and helping build their capacity to protect themselves, offshore balancing does little to change the problem in positive ways.


  • 一点回应时报记者篇“美国将领参战将士”的非公开性评论可以看出。评论指出阿富汗战争没有结束没有开始。”

    You can see evidence of this in a "U.S. general and war-fighter's" furtive comment to a Time reporter that in Afghanistan "there is no endgame and there hasn't been one from the start."


  • 那时日本人口缩减至2000万对于一个期间没有经历战争也没有遭遇饥荒国家来说,这种人口缩减是史无前例的。

    By then, Japan's population will have shrunk by around 20 million people, an unprecedented die off for a nation neither at war or blighted by famine.


  • 那时日本人口缩减至2000万对于一个期间没有经历战争也没有遭遇饥荒国家来说,这种人口缩减是史无前例的。

    By then, Japan's population will have shrunk by around 20 million people, an unprecedented die off for a nation neither at war or blighted by famine.


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