• 迈阿密研究机构菲尔德发起调查发现,爱人传递给你的讯息不仅减轻痛苦抚平悲恸,能使两人关系更进一步。

    Research by Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute in Miami has found that a massage from a loved one can not only ease pain but also soothe depression and strengthen a relationship.


  • 众所周知,采用分散注意力的方法可以减轻病人痛苦比如音乐,而托马教授这项研究首次证实美丽的画面具有同样功效。

    While distractions, such as music, are known to reduce pain in hospital patients, Prof DE Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty plays a part.


  • 虽然变身的时间逐渐间断,痛苦会慢慢减轻但是我们仍然感觉到Tyler仍然被变身的痛苦困扰着。

    The morph is supposed to get quicker and less painful every time it happens, but we have a feeling Tyler still isn't yet used to the agony.


  • 我们因此感到安慰,当次灾难性的海啸袭击一个大陆时,随之而来我们为减轻痛苦而做的努力: 100多个国家对这次灾难做出了回应,135亿美元救援基金到达了这个地区,来自普通民众的55亿美元的捐款及时到位,这是史无前例的。

    More than 100 countries took part in the tsunami response. Some $13.5 billion was pledged in aid, with an unprecedented $5.5 billion donated by the general public.


  • 化疗医生面临个困境:他们主要职责减轻患者个体痛苦还是进一步研究找到完全治愈的方法。

    Chemotherapists have also faced the dilemma of whether their chief responsibility is to minimize an individual patient's suffering or to further the search for an eventual cure.


  • 办公室工作自然没有医院工作那么独特,但是宁愿减轻人民痛苦

    Working in an office is less glamorous than going to hospitals, but I prefer to work at alleviating the suffering of my people.


  • “真是祸不单行啊,我们永远懂得为什么米歇尔着把克里斯蒂怀里,多么点什么减轻痛苦啊。

    “Sometimes, bad things happen again and again, and we never understand why, ”Michele said, holding Kristen in her arms and wishing ther was something she could do to ease her pain.


  • 痛苦之中的同样会伤害他人,只有帮助减轻痛苦,才能使他停止这种伤害。

    People cause suffering when they are suffering themselves. Alleviating their suffering will help them not hurt others.


  • 如果决定选择前者,宁愿减轻人类痛苦程度,那么你必须降低人类享乐的能力。

    If you decide for the former and desire to diminish and lower the level of human pain, you also have to diminish and lower the level of their capacity for joy.


  • 同样试验者得知药片价格不是10而是2.5美元他们痛苦明显得到减轻

    The pain relief was significantly stronger when subjects were told the tablet cost $2.50 than when they were told it cost 10c.


  • 痛苦随着时间的流逝减轻

    There is no pain so great that time will not soften it.


  • 人类身体产生的自然调整一样,地壳运动减轻身体压力痛苦,因此我们这种运动非常感激。

    Much like a chiropractic adjustment in human form, the movement alleviates the stress upon my body and the pain; and so we are grateful for the movement.


  • 但愿我们找到答案我们痛苦大大减轻

    We think that if only we knew the answers to all our questions, our pain would diminish.


  • 因而嘲笑自己开玩笑打碎隐私。我减轻自己痛苦,免得日后像我这么做。

    That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest. I make light of my pain, afraid you should do so.


  • 傲慢不利于健康不会减轻痛苦

    Pride can't promote health, or ease pain.


  • 冷冻疗法用于其他癌症例如骨癌(后者用于减轻痛苦),冷冻疗法用于其他癌症效果资料不多

    Cryoablation is also used for other cancers, such as lung, liver, and bone (the latter to alleviate pain), but there are few data on the effectiveness of cryoablation in these other tumors, he said.


  • 冷冻疗法用于其他癌症例如骨癌(后者用于减轻痛苦),冷冻疗法用于其他癌症效果资料不多

    Cryoablation is also used for other cancers, such as lung, liver, and bone (the latter to alleviate pain), but there are few data on the effectiveness of cryoablation in these other tumors, he said.


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