• 艾尔、蒂希拉里相互了解,如果没有那些漫长乘车时间这样的了解是不可能达到的。

    Al, Tipper, Hillary, and I had gotten to know one another in a way that would have been impossible without those long hours on the bus.


  • 乘坐公共交通工具上下班人的健康状况随着乘车时间增长而下降

    The negative health of public transport users increased with journey time.


  • SNCF的信息,利用TGV系统,乘客伦敦苏格兰乘车时间大约为3小时

    A TGV-style line would take passengers from London to Scotland in around three hours, according to SNCF.


  • 或许过长的乘车时间加剧婚姻生活中的不平等性照料孩子负担重,也有过度繁重的工作

    Perhaps long transit times exacerbate corrosive marital inequalities, with one partner overburdened by child care and the other overburdened by work.


  • 乘客乘车一个时间顺序活动过程,沿乘客乘车时间次序展开服务次序,是标准编制重要技术方法

    Service providing consistent with passenger riding activities is an important technical method in standard preparation, as riding is a kind of activity with time sequence.


  • 这个成果中国西南部山区綦江县可以清楚地感受到新建的高速公路将綦江重庆的乘车时间2个多小时减少到45分钟

    The results are evident in this hilly corner of China's southwest, where a new expressway has cut travel times to the big city of Chongqing to 45 minutes from more than two hours.


  • 乘车上下班的人今天路上耽误很多时间了。

    Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.


  • 通过合伙用车,能够分担驾车重担同时也能你体会共乘车好处——减少你在途中的时间

    By carpooling, you'll be able to share the burden of driving and it may also allow you to take advantage of carpool lanes, which will lessen the amount of time you spend in transit.


  • 早晨留有充足时间如果勿勿的离开,那么你工作岗位时就已经压力了,上下班乘车空出至少15分钟的时间

    Allow more time in the morning. If you're rushing to leave home, you'll arrive at work already stressed. Build at least 15-minute cushion into your commute.


  • 离起飞时间于是决定乘车回去

    I was early for my flight, so I decided to go back.


  • 乘车闲暇时间加以利用,”这位撰写各类题材微博,其中包括家庭

    "I'm able to use fragments of time when I'm waiting for someone or I'm in the car," said the blogger, who writes about all kinds of topics, including his family.


  • 如果乘坐火车或者公交可以利用乘车时间做些本来要家里做的事情,如:查收邮件翻看社交网站以及新闻之类的。

    If you're a train or bus user, you could use the time to check email, social sites and the news to save wasting time doing it at home.


  • 另一项研究发现乘车上班时间增加10分钟社区参与度就会少10%。

    Yet another study found that for every 10 minutes of additional commuting, community involvement falls by 10 percent.


  • 但是他们没有发现上下班长时间乘车伤害疾病任何影响

    But they did not find that lengthy commutes to and from work had any impact on illness and injury.


  • 如果时间可以乘车位于旧金山南部一百多的卡梅尔在那儿,你会发现粗犷神奇的岸边高高耸立着悬崖峭壁。

    If you have time you might like to go by bus to Carmel, a hundred miles south of San Francisco, where you will discover a wild and wonderful coast with high cliffs.


  • 介绍了挪威新型摆式列车列车运行缩短旅行时间提高乘车舒适度,并可增加铁路的竞争力

    The new type tilting train in Norway is described. The operation of the train can shorten travel time, improve ride comfortability and increase competition of railway.


  • 在家运营特许经营企业很多好处时间更有灵活性不必每天乘车上下班、工作满意度提高、可以获得支持培训等等

    There are many benefits to operating your own franchise opportunity from home: time flexibility, no commuting to work, job satisfaction, support and training etc.


  • 这次旅行很短。时间乘车冬奥的路上,还有是在看比赛,他们很快就要再次汽车回家

    After traveling for two days to get to the olympics then spending one day watching the action they immediately fileback on the bus and head for home again.


  • 出行方面,人们需要花费大量时间乘车,在城市之中可以享受便利通行

    And another important point is about the transportation system that you won't spend lots of your time in cars, you have a convenient way of moving in the city, etc.


  • 时间乘车上下班的工作者觉得休息得没那么好,不能很好地享受生活。

    Workers with very long commutes feel less rested and experience less "enjoyment," as well.


  • 那些花大量时间乘车上下班上的人忍受不同程度疼痛压力肥胖、不满。

    People with long transit times suffer from disproportionate pain, stress, obesity, and dissatisfaction.


  • 搭乘专车前往机场的旅客务必下列指定的时间地点乘车

    Passengers arranged buses must take the bus at the time and place as shown below.


  • 那些要花时间乘车驾车上下班的人和配偶离婚可能性比其他人高出40%。

    Those who spend a long time on trains or stuck in cars shuttling to the office are up to 40 percent more likely to split from their spouse.


  • 那么这儿乘车多长时间

    And how long is the ride from my place then?


  • 午餐乘车返回市区安排游览颐和园。(游览时间:1.2小时)。

    After lunch, drive back to urban areas, arrangements for visit the Summer Palace. (Tour time: 1.2 hours).


  • 另外总的来看远距离上下班的倾向于肥胖,普遍增加乘车上下班时间肥胖盛行的罪魁祸首之一

    Plus, overall, people with long commutes are fatter, and national increases in commuting time are posited as one contributor to the obesity epidemic.


  • 另外总的来看远距离上下班的倾向于肥胖,普遍增加乘车上下班时间肥胖盛行的罪魁祸首之一

    Plus, overall, people with long commutes are fatter, and national increases in commuting time are posited as one contributor to the obesity epidemic.


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