• 甚至自己头发弄乱,弗吉尼亚伍尔夫?” (1966年)中饰演嚎啕大哭的玛莎试图引诱伯顿饰演的乔治这部电影声名远播,为她赢得第二座奥斯卡奖。

    She brought it even to the dishevelled, bawling Martha baiting Burton's George in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966), a film that epitomised her louder life and won her her second Oscar.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯执导这部电影称得上经典

    Directed by George Lucas this movie was a classic.


  • 电影美国刺客》中,乔治·克鲁尼扮演一个神秘的冷血屠夫

    In the new movie the American, George Clooney plays a mysterious professional assassin.


  • 推出了一个邦德乔治·拉比,是个乏味的家伙,剧本也怎么样电影得激动人心。

    It introduces a new Bond, George Lazenby, who's quite a dull fellow, and the script isn't much either, but the movies is exciting anyway.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯成名作是星球大战》系列电影但是不少电影爱好者认为1971年拍摄的电影《电子迷宫》才是他的代表作

    George Lucas made his name with Star Wars but many film lovers cite this cult movie from 1971 as his masterpiece.


  • 乔治·卡漫长演艺生涯中,录制了22张喜剧专辑写了本书出演了好几电影数百电视节目

    During his long career George Carlin made twenty-two comedy records, wrote three books and appeared in movies and hundreds of television programs.


  • 乔治·格音乐喜剧电影创作的许多歌曲至今仍然深受人们的喜爱。

    Many songs that George Gershwin wrote for musical plays and movies have remained as popular as ever.


  • 达弗当今电影明星设计服饰,比如乔治·克鲁尼布拉德·皮特。这次他为峰会代表制作限量黑色派克大衣

    Belstaff, which also kits out current film stars such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt, has produced a limited edition black parka for delegates at the summit.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战使用了许多西部元素,而卢卡斯确实说过用《星球大战》复活西部片曾经创造的电影神话

    George Lucas's Star Wars films use many elements of a western, and indeed, Lucas has said he intended for Star Wars to revitalise cinematic mythology, a part the western once held.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯导演带领下,一些开明之人已经开始鼓励影迷片中角色互动,甚至他们自制电影提供最大带宽

    Led by a producer, George Lucas, enlightened talents have encouraged fans to play with characters and even provided bandwidth for their home-made films.


  • 饭后里,得到了吉尔伯特乔治1972年的电影哥顿我们了》,电影展示了他们俩喝杜松子酒,喝醉了。

    Two years after the meal, the Tate acquired Gilbert and George's 1972 film, Gordon's Makes Us Drunk, which shows the pair getting drunk on Gordon's Gin.


  • 电视电影《烽火佳人》(1997)乔治·勒斯》(1997)扮演了性格坚强角色评论界给予更高的赞誉,其中乔治·华勒斯》还为她赢得了金球奖艾美奖提名

    Her critical acclaim increased when she played strong roles in the made-for-TV movies True Women (1997), and in George Wallace (1997) which won her a Golden Globe award and an Emmy nomination.


  • 另一想不到的事情乔治·阿玛尼非凡的职业生涯几乎完全出于偶然如果可以从头再来,应该会成为电影导演

    Another thing you didn't know about Giorgio Armani is that his extraordinary career in fashion happened almost by accident, and if he could do it all over again, he would be a movie director.


  • 这部电影著名落汤鸡式的结尾中,奥黛丽·赫本乔治·帕德他们的在一起享受倾盆大雨,小说只有弗雷德只猫重新聚在了一起。

    In one of the most famous soggy cinematic endings of all time, Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard and cat enjoy a raindrenched clinch, but in the novella only Fred and the cat are reunited.


  • 未来国王乔治五世,也就是电影“国王的演讲”主人公,第一穿着皇家空军制服结婚新郎

    The future King George vi, the subject of the movie "the King's Speech," was the first groom to marry in the uniform of the Royal Air Force.


  • 这是一部经典女性电影天才导演乔治·库克执导。《女人们》揭露了女性原始的叽八卦的本质属性。

    A classic woman's picture made by the frequently genius pro-feminine director George Cukor, "the Women" reveals female bonding and bitchiness in its purest form.


  • 电影首映接受了记者采访,同时接受采访的还有电影主演加里·奥德曼——乔治·斯马力的扮演者,演员约翰·赫特本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇马克·斯特朗。

    Firth spoke to journalists after the film's first screening, joined by the film's lead Gary Oldman - who plays George Smiley - and actors John Hurt, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong.


  • 内尔强调称,他们的研究肯定电影好奇乔治》中使用的猴子教学法

    Kornell also noted that his research confirms the teachings of another monkey: Curious George.


  • 怀特经典故事中,莉特夫人令人不可思议下了只小老鼠,在电影第五大街莉特一家准备领养一个小孩他们早熟儿子乔治作伴

    While in White's classic tale, Mrs. Little mysteriously gives birth to a mouse, in this version, the Littles of Fifth Avenue plan to adopt a little brother for their precocious son George.


  • 他们知道即使他们的作品最终没有乔治·克鲁尼,杰克·格兰哈尔或者西恩潘这样的大明星演出,他们仍然获得了认同的机会,并且融入电影制作这个大的食物链中。

    They know that even if their words aren't ultimately uttered by Clooney, Gyllenhaal or Penn, the recognition alone will propel them up the film-making food chain.


  • 十二第一看到星球大战“回忆道,”我希望的画表达电影的喜爱以及观者感到好像乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)正在给我们一道视觉盛宴

    "I was 12 years old when I first saw Star Wars" he recalls. "I hope my piece expresses my affection for the films and lets the viewer feel as if George Lucas is' serving up 'his vision to us."


  • 十二第一看到星球大战“回忆道,”我希望我的表达我对电影喜爱以及观者感到好像乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)正在给我们一道视觉盛宴。

    "I was 12 years old when I first saw Star Wars," he recalls. "I hope my piece expresses my affection for the films and lets the viewer feel as if George Lucas is' serving up 'his vision to us."


  • 位的“型男”还有:演员乔治·克鲁尼比尔·伊、克林特·伊斯特伍德威尔·史密斯以及画家电影制片人安迪·霍尔。

    Rounding out the top 10 were actors George Clooney, Bill Nighy, Clint Eastwood and Will Smith as well as painter and filmmaker Andy Warhol.


  • 1996年的乔治亚州有教室灯没开,学生们电影

    ONE day in 1996 the lights went off in a classroom in Georgia so.


  • 在这些流传下来材料还有MarkLogue认为就是1939年英德开战乔治六世发表演讲原稿,一幕电影国王的演讲》中也有出现。

    Also among his grandfather's papers is what Mark Logue believes is the actual copy of the speech George VI read at the outbreak of war with Germany 1939 — the climactic scene of the movie.


  • 位的“型男”还有:演员乔治克鲁尼比尔伊、克林特伊斯特伍德威尔•史密斯、以及画家电影制片人安迪霍尔。

    Rounding out the top 10 were actors George Clooney, Bill Nighy, Clint Eastwood and Will Smith as well as painter and filmmaker Andy Warhol


  • 澳大利亚八卦杂志“Who”确信故事值得的报道,电影明星塞尔玛海乔治克鲁尼风流情事报道的还多。

    The Australian gossip magazine Who deemed his story worthy of two full pages, more than it devoted to the amorous adventure of Salma Hayek and George Clooney.


  • 比安卡贾格安迪沃霍尔纽约参加一个纪念乔治库克电影《星海浮沉录和《窈窕淑女导演)为主题的聚会时,用自己入时的穿着来定义了何谓优雅。

    Bianca Jagger defines elegance as she and Andy Warhol attend a New York gala in 1978 in honor of George Cukor, director of A Star Is Born and My Fair Lady.


  • 比安卡贾格安迪沃霍尔纽约参加一个纪念乔治库克电影《星海浮沉录和《窈窕淑女导演)为主题的聚会时,用自己入时的穿着来定义了何谓优雅。

    Bianca Jagger defines elegance as she and Andy Warhol attend a New York gala in 1978 in honor of George Cukor, director of A Star Is Born and My Fair Lady.


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