• 英国乔治伦敦大学进行这项研究,169个参与者所有这些人都有中度高血压

    That study, done at St. George's University of London in England, had 169 participants, all of whom had moderately high blood pressure.


  • 乔治时代伦敦秘密历史罪恶报应如何塑造首都

    The Secret History of Georgian London: How the Wages of Sin Shaped the Capital.


  • 引用片报纸文章,该文重新计算目前伦敦200之内有32个电子眼这些在乔治·奥威尔的一本书《1984》里。

    He cited a newspaper article recounting that there are now 32 closed-circuit cameras within 200 yards of the London flat in which George Orwell wrote his book "1984".


  • 乔治奥威尔约80年前以史诗笔法巴黎伦敦落魄记》中写下穷困潦倒者生活后,有什么改变了吗?

    Some 80 years after George Orwell chronicled the lives of the hard-up and destitute in his book Down and Out in Paris and London, what has changed?


  • 12岁卢西恩·乔治伦敦北部海格特小学学生钻研波兰中欧野生动植物注意到这些错误

    Lucian George, 12, a pupil at Highgate Junior School in North London, was delving into the volumes on Poland and wildlife in Central Europe when he noted the mistakes.


  • 他们第一次约会伦敦汉姆地区一家酒吧乔治就住那附近。

    Their firstdate’ was to meet for lunch at Mr Bentley’s local pub in East Ham, London.


  • 原来南森的人杰出的英国探险家弗雷德里克·乔治·杰克逊和南森碰巧于四年前伦敦面。

    Nansen's rescuer was an accomplished British explorer named Frederick George Jackson who, as it happened, had met Nansen four years earlier in London.


  • 格林位于伦敦市中心英国乔治王时代极少数幸存街道之一

    Located in the center of London, Little Green street, is one of only a few surviving streets from Georgian England.


  • 1727年,乔治·弗里德里希·韩德尔之名响彻伦敦,同年改入英籍(得益于一项国会法案通过)。

    By 1727 Handel was so well entrenched in London that, as George Frideric Handel, he became a naturalised British citizen (which required an act of Parliament).


  • 在陈列于伦敦市政厅的众多藏品出自维多利亚时代画家乔治·弗雷德里克·瓦兹名为希望”的画作似乎不起眼

    Entitled "Hope," the canvas hanging inside London's Guildhall art Gallery as part of an exhibition by Victorian painter George Frederic Watts might appear unremarkable to some.


  • 今年6月16日,新任财政大臣来自保守党乔治 奥斯本。也是在这个聚会上提醒说现在很多英国人认为伦敦金融城有理应课以重税。

    On June 16th George Osborne, the new Tory chancellor, reminded the same gathering that many Britons now see the City as a liability that deserves to be heavily taxed.


  • 1952年2月乔治六世去世公爵独自前往伦敦参加葬礼。

    In February 1952, George VI died and the Duke came to London alone for the funeral.


  • ·琼斯金斯大学伦敦乔治大学社会工作教授任威尔特社会服务部负责人

    Ray Jones is professor of social work at Kingston University and st George's, University of London and was formerly director of social services in Wiltshire.


  • 三月乔治·奥斯本将有利于经济增长的预算方案呈递给议会的时候,分别次地引证伦敦利物浦而且不下于地引证了德国

    WHEN George Osborne presented his "pro-growth" budget to Parliament in March he cited London and Liverpool twice each, and Germany no fewer than six times.


  • 乔治伦敦一样!

    GEORGE: Just like London!


  • KenChecinski医生,他是伦敦乔治医院成瘾行为高级导师,他警告说,即使每天5 mg的剂量下,在72小时内发现药物皮肤情绪影响

    Dr Ken Checinski, senior lecturer in addictive behaviour at St George's Hospital, London, warned me I might see effects on my skin and mood within 72 hours, even on a 5mg daily dose.


  • 伦敦乔治医院首席营养师Catherine Collins细嚼慢咽不仅肠胃激素产生影响,在心理方面也是好处多多。

    Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George's Hospital, London, said although eating more slowly may have some effect on gut hormone levels, the benefits are more likely psychological.


  • 2008年12月伦敦法庭上,80年代超级巨星乔治男孩袭击非法拘禁Audun Carlsen判有罪,他的真名叫GeorgeAlanO'Dowd

    In December 2008, in a London court, '80s pop star Boy George, whose real name is George AlanO 'dowd, was convicted of the assault and false imprisonment of Audun Carlsen.


  • 这个棉签试验需要鼻腔采取一些粘液样本能够区分流感(H1N1)中的AB病毒伦敦南部乔治医院现在就是用流感Xpert试验。

    The swab test, which involves taking a mucus sample from the nasal cavity, can distinguish between swine flu (H1N1), A and B strains of the virus.


  • 伦敦动物园亚洲路西法改善围场有圣乔治颜色足球

    Lucifer, a 7 year-old Asian lion, plays with a football painted in the colours of the flag of St.George in its new improved paddock at the ZSL London Zoo...


  • 根据太阳报报道,不光是骄傲英国人和数以万计的外国游客会涌到伦敦一睹英国威廉王子准王妃凯特的世纪婚礼,外星人都可能来参加他们的婚礼,退伍空军飞行员乔治菲勒中校

    Extra-terrestrial beings and UFOs might "drop by" at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, a retired air force pilot has claimed.


  • 伦敦乔治大学科学家们正在研究一种血液测试通过DNA标记物识别出那些脱落进入血流当中前列腺癌细胞

    Scientists at st George's, University of London, are working on a blood test that USES DNA markers to identify prostate cancer cells that are shed into the bloodstream.


  • 伦敦南部乔治医院一项研究中,研究对象后背上几块香草有效缓解他们想吃甜食饮料的馋瘾。

    A study at st George's hospital, south London, found that putting vanilla-scented patches on the back of participants' hands significantly reduced their appetite for sweet foods and drinks.


  • 他们第一次约会伦敦汉姆地区一家酒吧乔治就住那附近。

    Their first 'date' was to meet for lunch at Mr Bentley's local pub in East Ham, London.


  • 2017年他们可能会离开这里,因为乔治王子要到伦敦上学,肯辛顿应该成为他们主要的活动地点。

    In 2017, however, they are expected to leave it behind after deciding Prince George should be schooled in London and that Kensington Palace should be their full-time base.


  • 伦敦布鲁斯伯里的大学主城区第一进入新人文学院的60名大学生就有了宽敞的教学场所--乔治时代的建筑。

    The first batch of 60 undergraduates at the New College of the Humanities in Bloomsbury, London's main university quarter, occupy a spacious Georgian house.


  • 作家乔治马尔可夫就是伦敦街头被蓖麻毒素颗粒害死

    Writer Georgi Markov was infamously assassinated on the streets of London by a ricin pellet fired from an umbrella.


  • 乔治三世伦敦塔内教训约翰-威尔克斯,原因在于后者的纪实文章而是后者抨击谩骂

    George III clapped John Wilkes in the Tower for his diatribe not for his documents.


  • 伦敦乔治大学科学家们正在研究一种血液测试通过DNA标记物识别出那些脱落进入血流当中前列腺癌细胞

    Scientists at st George's, Uniersity of London, are working on a blood test that USES DNA markers to identify prostate cancer cells that are shed into the bloodstream.


  • 伦敦乔治大学科学家们正在研究一种血液测试通过DNA标记物识别出那些脱落进入血流当中前列腺癌细胞

    Scientists at st George's, Uniersity of London, are working on a blood test that USES DNA markers to identify prostate cancer cells that are shed into the bloodstream.


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