• 目前已经有关于乐观各种各样研究虽然极端乐观主义持有保留意见,但一个人无法否认乐观强化个人成长中所起到作用的。

    There have been various studies carried out on optimism and while I have a few reservations on extreme optimism, one can't deny the role optimism plays in enhancing your personal growth.


  • 已经有一些关于乐观主义研究完成了尽管过于乐观持一点保留意见,但没有否认乐观主义促进个人成长方面所扮演角色

    There have been various studies carried outon optimism and while I have a few reservations on extreme optimism, one can’t deny the role optimism plays in enhancing your personalgrowth.


  • 相反的,网络业务充满乐观金融领域乐观主义至上。

    By contrast, Internet business was full of optimism. And in finance, optimism is everything.


  • ,不付诸行动盲目乐观毫无价值;悲观加上行动、动力能量恰恰人们所说的乐观主义最高境界。

    But pessimism associated with movement, motivation and energy is exactly what people are talking about in terms of the best of optimism.


  • 曾经是一个极端乐观主义者,但是生命足够的打击,使这种乐观情绪下降了些许

    At one time I was an extreme optimist, but Life has battered me down enough times to temper this optimism down a bit.


  • 肯定经历过当乐观主义现实主义讨论一个项目时候通常冲突发生,乐观主义喜欢设想并且集中最后目标上。

    I'm sure you've experienced that when optimists and realists discuss a project, there is often a clash of perspectives. The optimist is a visionary and focuses on the end goal.


  • 几乎所有乐观主义者都坚信他们成就大事乐观主义这种极端自信源自何处

    What is the source of this extreme self-confidence found in almost all optimists, this conviction that they can accomplish great things?


  • 乐观主义者,因此,对这个问题也持乐观看法,”·登·西瓦指着花园里盛开的早秋玫瑰继续侃侃而谈。

    "I was an optimist then, and it worked out that way," van den Heever continues. He gestures toward his garden blooming with early fall roses.


  • 总是我是一个谨慎乐观主义者,并且一直保持着乐观

    I've always said I'm a cautious optimist and I remain a cautious optimist.


  • 很想乐观主义研究出于人类本性积极一面强烈兴趣但实情,我是偶然踏入大脑先天乐观性这个领域的。

    I would have liked to tell you that my work on optimism grew out of a keen interest in the positive side of human nature. The reality is that I stumbled onto the brain's innate optimism by accident.


  • 乐观主义者之所以会乐观向上也许是因为拥有帮助他们凡事都向好的方面看且不去在意负面影响基因

    Positive people may owe their optimism to a gene variant that helps them dwell on the good and ignore the bad.


  • 商界人们一直推崇乐观主义,不看好悲观情绪,不管一个成功快乐还是长寿,心情乐观的人都是占绝大多数的。

    In business, optimism is good and pessimism bad. Optimists have a monopoly on success, on happiness and even on longevity.


  • 误会如今可是个坚定地乐观主义作为一个实用主义,我又禁不住要让些许现实乐观主义梦想中。

    Now I'm all for optimism, don't get me wrong. But as a pragmatist, I can't help but sprinkle a little reality into an optimist's dreams.


  • 研究人员发现30年后,研究对象中,乐观主义不但身心健康状况要好悲观主义者,而且乐观主义者的平均寿命要比后者长。

    Researchers found that not only did the optimists from the 1960’s report better physical and mental functioning thirty years later, but that optimists also lived longer on average than pessimists.


  • 乐观主义意味着期望最好情况发生。自信心意味着知道一旦坏的情况发生怎样处理如果只是乐观而已,千万不要轻举妄动。

    Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.


  • 乐观主义乐观主义与这些被观察者健康状况之间关系兴趣

    My interest was in optimism and its relationship to health among the Termites.


  • 乐观主义意味着期望最好情况发生。自信心意味着知道一旦坏的情况发生怎样处理如果你只是乐观而已。

    Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.


  • 前面提到过一个乐观主义者的重要性,挑战了乐观主义尤其是你的事业开始时候

    I talked earlier about the need to be an optimist. It challenges your optimism a little bit, particularly when you're just starting out in your career.


  • 乐观主义通常会看走眼历史所有重大变革乐观主义者打造的结果。

    Optimists are usually wrong, but all the great change in history was done by optimists.


  • 是个乐观主义并不盲目乐观;我坚强的意志,但并不固执;我自信,但并不自负

    I am an optimistic doctrine, but not the blindness is optimistic; I have a strong will, but not stubborn; I am self-confident, but not complacent.


  • 研究显示乐观主义倾向坚持医生他们开出的节食计划,Tindle引述这些研究:“乐观人们似乎寻求医生的建议而且不折不扣地实施下去,他们也具有良好的社会网络和很强的人际关系。”

    Optimistic people seem to seek medical advice and follow it, she says, citing research showing that optimists are inclined to stick with diet programs prescribed by their docs.


  • 研究显示乐观主义倾向坚持医生他们开出的节食计划,Tindle引述这些研究:“乐观人们似乎寻求医生的建议而且不折不扣地实施下去,他们也具有良好的社会网络和很强的人际关系。”

    Optimistic people seem to seek medical advice and follow it, she says, citing research showing that optimists are inclined to stick with diet programs prescribed by their docs.


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