• 因为,诗中有景成为历代丹青墨客笔下乐之不疲的创作脚本素材

    Just because people can see paintings and scenery in the poetry, so they become the script and source material for painters in their art creation in China chronicles.


  • 奉行乐之规律者,生活依照自然法则运行,他的死亡也是自然变化的一部份。

    He who complies with the law of Heavenly Joy lives his live in the rule of Nature. Hence his death is a part of the changes of Nature.


  • 例如我们乐之饼干品牌北京受欢迎在与广州情况却截然相反,”科斯拉

    "For example, our Ritz brand is popular in Beijing, but this is in contrast with Guangzhou," Khosla says.


  • 自1934年Nobisco开创了乐之薄饼后,奶酪饼干这种经典组合就越来越流行

    The classic combination of cheese and crackers became increasingly popular with the development of the Ritz cracker in 1934, by Nobisco.


  • 巴渝美学特质主要表现方面:一传播接受乐之传播及整体形式”,二是音表达线艺术表现美”。

    Its musical aesthetic features are expressed in two aspects: the spreading and the integral form of music, the linear art and performance of music expression.


  • 没错歌剧歌词其他百分八十的古典都是

    Well, yes, with opera of course, but the other eighty percent is purely instrumental music.


  • 这个团队到达有不祥地方,和当地的一个以毁坏所有人物品的食鬼较量。

    The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.


  • 兰多能兑现使自己成为2008年承诺吗?

    Can Randolph fulfill the promise that made him a lottery pick in 2008?


  • 书中有讲述如何掌控意外财(透中彩遗产继承)。

    There’s a good section on how to handle a windfall (lottery, inheritance).


  • 登上架飞往意大利飞机钱包不见,于是她就在查尔斯·德高机场停止了自动取款的业务,而且利用自己的三寸不烂舌,为自己免了一些取消费用

    She’s lost her wallet before boarding a plane to Italy, had her ATM access cut off at Charles DeGaulle Airport, and talked her way out of several cancellation fees.


  • 登上架飞往意大利飞机钱包不见,于是她就在查尔斯·德高机场停止了自动取款的业务,而且利用自己的三寸不烂舌,为自己免了一些取消费用

    She's lost her wallet before boarding a plane to Italy, had her ATM access cut off at Charles DeGaulle Airport, and talked her way out of several cancellation fees.


  • 文字,百分八十古典没有,没有歌词,没有文字

    You've got to have a text and so we don't have--in eighty percent of classical music-- we don't have lyrics; we don't have a text.


  • 一说法可能偏颇成的撰著必须达到第三阶段的。

    This may be too biased. Writers, however, have to reach the third stage in order to be successful.


  • 语言精练,形式独特发泄情绪,表述看法,挥洒自身内在美感诗人内心外界的冲突和交融终极。

    It's the emotional outburst of some personal views about the world from the heart of the poet with language refined in a unique way to be musically beautiful.


  • 大家所提供食品含有营养价值

    The food in Cafe de Coral has high nutritional value.


  • 相反学会知足而——然后学会利用原本想要浪费挣钱这些东西时间去做真正热爱的事。

    Instead, learn to be satisfied with having enough - and then use the time you would have wasted trying to earn money to buy those things... use that time doing things you love.


  • 祝愿母亲生活常绿生命水长流,晚年幸福身体健康,长寿无疆有所养,老有所

    Wishes mother tree of life evergreen, the water flows long of life, old age happiness, good health, longevity and boundless! The old time, old-aged's providing!


  • 那些岁月里,在卡门王遥远南方大海滨的港湾里着一个穷苦渔夫叫做·伊什,个孩子一起住在那儿,管他爸爸。

    In those days, far south in Calormen on a little creek of the sea, there lived a poor fisherman called Arsheesh, and with him there lived a boy who called him Father.


  • 那些岁月里,在卡门王遥远南方大海滨的港湾里着一个穷苦渔夫叫作·伊什,个孩子一起住在那儿,管他爸爸。

    In those days, far south in Calormen on a little creek of the sea, there lived a poor fisherman called Arsheesh, and with him there lived a boy who called him Father.


  • 、汉剧不仅客家地区特有种、剧种也是中华文化精华。

    Han music, Han Opera are peculiar to the Hakkas, and they are also the essence of Chinese music culture.


  • 每年泰国人都要庆祝深受爱戴国王生日。这是场举国的狂欢熙熙攘攘的人群赶来观看王室舟”,国王作的爵士

    Each year Thais celebrate their beloved king's birthday, a national bash that draws throngs here to watch a parade of royal barges, listen to the monarch's jazz compositions.


  • 每年泰国人都要庆祝深受爱戴国王生日。这是场举国的狂欢熙熙攘攘的人群赶来观看王室舟”,国王作的爵士

    Each year Thais celebrate their beloved king's birthday, a national bash that draws throngs here to watch a parade of royal barges, listen to the monarch's jazz compositions.


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