• 母亲以及四个姐妹一起长大他们告诉我我的哥哥爱着足球得很棒可是因为寻找水源不幸死去

    Growing up with my mother and four sisters, I was told stories about my older brother who loved and played football so well but sadly died as a result of trying to find water in a well in Awutu.


  • 超普伊科比勒陀利大学佛朗斯模拟了这种碰撞,并得到极其复杂相对论详细数据。

    Now Choptuik and Frans Pretorius of Princeton University have simulated such collisions including all the extremely complex mathematical details from general relativity.


  • 多萝西·阿乔19岁目前居住亚利桑那州的

    Dorothy Adjovu is a 19-year-old currently located in Tucson, AZ.


  • 克海姆(斯加特郊区某地)梅赛德斯工厂附近一家咖啡馆老板说:“所有人担心丢掉工作。”

    Everyone is worried about his job, ” says Fatih Soylu, owner of the Café In near the Mercedes factory in Untertürkheim.


  • 博士后研究员胡涛(音译)正在观察蚕丝制成带有莫比斯带夫斯大学标志全息

    Hu Tiger Tao, postdoctoral researcher, with a hologram made of silk showing mobius strips and the Tufts logo.


  • 那的诊所中美洲拉丁美洲首家专门淡水海龟提供治疗诊所,每月平均接收80只受伤的海龟。

    Tortufauna is the first clinic in central and Latin America to specialise in providing treatment for injured tortoises and freshwater turtles. It receives an average of 80 turtles a month.


  • 瓦纳得勒支大学施罗伊斯写道,可以检查比较两个结构因素一个程序文件然后使用检查正在调查结构存放数据

    A program written by Toine Schreurs of Utrecht University that can examine and compare two structure-factor files was then used to examine the data deposited for the structures under investigation.


  • 得勒支间米菲兔博物馆特上发布了死讯,配布鲁纳深受喜爱的米菲兔角色手背在后面一滴眼泪从她的左眼滑落。

    A museum in Utrecht dedicated to Miffy tweeted the news of his death with a picture of Bruna's beloved character: arms behind her back, and a single tear below her left eye.


  • 穆沁“林哆”专门宴会歌曲具有经典“尊贵”品质长调歌曲,盛大的宴会按照一定仪式规范演唱的礼俗音乐形式

    Uzhumuchin Turinduu refer to the long-tune epulary songs with "classic and exalted" features and they are a etiquette and custom music form performed with certain ceremonies and rules on the gaudies.


  • 克罗地亚国脚后卫多尔希望科斯米执教的迪·内斯队效力,帮助他们征战新赛季欧洲冠军联赛

    Croatia international defender Tudor wants to play under Serse Cosmi at Udinese and help their Champions League campaign this season.


  • 诺德要求透露消息来源作为一个记者透露消息来源是缺乏职业道德的,”引述玛的话说

    "Ndlovu was asked to reveal his sources, of which he said it was unethical for him as a journalist to disclose his sources," Tshuma was quoted as saying.


  • 为了实践自己理念,格罗庇斯与包豪斯第二任校长耶在1926~1928年附近设计完成了一个住宅小区

    Walter Gropius and Meier, the second headmaster of Bauhaus, had designed and constructed a dwelling district nearby Dessau from Yr. 1926 to Yr. 1928 aiming at realizing their ideology.


  • 德国杜塞尔多夫附近丁根(Uerdingen),西门子(Siemens)火车制造厂的工程师们3D眼镜审视公司最新火车设计详细投影

    At Siemens'train-making plant in Uerdingen, near Düsseldorf, engineers wear 3-D spectacles as they examine detailed projections of their company's latest designs.


  • 卡西斯说布鲁过错是因为我们自己

    Cassius was right, the fault dear Brutusis not in our stars, but in ourselves.


  • 来自吉尔吉斯斯坦南部城市奥什兹别克族难民正在吉边境等待进入兹别克斯坦许可

    Fig: Two Uzbek refugees from the southern Kyrgyz city of Osh wait for permission to cross into Uzbekistan at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border.


  • 由于周六与克拉中所黄牌缺席本场比赛,在今天回到米兰内洛

    Rino Gattuso, who received a yellow card on Saturday against Ukraine for which he will have to skip this game with Italy, returns to Milanello today.


  • 一个最好几个景点包括武吉半岛周围地区-直接Dempasar南库塔(海滩),梦境鲁·瓦巴东巴东

    A few of the best spots include the area around Bukit Peninsular - directly south from Dempasar, Kuta (Beach), Dreamland, Uluwatu or Padang Padang.


  • 一个最好几个景点包括武吉半岛周围地区-直接Dempasar南库塔(海滩),梦境鲁·瓦巴东巴东

    A few of the best spots include the area around Bukit Peninsular - directly south from Dempasar, Kuta (Beach), Dreamland, Uluwatu or Padang Padang.


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