• 我见儿女,我们从父所受之命令遵行真理的,就甚欢喜

    I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.


  • 我见儿女我们从父所受命令遵行真理的,欢喜。

    I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the truth just as we have been commanded by the Father.


  • 我见儿女我们从父所受之命令遵行真理的、欢喜

    It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.


  • 斯多说:“扫描程序脚本向这些网络设备发送对应厂商公共密码如果设备对“命令提示”做出对应的响应那么明显设备是不设防的。”

    "The scan script sends the public password for the product, and if the device responds with the 'command prompt' for that product interface, then the machine is obviously open," Stolfo said.


  • 这个命令n2启动守护进程,使成为通信环一部分。

    This command starts the daemon process on n2 and becomes part of the ring.


  • 我们已经试图所有样板代码写入ubiquity核心这样一个有用的Ubiquity命令就会如此简单

    We've tried to factor out all the boilerplate code into the Ubiquity core, so that writing a useful Ubiquity command is as simple as this.


  • 如果更改SID那么需要输入以下命令更新logarchmeth1数据库配置参数,使指向新的SID。

    If you changed the SID, you need to enter the following command to update the LOGARCHMETH1 database configuration parameter to point to the new SID.


  • NuGet管理控制台update-Package了改进使更易命令行里把多个项目所有保持在相同版本

    NuGet has also improved on the package manager console update - package, making it easier to keep same versions of all the packages across multiple projects in a solution from the command line.


  • 相应的 MQe_Script命令以及定义的参数本文后面提供

    The MQe_Script commands to accompany these are provided later in this document along with any undefined variables.


  • 设置路径变量使包括c: \wsdk \binc: \ wsdk \sdk \ bin,运行wsdkconfig命令

    Set the path variable to include c: \ WSDK \ bin and c: \ WSDK \ SDK \ bin and run the following command: wsdkconfig.


  • 相反黑猩猩幼崽从不别人指明东西而且他们为人类指明东西时,与其说分享信息,还不如说是一种东西命令

    Chimpanzees, by contrast, never point at things for each other, and when they point for people, it seems to be as a command to go fetch something rather than to share information.


  • 如果可以人们帮助的话,我的,就是给他们提供自助机会;如果我使振奋使鼓舞,就要以身作则条分缕析提出建议不是强制命令颐指气使

    If I can help people, I'll do it by giving them a chance to help themselves; and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, inference, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation.


  • 例如考虑清单2,这是示例变体它允许使用命令指定同步计算机

    As an example, consider Listing 2, a variation of the previous example that allows you to use the command line to name the computers you'd like to synchronize to.


  • 歌唱命令每日供给他们必有一定

    For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.


  • busybox二进制文件版本实际上1.0,最初安装的版本(0.60.5)要,只需占用600kb,而与关联命令更多

    The BusyBox binary is actually version 1.0, but it comes out smaller than the originally installed version (0.60.5); only about 600kb, despite having more commands linked to it.


  • 预警命令需求扩张如此以致有几个品牌经受价格产量的下跌。

    Demands of beforehand commands expand so rapidly that several grand bands of them have already withstood their descenderce of both prices and manufactures.


  • 詹姆正打算命令肯洛斯爵士奏响洛克号,吊桥开始慢慢放下。

    Jaime was about to command Ser Kennos to sound the Horn of Herrock when the drawbridge began to descend.


  • 只要命令并且给予所需,充分地供养它,它服务于你。

    It will serve you as long as you command it to do so and give it that which it needs to adequately sustain self.


  • 智慧财产法院分院适用类别及其变更,由司法院以命令

    Judicial Yuan shall determine applicable categories of Intellectual Property court, its sub-court, and their alteration.


  • 思维想象知识储存库中汲取并且命令传达身体各个器官,使履行指定功能

    From this pool of stored knowledge, the thoughts and imagination are drawn, and commands are sent forth to each organ of the body to perform its appointed function.


  • 利用SIP消息作为载体XML进行描绘定义,重新构造了部分SNMP命令使符合平台需要

    The use of SIP messages as a carrier, XML to describe the definition and re-construct some of the SNMP commands to make it consistent with our platform needs.


  • 但是这些行政命令,也说服教育,单靠行政命令许多情况下行不通

    But this administrative regulations must be accompanied by persuasion and education, for in many cases regulations alone will not work.


  • 使得可以通过命令或者使其他IDE工具集成

    This allows you to build your project from the command line, or integrate it with the IDE of your choice.


  • 人生目的是否遵行上帝命令首要务?

    Is it the aim of your life to obey it, and to fulfil its injunctions?


  • 为了避免杀身命令忠实牧羊人刚出生婴儿杀死。

    To avoid the disaster, he ordered his loyal shepherd to kill his newborn baby son.


  • 为了避免杀身命令忠实牧羊人刚出生婴儿杀死。

    To avoid the disaster, he ordered his loyal shepherd to kill his newborn baby son.


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