• 主要年轻人他们并且嘻嘻笑了他们跳舞兴奋眼睛

    Mostly young, they laughed and giggled, their eyes dancing with excitement.


  • 研究表明年轻人仍然指望父母作为他们主要健康信息来源

    Research shows that young people still look to parents as their main source for health information.


  • 遇到了很多志愿教师他们主要来自欧洲年轻人

    I met many volunteer teachers who are mainly young people from Europe.


  • 然后遇到了很多志愿教师他们主要来自欧洲年轻人

    Then I met many volunteer teachers who are mainly young people from Europe.


  • 年轻人离开农村主要原因之一缺乏机会

    One of the main causes of young people moving away from the countryside is lack of opportunity.


  • 最近研究年轻人饮酒问题很明显政府目前一个主要关注问题

    Recently I've looked at young people's drinking and it's obviously a major concern to Government at the moment.


  • 2013年,开车发短信就上榜成为导致美国年轻人交通事故死亡主要原因

    Texting while driving was listed as a major cause of road deaths among young Americans back in 2013.


  • 围绕社会保障福利持续争论加剧了两人之间的紧张关系,主要涉及资源年轻人老年人转移a

    Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old.


  • 这个广播电台主要播放面向年轻人的乐队演唱的畅销曲目

    The radio station's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.


  • 为什么那些数量让人忧心忡忡的家庭年轻人在了后面呢?主要原因就是学校不能教给他们能够得到维持份工作技能

    The main reason why a small but worrying proportion of families and young people is falling behind is that schools are failing to give them the skills they need to get and hold a job.


  • 就是一半年轻人表示晚上他们主要陪伴电视不是朋友外出分享快乐

    Even half of young people say their main source of company in the evenings is their TV rather than going out and having fun with friends.


  • 几乎世界任何地方,只要年轻人相处的都这个主要的正在进行的语言变化清楚明了

    That major linguistic change is afoot is clear to anybody who has been around young people almost anywhere in the world.


  • 越来越大学生年轻人将《乔恩·斯图尔特每日》列为自己主要新闻来源

    A rising number of college students and other young people have cited Stewart's Daily Show as their main source of news.


  • 广告活动标题帽子造就”,主要当地报纸发行现在上了互联网引起很多年轻人注意

    The advertisement campaign is titled "Hats make people." Mainly published in local newspapers it has now hit the Internet and has caught the attention of many young people.


  • 主要早上中午老人年轻人打的呵欠

    Aged people yawn less than younger ones, mainly during morning and mid-afternoon.


  • 世界卫生组织指出自杀造成全球死亡主要原因,也是造成25岁以下年轻人死亡的大原因之一。

    The World Health Organization says suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and one of the three leading causes of death for young people under 25.


  • 主要全球事件世界道路安全青年大会来自许多国家年轻人组成的代表团聚集瑞士日内瓦

    The key global event will be the World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, bringing together in Geneva, Switzerland, delegations of young people from many countries.


  • 同时虽说年轻人流感易感人群,但一旦感染可能需要住院治疗生命危险的,主要还是幼儿孕妇病人老人

    Also, although the flu infects younger people, the ones most likely to need hospitalization or die if they do get infected are the very young, pregnant women, the sick and the aged.


  • 根据世界卫生组织(世卫组织发表一项报告道路交通碰撞10至24年轻人死亡主要原因

    Road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death among young people between 10 and 24 years, according to a new report published by WHO.


  • 马克尼主要广场,我们塞拉利昂首都弗里敦驾车驾车小时后进入丛林之后,就能发现一些年轻人坐在他们摩托车附近,相互闲聊着开着玩笑,一起抽着香烟

    In the main square of Makeni, a couple of hours' drive into the jungle from Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, young men sit around on their motorbikes, chatting, joking and swapping cigarettes.


  • 研究揭示强硬派国家主义观点整个欧洲大陆的年轻人主要为男性)中广泛传播

    The study reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men.


  • 利雅得主要手机市场,有一年轻人半价出售他们的黑莓手机

    At Riyadh's main mobile phone market, dozens of young men on the street were trying to sell the devices at half price.


  • 佐剂季节性流感疫苗以前主要老年人使用,因而我们目前还清楚年轻人身上是否副作用

    The seasonal flu vaccines with adjuvants have mostly been given to older people, so we cannot yet be sure that these vaccines do not have very rare side effects in younger people.


  • 在全球范围内道路交通伤害10 - 24年轻人死亡主要原因

    Globally, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 10-24 years.


  • 今年一月公布国际研究显示年轻人、单身人群、女性、受教育水平较低者以及精神病患者几个主要自杀高危人群。

    And international research published in January found that the young, single, female, poorly educated and mentally ill are all at higher risk of suicide.


  • 技术上讲这种信用卡主要针对有见识的年轻人,其内置微芯片可以防止信用偷窃促进网上消费

    The card was aimed at technologically savvy young consumers and contained a microchip to deter identity theft and encourage Internet shopping.


  • 希拉里支持者主要女性老年选民,而巴马大学校园中广受欢迎赢得年轻人期望。

    Women and the elderly form Hillary Clinton's base of support here. Barack Obama is doing exceptionally well on college campuses, where he has captured the imagination of the young.


  • 1998到2005年期间,英国16 - 24岁年轻人失业率低于经合组织国家平均水平,但是之后失业率就一直高于平均水平,经合组织主要发达国家构成的一个机构。

    Between 1998 and 2005, the jobless rate for 16-24-year-olds in Britain was lower than the average for the OECD, a club of mainly rich countries, but since then it has been higher.


  • 1529年轻人主要死因

    They are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29 years.


  • 10至24岁年轻人主要死因

    They are the leading cause of death among young people aged 10-24 years.


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