• 不过国内外的开始怀疑究竟是谁主导国家方向时克里姆林宫高墙神秘色彩再次出现

    But mystery again shrouds the Kremlin's high walls, as people inside and outside Russia wonder what direction it is headed in.


  • 尽管在全球范围内成果喜人,意大利西班牙两个主导国家产量出口量与全球大环境状态相反,首次有所下降

    In spite of the good overall performance, the two leading countries Italy and Spain went against the general trend and saw a fall in both production and exports for the first time.


  • 另外中国未必能从中等收入跃升高等收入状态——这成为一个主导国家先决条件,除非能(再次)提高公民生活标准该报告补充说

    Furthermore, China will be unable to makethe jump from middle-income to high-income status - a requirement for adominant state- unless it improves the standard of living for citizens, thereport added.


  • 由于可再生能源德国成为世界太阳能光电主导国家预计太阳能光电增加5000兆瓦电能,今年年底达到14000兆瓦的光电能。

    Thanks to its Renewable Energy Act, Germany is the world leader in photovoltaics: it expects to add more than 5, 000 megawatts of photovoltaic capacity this year to reach a total of 14, 000 megawatts.


  • 首先威尼斯亚得里亚海中介功能直接贸易所取代。威尼斯在海域主导其他国家航运业务

    First, Venice's intermediary functions in the Adriatic Sea, where it had dominated the business of shipping for other parties, were lost to direct trading.


  • 密歇根州汽车研发方面主导地位受到几个国家的威胁,这些州和国家希望取代我们交通领域的领导地位。

    Michigan's dominance in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to replace our leadership in transportation.


  • 亚拉那拉提瓦北大年是穆斯林人口主导地位的地区,他们一直抱怨在这个佛教为主国家受到忽视歧视

    Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation.


  • 因此我们接触了当地当前建立已经认可的传教团仍然主导整个传教时期这个国家传教活动。

    And thereby we touch upon the institutionalized mission that was now founded and which remained predominant for the mission in this country the whole mission period out.


  • 这个计划提出了未来25项举措结果都是可以衡量的,非洲国家主导实行。

    The plan sets forth 25 initiatives over three years with measurable outcomes to be led by African countries.


  • 石油天然气提供卡塔尔大约80%人均GDP西方欧洲工业国家主导

    Oil and gas have given Qatar a per capita GDP about 80% of that of the leading West European industrial countries.


  • 现在本月我们具有了一全新指南,载明开发国家主导信息问责制平台应遵循步骤

    And now, just this month, we have a brand new guide setting out the steps to follow when developing a country-led platform for information and accountability.


  • 梅德维杰夫因特网应该一个国家立下规则主导哪怕先进最有势力国家

    In an apparent reference to the United States, Mr. Medvedev says the Internet should not be dominated by rules established by one country, even if it is the most advanced and powerful of all.


  • 终于我们意愿工具能够国家主导解决这些根本问题

    Finally we have the will, and the tools, to address these fundamental problems, with countries in the driver's seat.


  • 批评者认为这样一个总是灰朦朦国家太阳能永远都无法成为主导能源

    But critics argue that solar energy can never play a central role in such a grey country.


  • 阿根廷生活中主导地位这个国家世界上伟大骑马者传统

    The horse still plays a vital role in Argentine country life; the nation has one of the world’s great equestrian traditions.


  • 其它国家一样,印度大选往往国家大事主导而且精彩纷呈丑恶衍生。

    As in other countries, elections in India tend not to be dominated by grand national issues. And, as elsewhere, an Indian election may look splendid from a distance, but up close can be ugly.


  • 那个动荡年代主导科学意味着国家光荣和梦想。

    To excel in science meant to solidify the glory of one's country at a time of significant instability in the region.


  • 注重长期灵活供资支持国家主导计划的必要性。

    It respects the need for long-term flexible funding, and it respects the need to support country-led plans.


  • 博客写道,“如果我们欺负其它国家,掠夺世界资源企图主导世界,那了。”

    In her blog she wrote, "If we are to bully other countries, take the world''s resources and try to lead it, we''re going over the top."


  • 根据一新计划世行在整个撒哈拉以南非洲地区继续支持国家主导艾滋病项目,为此将着重开展以下项工作

    Under the new plan, the Bank would continue to support country-driven AIDS programs throughout Sub-Saharan Africa by emphasizing four areas


  • 某些国家卫生部门提高人们虐待老人问题的关注方面起到主导作用其他一些国家社会福利部门则占据主要地位

    In some countries, the health sector has taken a leading role in raising public concern about elder maltreatment, while in others the social welfare sector has taken the lead.


  • 因为我们国家男人主导。”

    "Because our country is man-oriented," she said.


  • 因为我们国家男人主导。”

    "Because our country is man-oriented," she said.


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