• 面带鼓励微笑答道:“不必他们担心。”

    He replied, with a reassuring smile, "Oh, you don't need to worry about them."


  • 是种鼓励慈悲怀心态面对生活苦难的方式。

    It encourages a disposition that adjusts to the hard facts of life in an explosion of grace.


  • 无论男人喜欢高尔夫球园艺正在体育馆里锻炼,鼓励追逐自己爱好同时自己争取了时间

    Whether your guy enjoys golf, gardening, or working out at the gym, encourage him to pursue his hobbies, while you make time for your own.


  • 需要一个小组负责伙伴鼓励扶持祷告无条件并且监督自己的行负责。

    You need a small group or an accountability Partner who will encourage you, support you, pray for you, love you unconditionally, and hold you accountable.


  • 设法国际新闻找到地方视角可能会鼓励编辑文章放在一个显眼位置上

    Try to figure out a local Angle for an international story, as it may encourage your editor to put your story in a more prominent position.


  • 如果感兴趣事情努力工作而且需要帮助鼓励建议的话那我乐意帮助

    If you're working on something interesting and are in need of some assistance, encouragement, or advice, I'm happy to lend a hand.


  • 他们可以执行实质的任务贷给资金鼓励工作处理应急事件,想法做宣传,甚至有时可以做小时替身。

    They can perform essential tasks, lend you money, encourage you, work for you, help you deal with an emergency, serve as a sounding board for your ideas, even fill in for you for a couple of hours.


  • 丰富灵魂的深山远足期,可能会鼓励帮助整理有机花园大家烹饪菜肴,具体则取决于居所。

    Depending where you stay you might also be encouraged to help out in the organic garden and cook for the group, in between soul-enriching excursions into the mountains.


  • l不要自己办公室里定期地探望工作激励鼓励他们

    Don't be a prisoner to your office; be sure to regularly visit the people who work for you on their turf and to encourage and inspire them.


  • 鼓励人们分享Teaser有效方式除了他们预留一个特定位置外一些点的效果也是最有效的方式之一。

    Probably the most effective way to make people share your teaser is to not just help them reserve a special spot, but also give something in return.


  • 他们鼓励努力灌输一个信念如果某事倾注所有精力真的一切可能的。

    But they encouraged effort, and instilled in me a belief that if you're giving all of your energy to something, really anything at all is possible.


  • 出版电子杂志,网站主页出现订阅方式用户提供有价值信息鼓励他们联系。

    Publish an ezine and include a subscription form in your homepage. Give your customers valuable information and encourage them to contact you.


  • 朋友应该身边支持沮丧的时候鼓励振作的人,而不是代价而自己感觉良好对不对

    Friends should be there to support you and cheer you up when you are feeling down, not make themselves feel better at your expense, right?


  • 如果使用密码声音一样麻烦鼓励发出向上自己的声音一样。

    You are encouraged to make up your own sound alikes for the letters if you have trouble using the CODE QUICK sound alikes.


  • 应当通过主持选择开会地点鼓励与会人员表达自己观点看法,同时他们明确应当有备而来他们的观点强烈辩护。

    You want to use language and choose a space that welcomes people to share their ideas while also letting people know that they should come prepared to defend their ideas fiercely.


  • 感谢帮助一步步到这里的,感谢培养教导鼓励你过眼泪的人。

    A day to thank those who helped you get here-nurtured you, taught you, cheered you on, and dried your tears.


  • 今日天体位置鼓励平衡关系问题得更多

    The position of the heavenly bodies encourages you to think more about the issue of balance within your relationships.


  • 记忆中无数件事无怨无悔尽管下雨回家我,生病了,默默地陪伴鼓励我在我的失败

    In my memory, you do countless things with no regrets for me: send me home in spite of the rain, come to see me when I am ill; silently accompany, encourage me in my failure time.


  • 受欢迎页面鼓励访客过来,创造价值

    Use the most popular page to encourage the visitors to make you money.


  • 非常鼓励大家机会多出国走走英文母语者练习对话时候的英文真的会进步神速

    I have had trainings in American Accent, TOEFL, IELTS and Business English. When you travel abroad and speak with native speakers, it really improves your English speaking skills.


  • 请记住扶轮一个家庭而且扶轮是家庭而设:鼓励配偶及其家人考虑加入扶轮,而且还要去接触青少年交换扶轮基金会的前受奖人。

    Remember that Rotary is a family and is for the family: Encourage your spouse and other family members to consider joining, and reach out to Youth Exchange and Foundation alumni.


  • 必须员工提供激励措施,鼓励他们努力工作。

    You have to provide incentives for employees to work hard.


  • 收笔以鼓励间断孩子祈祷

    Before I sign off, I encourage you to pray without ceasing for your children.


  • 强烈鼓励同组的好好讨论个案想法去作辩解的过程获益,也可从讨论其他组员方法来学习

    I strongly encourage you to discuss the case within your group. You will benefit from defending your ideas and you will learn by discussing other group members' approaches.


  • 是否要收发大量电邮无法抽身做别的事情?以前曾写道,有些公司鼓励同事之前更多当面交流电话联系,规定周五或周末不准发电子邮件。

    I have written before about companies imposing 'no email Fridays' or weekends to encourage more face-to-face and phone contact between co-workers.


  • 一些好的事情降临别人头上时,他们得到的福报随喜赞叹,并且鼓励他们,再接再厉。

    When something good happens to others, you rejoice in their merits and encourage them to do more good.


  • 原句翻译不动。不能分担痛苦可以鼓励可以生命中陪伴只要不对感到厌烦。 以上我的英…

    I can't share your pain , but I can encourage you and be with you in your life as long as you don't get tired of me.


  • 原句翻译不动。不能分担痛苦可以鼓励可以生命中陪伴只要不对感到厌烦。 以上我的英…

    I can't share your pain , but I can encourage you and be with you in your life as long as you don't get tired of me.


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