• 此处不能援引公众利益辩护

    There is no public interest defence.


  • Bernays设想不同与此的场景:有这样国际法庭,它当今世界犯罪的个体自然人负有审判义务即使这些人的国家同意或要求他们实施该项行。 被告不得以服从上级为辩护理由。

    Bernays envisioned a different scenario: an international court that held ndividuals liable for crimes the world deemed crimes, even if their nation had


  • 自己自己辩护

    He wanted to conduct his own defence.


  • 这家报纸继续刊登这些照片辩护

    The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs.


  • 英国顶尖律师辩护

    He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him.


  • 意识到没有一个同学会辩护

    He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defence.


  • 出现委员会案子辩护

    He appeared before the committee to plead his case.


  • 辩护律师法律许可的范围内利用任何手段当事人作无罪辩护

    Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.


  • 种理解可以事情发生世界上;他可以语言自己辩护,使自己免受父亲惩罚

    It's the understanding that he can make things happen in the world; he can defend himself against his father's punishment through the use of words.


  • 索伦·安德瑞森一名社会科学家达尔伯格全球发展伙伴公司负责监督报告撰写进行辩护这些数字显然粗略估计

    Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.


  • 我们不再生产任何东西了。”告诉福克斯新闻同时自己墨西哥服装生产线辩护

    "We don't make anything anymore," he told Fox News, while defending his own made-in-Mexico clothing line.


  • 这个时候如果嫌疑人没有经济能力雇用律师,法官指定一名法庭律师辩护

    At this time, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.


  • 知道怎么样赚钱,也知道怎么样法庭上那些赚钱方法辩护

    It knows how to make money and how to defend those methods in court.


  • 昨天有报道印度尼西亚镇压抗议者残暴行进行辩护,这些抗议者要求提高宾坦土地赔偿金额,新加坡拥有此岛的最大投资份额

    Indonesia has defended its bloody crackdown on protesters seeking higher compensation for land on Bintan Island, where Singaporeans hold the lion's share of investments, reports said yesterday.


  • 这种跳出孩子辩护我们他人孩子打交道时会产生“如履薄冰感受部分原因。

    This jumping to our children's defense is part of what fuels the "walking on eggshells" feeling that surrounds our dealings with other people's children.


  • 总统电视上严格安全措施进行了辩护

    The president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.


  • 董事会指出生产率下降一事决策辩护

    The board of directors pointed to falling productivity to justify their decision.


  • 聘请一位律师所受指控辩护

    He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegation.


  • 有什么论点出来这个说法辩护呢?

    What points can be raised in defence of this argument?


  • 总统的竞选提名演讲中极力自己辩护

    The president took up the cudgels in his acceptance speech.


  • 随后德夫维护奴隶制写了一份有力辩护,这份辩护支持所有后亲奴主义作家开创性著作。

    Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.


  • 这个时候如果不起律师的话法官也会指定一名法庭律师嫌疑人辩护

    At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.


  • 想不最后一点辩护办法,知道杰拉尔德的。

    She could think of no defense for this last point, for she knew Gerald was right.


  • 经常用来性别教育辩护第二研究路线恰恰在专业领域之内大脑认知发展

    The second line of research often used to justify single-sex education falls squarely within my area of expertise: brain and cognitive development.


  • 例如18世纪止,亚里士多德大多数思想家都人性名义奴隶制辩护

    In the name of human nature, for example, Aristotle and most thinkers up to the eighteenth century defended slavery.


  • 此外迪士尼没有一些人所说那样FBI 辩护

    Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as some have suggested.


  • 根据Kerber说法,母性共和国命运关键前所未有女性教育关注提供辩护

    According to Kerber, motherhood became pivotal to the fate of the republic, providing justification for an unprecedented attention to female education.


  • 例如如果项目遭到资深员工的反对,那就一位老前辈辩护

    If your project is being resisted, for example, by a group of veteran employees, ask another old-timer to speak up for it.


  • 例如如果项目遭到资深员工的反对,那就一位老前辈辩护

    If your project is being resisted, for example, by a group of veteran employees, ask another old-timer to speak up for it.


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