• 解决问题,文中提出了动态震害矩阵动态损失矩阵的求解方法

    In order to solve this problem, the method solved dynamic earthquake damage matrix and dynamic loss matrix is developed.


  • 减轻意思是最终用户不会觉察发生问题管理员解决问题提供更多时间

    Mitigation means that the end user is not aware that problems are occurring, giving the administrators more time to resolve the problems.


  • 物理建模模型解决如何”之类问题表示给定计算环境实现真实性

    Physical modeling addresses the question of "how" for the model, which represents implementation reality in a given computing environment.


  • 管理支持部门带来很大的负担——必须每个应用程序每个职员设置帐号当用户忘记密码时还要帮助他们解决问题,等等

    This poses a huge cost for the administration and support departmentsaccounts must be set up in each application for each employee, users forget their passwords, and so on.


  • 那些误会产生纠纷提供种经济简便的解决方案——类案件中,一个及时道歉或者更正声明赔偿要紧

    That would offer a cheap and quick way of resolving those arguments that arose out of mistakes, where a prompt apology or a correction matters much more than damages.


  • 即便基金支持者承认最多也只是临时解决方案SIV争取一点时间他们能够找到其他资金来源体面地倒下

    Even those who support the fund admit that it is, at best, a temporary solution, buying time so SIVs can find other sources of finance or wind down gracefully.


  • 业务分析师工程师提供了一种标准直观双向环境解决流程运行时展示问题。

    This enables a standard, straightforward, round-trip friendly environment for business analysts as well as engineers dealing with the runtime representation of a process.


  • 随着客户需求增加BPMBRMS集成越来越常见,客户提供业务流程敏捷性可扩展性更高解决方案

    With increasing requirements from customers, BPM and BRMS are more and more integrated to deliver customer solutions with high agility and extensibility for business processes.


  • 仅仅设计中的个别部分细节发生了变更,就要迫使用户设计文档重新产生2000 +的文档,当然不是一个合理解决方案

    Forcing the user to regenerate 2000 + pages for a design document just because a couple of details have changed in a single part of the design is not an optimal solution.


  • 恰好两翼极端分子留有一个缝隙,以宣扬兜售一些毫无意义的解决方案

    That leaves a gap for extremists on the left and right, peddling dead-end solutions.


  • MicrosoftOutlook计算机上运行想让LotusNotes在其笔记本电脑上运行用户提供一种解决方案但是需要使用相同数据

    This offers a solution for users who may have Microsoft Outlook on their computers at work and Lotus Notes on their laptops, but need to work with the same data.


  • 刚好解决首播集重大犯罪提供了便利——一名女性慢跑者遭某种大灰狼诡异撕裂——天赋同时也是诅咒

    While this comes in handy for solving the pilot's big crime-the weird mauling of a female jogger by some sort of big bad wolf-it's also his curse.


  • Infor mix添加WebSphere Information IntegratorOmniFind Edition提供了一种通用解决方案但是针对配置复杂性应有四种显而易见考虑

    This provides a general solution for adding Informix tables to OmniFind; however, there are four considerations that will become apparent for configurations of any complexity.


  • 尽管Visual Studio . NET在创建项目程序集创建了适当的安全策略(授予全部权限),但是不是部署解决方案情况

    Although Visual Studio.net created an appropriate security policy for your assembly when you created your project (granting full rights), this won't be the case when you deploy your solution.


  • comet样式应用程序连接时值设置最大充分利用基础设施提供其他解决方案更快浏览器更新速度,而且数据传输量更少——听起来非常不错

    Comet style applications maximize connection timeouts and infrastructure to provide updates to the browser more quickly than other solutions and with less data sent — which sounds great.


  • 学习了篇文章之后就可以轻松使用XFGDataServices生成有效的XHTML/XFormsUI构建完整数据服务解决方案

    Through these two articles, you can easily start to use XFG to generate functional XHTML/XForms UI for the backend Data Services to build a complete data service solution.


  • 建筑师基地设想了新的现代房屋但是邻居们反对新的规划,促使建筑师提出一不同寻常解决方案

    The architect conceived a new, contemporary house for the site, but neighbours griped about the new plans, leading the architect to come up with an unusual solution.


  • 包括解决生产实际问题所做改进工具开发,对于一些未知应用领域功能开发,以及过程中所获得经验

    This includes improvements in the production of practical problems, the development of new tools, the development of functions for unknown applications, and the experience gained in the process.


  • 苏格兰科学家成功实验室培育出肾脏,应对器官移植严重短缺提供了突破性解决措施。

    SCOTTISH scientists have succeeded in growing kidneys in a laboratory in a breakthrough that could help tackle the tragic shortage of organs for transplant.


  • 解决复杂戴作用问题以及上部结构基础地基共同作用问题等提供了一种新的分析方法

    Thus a new method is presented for solving the problems of interaction of superstructure and foundation and subsoil, as well as for the problems of the thick plates under the complicated loadings.


  • 解决机构中的问题提供了一个切实可行的方法

    The method is very efficient to solve multiple solution problems in mechanisms.


  • 解决高分子PT C材料室温体积电阻率PTC强度矛盾提供一条新的途径

    A new method was offered for solving the contradictory of high room temperature bulk resistivity and low PTC intensity of polymeric PTC material by this.


  • 分类实验中我们发现支持向量数量远远小于样本数我们解决大规模数据问题提供方法。

    In the classification experiment, we find that the number of the support vector is far less than the number of the training sample number.


  • 设计根本目的大众解决不足必定要求中国现代设计民族文化审美心理相适应

    The design basic goal is solves the problem for the populace, this inevitably requests Chinese modern the design to have to adapt with this nationality's cultural esthetic psychology.


  • 为解决网络接通率低负荷不平衡问题提供良好途径

    Hence it provides an excellent way to improve switch rate and balance of network load.


  • 应用开发方以前智能手机平台或者非智能机平台不能赚钱的问题提供了解决方案。

    This provides a unique monetization method for developers that previously could not monetize on applications developed for smart or feature phones.


  • 解决非直联水轮发电机组负荷转速上升计算调节负荷时调节系统稳定性分析等问题提供了一个重要依据

    Thus an important basic is provided for calculation of speed rise when load rejection and for analysis of regulation system stability when load regulation.


  • 意味着正待解决系统性风险,比起那些投资者关注系统性的、固定投入风险解决需要长的时间

    This means that addressing systemic risk requires a longer timeframe than that associated with the non-systemic, stationary risks to which investors devote most attention.


  • 错误消息必须用户说明问题意味着必须向用户提供做出一个合适决定解决问题所需要信息

    The error message box must illuminate the problem for the user. This means that it must give him the information he needs to make an appropriate plan to solve the program's problem.


  • 需要解决一系列问题:如设立研究控制HIV感染焦点的项目,确保得到长期资助

    This is a series of problems to be resolved: the establishment of such research in order to control HIV infection as the focus of the project and to ensure long-term funding.


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