• 项目恩威集团为自己公司开发的ERP系统

    The project is ERP system self-developed by Enwei Group.


  • 约翰爵士坚持不是什么自己公司特殊请求

    Sir John insists that this is not special pleading for his company.


  • 任何人都可以直接互联网为自己公司做推广不是所有公司解决方案。

    Anyone can be advertising the company directly from Internet but it is not the solution for all the companies.


  • 没有必要出卖自己公司工作

    You don't have to sell out and work for some corporation.


  • 这家公司自己一些职员种族主义者。

    The company has been branded racist by some of its own staff.


  • 夏季公司学生提供商业实践培训提供高达3000美元奖金他们创业经营自己暑期企业

    Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.


  • 1993年,很少有公司自己网页只有少数公司用户支持在线订购产品服务

    In 1993, few corporations had a web page, and only a handful allowed one to order products or services online.


  • 公司内部,合理薪酬设计可以激励公司高层不只自己所有股东着想

    Within companies, the right compensation design can provide incentives for executives to think beyond their own time at the company and on behalf of all stakeholders.


  • 1992年公司因出品 Ice-T 乐队暴力说唱歌曲《警察杀手》后倍受谴责列文却将说唱音乐描述街头文化合法表达方式说它应该自己宣泄途径

    In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet.


  • Wally不是一个领导创新自己创造价值,而不是公司利益

    Wally is not a leader because his creativity only produces value for him and not for the good of the organization.


  • 微软自己Office软件生产力”软件市场占据主导地位,这些初创公司代表智能手机世界从头开始设计技术浪潮。

    Microsoft's own Office dominates the market for "productivity" software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.


  • 生命更深刻含义在于,并不仅仅意味着工作,也有责任好好利用上天赋予一切——不仅仅你的公司自己目的而你做的那些

    There is more to life than that, and it is your responsibility to apply all the gifts you were given - not just the ones your company wants you to use for its own purposes.


  • 广告公司保证自己利益总是不遗余力的宣称只要商家投入足够的资金任何品牌可以的萧条时期胜出。

    To safeguard their own profits, advertising firms always insist that any brand can do well during hard times if owners continue to lavish money on marketing.


  • 奥巴马密苏里州停留展开竞选为自己提高富裕阶层公司赋税降低中产阶层赋税计划辩护

    Obama defended his plans to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations while offering a middle class tax cut during a campaign stop in Missouri.


  • 另外法律没有解决专利体系存在一个重要问题各类公司保护自己点子付出高昂的支出

    Moreover, the law does little to address the more basic problem of a patent system that has grown in expense for all kinds of companies that want to protect their ideas.


  • 谷歌执行董事长否认公司推广自己网站服务而修改搜索结果

    Google's executive chairman has denied that the company fixes its search results to promote its own websites and services.


  • 1995年,这家众多间断领域做咨询业务的公司请求瑞士银行公司为自己作咨询,早些简直匪夷所思。

    In 1995 the firm that had advised on so many cutting-edge takeovers itself fell prey to Swiss Bank Corporation, for a fraction of what it would have fetched a few years earlier.


  • 第2名 -“Outof pocket”:这个词本来的意思公司办事,让自己掏钱”。

    Out of pocket This means you were on company business and using your own funds.


  • 随后地质调查油价波动促使英国一家公司DesirePetroleum租用钻井装置,准备自己几家其他公司钻探最多座油井

    Subsequent seismic surveys and the surge in the price of oil prompted Desire Petroleum, a small British company, to hire the rig, which will drill up to ten wells for itself and several other firms.


  • 想像自己自己工作而不是公司工作。

    Think of yourself as working for yourself, not for the company.


  • 请一定努力工作,不仅公司自己自己我们公司发展壮大的唯一出路

    Work hard, not only for the company but also for yourself, that's the only way that you and the company can keep growing.


  • 也是他们什么自己定位媒体公司非技术公司原因。

    That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media company" instead of a technology company.


  • 向威斯特先生提供一些自己唱片公司开发新人设计营销策略想法

    I could also entertain Mr West with a few ideas on developing talent for his record label or designing a marketing strategy.


  • 一个终生文字爱好者能够建立自己著作公司前景感到兴奋。

    As a lifelong lover of words, I was thrilled at the prospect of launching my own writing company.


  • 理解一种角度这种金融风险自己而非公司

    One of the ways that I look at this is the financial risk of working for yourself instead of a big company.


  • 理解一种角度这种金融风险自己而非公司

    One of the ways that I look at this is the financial risk of working for yourself instead of a big company.


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