• 塞蒂著名画家当过模特。

    She had sat for famous painters like Rossetti.


  • 是来自己算命的,不是切斯特先生

    'But I came to hear about my future, not Mr Rochester's!'


  • 尼先生敲门劝人改宗教堂容易得多

    He says knocking on doors for Mr Romney is easier than winning converts for his church.


  • 卢拉塞夫助阵,一起全国巡回演讲,至少电视广告上这样。

    But Lula campaigned beside Ms Rousseff, toured the country with her and was at least as visible in her television advertising as she was.


  • 这笔交易成功与否的关键,在于桑托斯是否能够凑足赞助商为罗支付工资

    The deal hinges on Santos attracting enough sponsors to be able to afford Robinho's wages.


  • 要让赫特人加入分离主义阵营办法就是陷害绝地,让他们去塔的失踪背黑锅

    He wanted the Hutt in the Separatist camp, and the way to do that was to frame the Jedi for Rotta's disappearance.


  • 瓦德、凯特琳他们属下奉上面包维斯·特洛是宾客权利象征

    Walder Frey gave Robb, Catelyn, and their men bread and salt, the symbol of guest right in Westeros.


  • 但是祖母起来时,了一下并且摔倒在了专门·科维克上台提供轮椅坡道上

    But as she rose, my grandmother tripped and fell smack into the wheelchair ramp that provided Ron Kovic with access to the stage.


  • 切尔西已经本提供了一新的合同本的经纪人也希望续约之事再横生枝节。

    Chelsea are believed to be ready to offer Robben an improved five-year deal to keep him in West London and Robben Snr does not expect any problems with the new contract.


  • 卡梅隆最初是从搞电影技术开始先是杰·科曼特效产品设计毕业后开始拍摄自己的电影。

    Cameron got his start on the technical side of the movie business, making effects and doing production design for Roger Corman before graduating to directing pictures of his own.


  • 布鲁克斯1962年一部分,移动当前工程斯梅斯威克在西米德兰,只有英里远,原来处所

    In 1962 Brooks became part of Raleigh and moved to the current works in Smethwick in the West Midlands, just a few miles away from the original premises.


  • 汽车艺术品大师查尔斯·塞克斯应邀尔斯·易斯汽车公司设计标志时深深印脑海中的女神像立刻使产生创作灵感

    When the car works of art guru Charles Sykes was invited to Roll Winslow Lewis Motor Company design logo, etched in his mind of the goddess at once led him inspiration.


  • 纽约客》写了关于格温妮丝·帕尔特的文章。

    She wrote a piece on Gwyneth Paltrow for the New Yorker.


  • 国际自行车骑行会欢迎有志慈善事业参加。

    The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.


  • 除了喧闹外,图一百岁生日聚会实际上被设计一个简朴实惠的活动。

    Despite all the hoopla, Palo Alto's 100th birthday party is actually designed to be a simple, down-to-earth affair.


  • 明显先生形容金融服务业加拉帕戈斯群岛”监管宽松对冲基金业正在遭受场震荡

    Most clearly, the lightly regulated hedge fund industry described by Mr. Luo as the Galapagos of financial services is suffering a shakeout.


  • 第一盘磁带里包含很多我们围着台球桌嬉戏玩笑的内容,最后萨克斯。

    The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me.


  • 这个时候哥哥乔迪楞德拉决定我们大哥一起创办《婆》,大哥担任编辑我们热情提供新鲜食粮

    This was the time when my brother Jyotirindra decided to start the Bharati with our eldest brother as an editor, giving us fresh food for enthusiasm.


  • 有时它的主人会给阿格宠物打电话家里其他宠物订购食物,皮托非常乐意商店食物带回家其他宠物。

    Sometimes his owner calls Agro Pet for food for his other pets, and Pituco is more than happy to go to the shop and bring the food back home for the other pets in the family.


  • 然而无论是巴拉克•奥巴马还是米特•尼,都没有像吉米卡特这位技艺精湛的木匠橱柜制造商那样,把自己标榜一位精通工具总统

    Yet neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney promotes himself as tool savvy presidential timber, in the mold of a Jimmy Carter, a skilled carpenter and cabinet maker.


  • 特林顿两位科学家播放了录音,一位是杰·佩恩,另一位是凯蒂·佩恩。

    Watlington played the recordings for a pair of scientists named Roger and Katy Payne.


  • 判处项罪行服刑一项罪行服刑年,由于杰比较合作,有三年刑期被暂缓执行。

    He sentenced Roger to three years on one charge and two years on the other, and suspended the three-year sentence because of his cooperation.


  • 以色列女子阿,当号。曾使你们穿朱红色的美衣,使你们衣服黄金妆饰

    Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights, who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.


  • 印度教圣人巴尤陷于恍惚状态前往布莫山供品赐福

    Deep in a trance, Baryo, a Hindu holy man, blesses offerings bound for Mount Bromo.


  • 每次健身都吃准备沙拉

    After his workout he eats a salad Rhoda has prepared for him.


  • 因此我们不必先生担心但是我们需要更加担心是与克侬先生所面临问题类似攻击所产生的大范围内的影响

    So we don't need to worry about Mr. Cronon - but we should worry a lot about the wider effect of attacks like the one he's facing.


  • 二战爆发,1940年芬兰举行奥运会被迫取消了,艾泽·威廉姆斯极度伤心失望只得在旧金山比利·水上舞蹈团工作

    Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


  • 二战爆发,1940年芬兰举行奥运会被迫取消了,艾泽·威廉姆斯极度伤心失望只得在旧金山比利·水上舞蹈团工作

    Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


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