• 这些理想条件被判断成功治疗可以随后正常条件下进行评估。

    A treatment judged successful under these ideal conditions can then be evaluated under normal conditions.


  • 精神病学专业初级保健医生(家庭医生——译者注)可以开出这些药物但我们推荐相患者寻求精神科医师治疗

    While primary care physicians who do not specialize in psychiatry also may prescribe these medications, it is recommended that people with bipolar disorder see a psychiatrist for treatment.


  • 了解光线调节得性恐惧的方式可以使治疗能够针对治疗这些恐惧基础的疾病

    Understanding how light regulates learned fear may inform therapies aimed at treating some of these fear-based disorders.


  • 2007年1月9日|日内瓦-虽然每年1200或者蝎子蜇伤,但世界没有足够的能力这些人提供治疗

    January 2007 | GENEVA - Although more than 12 million people each year are bitten by dogs or snakes, or stung by scorpions, the world's capacity to treat them is inadequate.


  • 虽然每年1200或者蝎子蜇伤,但世界没有足够的能力这些人提供治疗

    Although more than 12 million people each year are bitten by dogs or snakes, or stung by scorpions, the world's capacity to treat them is inadequate.


  • 结束今晚的讲话之时,更多的美国正在失去医保,病人得不到应有的治疗企业主继续放弃员工提供医保,我不会不管这些没有医保的美国人,在座各位也不应该如此

    Small business owners will continue to drop coverage altogether. I will not walk away from these Americans and neither should the people in this chamber. speaking.


  • 由于治疗费用昂贵,当时许多反对我们相信这些病人提供合理治疗是我们医生应尽的职责

    Many were against it because of the high cost of treatment. But we believe that as doctors we have an obligation to find the appropriate treatment for these patients.


  • 以青蒿基础的联合治疗药物要比氯喹其它常用至少昂贵10许多地区这些药物由于疟原虫对它们具有耐药性不再有效

    ACTs are at least 10 times more costly than chloroquine and other commonly used malaria drugs, which are no longer effective in many regions because the malaria parasite has become resistant to them.


  • 尽管某些精神抑制类药物标示治疗抑郁症,但是如果典型的抑郁不起作用的话,应该这些药物最后的救命稻草来使用

    Although some antipsychotics are labeled for use in depression, they should be used as a last resort if typical antidepressants don't work.


  • 经杀虫剂处理蚊帐以青蒿素基础的联合治疗用于对抗疟疾之前许多年我们已经掌握了这些手段有效性数据

    And we already had data on the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets and ACTs against malaria years before they were implemented.


  • 这些小鱼,非常适合人们治疗诸如牛皮癣等皮肤病

    Doctor fish feed on dead skin.For this reason, a visit to a spa pool teeming with doctor fish is regarded as a good treatment for people with psoriasis.


  • 这些病人中,通过联合治疗69%获得缓解英夫利单抗组57%,硫唑嘌呤组只有28%的缓解。

    Among these patients, 69% achieved remission with the combination treatment compared to 57% of those on Remicade alone and to 28% of those on azathioprine alone.


  • 这些经验不是解决艾滋病危机惟一方法,找到治疗艾滋病的方法之前教育不失预防感染艾滋病毒的惟一安全的措施

    These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS, education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus.


  • 治疗回应可以定义个人对某些运作体验过程方面回应这些正在暗在地运作,而个体倾向于回应

    The psychotherapeutic response can be defined as one which responds to aspects of experiencing which are implicitly functioning, but to which the individual himself tends not to respond.


  • 这些研究通过了解大脑进行相关治疗药物研发

    The studies identify clear brain targets that can implicate drugs that can be therapeutic.


  • 这些化学成分硝酸酯类药物——全世界数百万男性治疗高血压心脏病而服用的处方药相冲突经常导致心脏病与中风发作

    These chemicals clash with nitrates millions of men around the world take in prescribed drugs for high blood pressure and heart disease, and often lead to a heart attack or stroke.


  • 科学家希望能够控制这些细胞这种独特的品质临床上创造新的治疗方法。

    Scientists hope to harness the unique qualities of these cells to create new treatments for a variety of medical conditions.


  • 结论这些结果表明MACI膝关节关节软骨缺损提供了一个合适中期治疗选项

    CONCLUSION: These results suggest that MACI provides a suitable midterm treatment option for articular cartilage defects in the knee.


  • 这些研究成果探讨CNS损伤治疗提供了思路

    These study results provided new idea for the therapy to the injury in CNS.


  • 我们做了心理治疗,还针对她的背痛调理情绪使用指导集中方法,帮助释放这些情绪。

    We did psychotherapy and emotional attunement therapy to connect Elsie to the emotions within the back pain and helped her to release these emotions by using guided focussing.


  • 这些被抑制激活蛋白可能肿瘤生物标志物药物作用靶点肿瘤的诊断和治疗提供新的候选蛋白。

    These repressed or activated proteins were the potential tumor biomarkers and drug targets, which would offer the candidate proteins for tumor diagnosis and treatments.


  • 杜克大学泌尿科医生研究调查Freedland说:“实验考虑,我们没有这些小鼠进行任何的治疗,任由具有侵略性的肿瘤不受抑制的生长。”

    "These mice were not receiving treatment and we were allowing aggressive tumors to grow unchecked for the sake of the experiment," said study investigator Freedland, a urologist at Duke.


  • 这些研究临床应用艾灸治疗关节炎提供了一定依据

    These studies provide a certain basis for the clinical use of moxibustion to treat arthritis.


  • TH分子机制研究有助于揭示这些线粒体疾病致病机理以及诊断基因治疗提供分子依据。

    To investigate the molecular mechanism of th may reveal the pathogenic mechanism of mitochondrial diseases and provide the molecular basis for diagnosis and gene therapy.


  • 虽然这个领域研究惊人的步伐向前走,但是目前没有理想的治疗这些具有毁灭性疾病存在

    Although research in this field is moving forward at a remarkable pace, currently no ideal treatment exists for these devastating diseases.


  • 这些认识对PNH克隆演变机制研究、 PNH发病机制阐明以及临床提供有效诊断治疗手段具有重要意义。

    Research in the evolution of the PNH clone will help us to realize the pathogenesis of PNH . It can give us available methods of diagnosis and therapy for PNH .


  • 这些认识对PNH克隆演变机制研究、 PNH发病机制阐明以及临床提供有效诊断治疗手段具有重要意义。

    Research in the evolution of the PNH clone will help us to realize the pathogenesis of PNH . It can give us available methods of diagnosis and therapy for PNH .


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