• 通过所设计试验装置误差因素进行分析,提出提高稳定性测量精度一些设想。

    Through this analysis of the factor of error of these devices some Suggestions for increasing the measuring a...


  • 零件应力状况能够反映机械构件工作状态,对的有效检测评估提高产品安全性可靠性稳定性提供保障。

    The working condition of mechanical components can be indicated by their stress states, whose measurement and evaluation can also improve the security, reliability and stability of the products.


  • 结构设计悬浮防震式,有效地提高设备稳定性,避特强,平稳噪音延长使用寿命。

    Structural design for entire aerosol, high quakeproof-like, enhanced equipments stability effectively, shocks proof extra-heavy, the steady low noise, the extension service life.


  • 提高通门罗盘指向精度稳定性提出了磁通门罗盘的数字信号处理方法

    In order to improve the pointing precision and stability of fluxgate compass, a digital signal processing method was put forward.


  • 提高噪声环境下椭圆物体形状检测算法稳定性准确性,本文提出非线性数据拟合模型结合交叉参考迭代思路

    To solve the problem of ellipse - object - shape parameters detection in noise image, a new detection algorithm using nonlinear data fitting model and cross-reference iterative method is proposed.


  • 提高结构构件强度稳定性耐久性必须重视钢筋混凝土结构补强加固工程及注意事项。

    It should be pay more attention to the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure to improve the components intension, stability, stiffness and durability.


  • 鲁棒非线性协调控制方法提高改善系统背景现代电网稳定性有效、最经济的手段之一

    The robust nonlinear coordinated control is considered to be one of the best ways both in cost and efficacy to enhance and improve the multi-machine system stability.


  • 提高时变系统稳定性精度,提出了基于在线参数辨识适应插补控制方法

    To improve the stability and precision of the time-varying system, an adaptive interpolate control method based on the online parameter identification is presented.


  • 其中最危险架设阶段研究了主梁之间设置交叉索这结构措施提高系统颤振稳定性的效果。

    Then, with the most dangerous construction stage as an example, the improvement of the flutter stability of the system with cross - hangers mounted between the main cables and the deck is studied.


  • 提高沙地系统稳定性,采用阔叶树混交方式营建草沙地防护林。

    Protection Forest on sandy meadow was established by mixing broadleaf trees to raise stability of sandy meadow system.


  • 提高主厂房抗浮稳定性地基基础采用加固方案

    The foundation adopts anchor bar reinforcement scheme to increase anti-floating stability of the main pump house.


  • 研究结果利用差动制动控制提高汽车的高速操纵稳定性提供动力学依据

    The results provide the dynamics base for improving vehicle stability through differential braking control.


  • 抑制飞轮储能系统驱动电机——转速无刷直流电机能量回馈时的转矩脉动提高系统稳定性,提出种适合高转速飞轮储能单元回馈制动的控制方法

    An energy feedback control scheme was developed for high speed brushless direct current motors used in flywheel energy storage systems to restrain the pulsating torque and improve the stability.


  • 提高电力系统暂态稳定性提出一种基于器件新型励磁系统。

    In order to improve transient stability of power system at present, this paper presents a novel excitation system based on full controlled devices rectifier.


  • 进一步提高实现过程中的定位控制精度稳定性,将积分分离PID控制应用于压电陶瓷定位过程,达到预期的控制精度效果。

    The PID controlling model is used to make it improved in the precision and stability comparing to the opening control and proportion control procedure.


  • 这一结论提高激光器稳定性、研究晶体热效应提供理论依据。

    The conclusion has provided a theoretical direction for the improvement of the stability of lasers and the study of the thermal effect of crystals.


  • 走马岭隧道岩体结构特征围岩稳定性研究优化设计参数提高施工质量提供理论指导,保证施工安全以及优化设计具有重要工程实践意义

    Study on the characters of rock mass condition and the stability of surrounding rock has great practical significance to optimize design parameter and to advance construction quality.


  • 可以相干光源记录扫描全息图系统单光,从而可以提高系统稳定性

    The advantages are that the incoherent light can be used to produce holograms and the stability of the optical system is increased as a single path system.


  • 研究进一步优化激光器设计提高其激光输出稳定性奠定理论基础

    The study establishes the theory base of optimizing design of laser to improve the stability of laser output.


  • 此时谷乳化活性84.9%,乳化稳定性85.7%,比酶前谷朊粉乳化性有明显提高

    The emulsifying ability 84.9%, emulsion stability property 85.7%. The remarkable improvement in emulsifying property of the gluten modification by Transglutaminase was evident.


  • 提高油压减振器制造检修质量研制开发新型油压减振器,迫切需要稳定性精度的新型油压减振器试验台

    To improve the quality of hydraulic damper and develop new hydraulic damper, we need advanced test-beds which have high stability and precision both in manufacture and repair factory.


  • 需要进一步改进尾翼提高稳定性扫描稳定提供保证

    The shape of the tail wings need to be optimized, to improve the static stability and guarantee the stability of the scanning angle.


  • 介绍了增大水“火箭”升空高度增强飞行稳定性提高水“火箭”的演示效果,而采取的措施

    Some measures are introduced which can raise liquid fueled rockets height up to the air, as well as improve its flying stability and demonstration effect.


  • 最后,针对视频环境下红外跟踪介绍提高跟踪稳定性而进行一系列实验及其原理装置。

    Finally, some tracking tests and the prototype for improving the stability of actual tracking systems are described.


  • 模型用于渣油裂解建模,其预报精度稳定性比r BF -PLS方法均有所提高表现MEP - GRNN非线性过程建模的优势

    When applied to cracker modeling, MEP-GRNN shows advantage for non-linear molding over RBF-PLS approach. It has good prediction accuracy and stability.


  • 由于惯性敏感单元光纤结构大大提高系统稳定性

    As the inertial sensing unit has an all-fiber structure, the stability of the system is greatly improved.


  • 由于惯性敏感单元光纤结构大大提高系统稳定性

    As the inertial sensing unit has an all-fiber structure, the stability of the system is greatly improved.


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