• 任何井然有序社会需要客观公正、大家接受规则

    An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society.


  • 越来越那些曾经具有冒犯性所接受

    It is becoming more acceptable to many who used to think it offensive.


  • 东亚合作不仅得到东亚各国支持世界其他国家接受

    East Asiacooperation is not only supported by the East Asian countries, but also accepted by other countries of the world.


  • 事实上就像联合国开发计划署报告披露那样纳米比亚博茨瓦纳乔贝河(赞比西河支流)岛屿争端上已化干戈玉帛,二者均接受国际法院的仲裁。

    Indeed, as that UNDP report came out, Namibia and Botswana amicably accepted an international court ruling over an island in the Chobe river, a tributary of the Zambezi.


  • Linux已经商业技术计算环境中占据重要地位,并迅速多种业务接受

    Linux has gained a significant presence in commercial and technical computing environments and has quickly gained acceptance among varied businesses.


  • 第八纳税人购进货物或者接受应税劳务以下简称购进货物或者应税劳务),支付或者负担增值税额进项税额。

    Article 8 For taxpayers who purchase goods or receive taxable services (hereibafter referred to as "purchasing goods or taxable services"), VAT paid or borne shall be the input tax.


  • 知道,我知道...我个理想主义者,这样世界永远也不会存在.但是没关系.可以接受世界现在的样子...同时,拥有的这么美妙的一个世界表示感激.生活拥有这么多这么(比如屏幕前的)表示感激.通过我的一行,我的感激将会辐射到这个世界,从某种程度上说对也会有改善.

    I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we have. And what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.


  • 没有获取财富声誉梦想只想使自己的写作风格别人所接受,若可能,最好自己的作品他人的生活影响。

    I have not dreamed of fortune of fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a different in their lives.


  • 确实也如此同性婚姻——热点问题中的热点——似乎随着各州相继认可,也渐公众所接受

    Indeed, gay marriage - once the hottest of hot buttons - seems to be easing toward public acceptance, as state after state approves it.


  • 我们价格合理已经你们市场其他买主所接受了。

    Our price is quite reasonable and other buyers in your market have accepted it.


  • 美元价值对于乞丐对于富豪更高,这大多数所接受

    Most people accept that a dollar is worth more to a pauper than to a plutocrat.


  • 常规的、大多数所接受并且不会侵犯妇女权利

    It is common, acceptable to most, and it works, without infringing on a woman's rights.


  • 这种观点经验证据”,经济学写到,“这种大多人所接受的观点相比显得更加不明确。”

    "The empirical evidence on this point", the economists write, "is much less clear cut than the conviction with which this conventional wisdom is held."


  • 只要应用程序可以输入解析惟一有效值应该接受输入,您不必彻底地人类用户约束应用程序偏好的格式中

    As long as the application can resolve the input to a unique valid value, it should accept the input; you don't need to completely bind the human user to the application's preferred format.


  • 由于人们转基因(GM)食品的安全和不可预期后果还心存疑虑以这类作物欧洲非洲部分地区推广速度还不是很快,尽管转基因作物在美国种植已很普遍,转基因食品也大众接受

    Concerns about safety and unexpected consequences have led to a slow rate of adoption in Europe and parts of Africa, although GM crops are already widely planted and consumed in the US.


  • 爱情买卖这样网络流行歌曲大相径庭,传奇》那般温和容易大众所接受

    This isn't a song like other popular ones on the Internet, such as Love Trading; and it's not as friendly and easy to listen to as the Legend.


  • 本土有机食物散养动物来源的食物成餐桌新宠,逐渐新生代接受

    Local, organically grown foods and free-range, animal-sourced foods are a prevalent new trend, perhaps even the "hip" way to eat by younger generations.


  • 但是接受更好的教育、种族主义束缚的已应运而生。

    But a new, better-educated and less racially obsessed generation is coming through.


  • 银行业一直缺乏一个大众所接受面孔

    BANKING is an industry that lacks acceptable faces.


  • 被动破坏了的只是已经接受了的社会律条,不是环境认同的社会律条,可是她却把自己想象成这个环境中的一个不伦不类的人。

    She had been made to break an accepted social law, but no law known to the environment in which she fancied herself such an anomaly.


  • 的是,绝大部分父母孩子取名时都会认真考虑,而能否社会所接受通常他们考虑最重要的方面。

    Fortunately, most parents give serious thought to naming their children, with social acceptance usually being a key consideration.


  • 这些规则约束力的基础在于他们大多数人接受

    The roots of their binding force lie in their acceptance by the majority.


  • 公众广泛接受幸福“设定点”(set - point)理论个人长期幸福趋于稳定很大程度上取决于基因因素

    The widely accepted "set-point" theory of happiness says that an individual's long-term happiness tends to be stable because it depends mainly on genetic factors.


  • 2006年胚胎培育法案法案禁止捐献接受研究目的培育胚胎中取得的组织”。

    The Fetal Farming Bill of 2006, which prohibits "the solicitation or acceptance of tissue from embryos gestated for research purposes."


  • 个体选择发生一个既定条件”环境下——一些个体所接受选择基础前提只有处于这些“既定条件”设定限制之中才是适合的。

    Individual choice takes place in an environment of 'givens' — premises that are accepted by the individual as bases for choice; and behavior is adaptive only within the limits set by these' givens. '.


  • 这份协议哥伦比亚委内瑞拉居间促成,洪都拉斯再次美洲国家组织所接受铺平了道路

    The agreement, mediated by Colombia and Venezuela, paves the way for Honduras to be readmitted to the Organisation of American States. See article.


  • 这份协议哥伦比亚委内瑞拉居间促成,洪都拉斯再次美洲国家组织所接受铺平了道路

    The agreement, mediated by Colombia and Venezuela, paves the way for Honduras to be readmitted to the Organisation of American States. See article.


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