• 惩罚没有立刻解决所有的问题,他们钥匙还给了先前把他们砸毁的那个

    To punish him for not fixing everything immediately they gave the car keys back to the party who smashed up their car in the first place.


  • 显然俄罗斯方面惩罚欧盟那些养尊处优代表而使出的“诡计”——有好几代表在会议期间酣然入睡

    (the venue - 10 hours' flight from Brussels - was apparently chosen by Russia to punish the EU's pampered representatives, several of whom fell asleep during sessions).


  • 墨丘利跑来揪住冒犯者的领子欢乐的生活中拉了出来,强行重新投入地狱在那里惩罚他而设的巨石准备就绪。

    Mercury came and seized the impudent man by the collar and, snatching him from his joys, lead him forcibly back to the underworld, where his rock was ready for him.


  • 自己的粗鲁无礼遭到了惩罚

    He was punished for his impertinence.


  • 种理解可以事情发生世界上;他可以语言自己辩护,使自己免受父亲惩罚

    It's the understanding that he can make things happen in the world; he can defend himself against his father's punishment through the use of words.


  • 事实上条约数百页内容满篇术语让人不解,它们似乎就是制定惩罚那些愚昧兴趣的国民

    In fact the treaty's hundreds of baffling, jargon-strewn pages seem designed to punish any citizen unwise enough to take an interest.


  • 布莱尔表演不时会有少许变化—他不时自己有限的台词添上些新的犯罪名称惩罚方式,以便常演常

    Blair's production has been subject to regular, small-scale variations, with different sorts of crimes or punishments constantly adding freshness to what is, after all, a fairly limited script.


  • 我们害怕某事受到惩罚

    We are afraid we'll be punished for something.


  • 法庭上楷模——我们审判台前,接受我们破坏律法而引出惩罚

    And there's a law court model that he stands on our place, receives the penalty due to us because of our violation of the law.


  • 最高税率40%,这会60,000欧元(82,000美元)到75,000欧元这个收入区段中征收,而且会更强硬的惩罚对付逃税者;关门大吉没收财产

    The upper tax rate of 40% will start at 60, 000 Euro ($82, 000), down from 75, 000 Euro, and there will be tough penalties for evaders; shops may be closed and assets seized.


  • 担心中国避免惩罚美国出口围栏成品而不是围栏零件制品

    He is concerned that the Chinese will be able to avoid penalties by sending complete fences instead of extruded fence parts.


  • 感谢偿还应负的罪,替我担当我应承受惩罚而且宽恕了我。

    I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment and offering forgiveness.


  • 随着年龄增长,我们会将痛苦“社会化”一种审判形式,等同于一种惩罚,而正如实验所表明的那样,这种心理体验重新平衡审判尺度心理效应进而化解人们内心的负罪感。

    We equate it with punishment, and as the experimental results suggest, the experience has the psychological effect of rebalancing the scales of justice—and therefore resolving guilt.


  • 罗德米拉·叶格罗娃·法利娜(LudmilaEgorova - Farines)揭露的不当支付案无疑是对刑事犯罪民事惩罚公司改善声誉所作努力的沉重打击

    The illicit payments uncovered by Ludmila Egorova-Farines raised the specter of a new blow to the company's effort to improve its reputation following criminal convictions and civil penalties.


  • 人们能够学习的原因是:经历能够带来奖励惩罚。 换言之,如果人的某一行得到的是鼓励,他重复这种;如果亿的某一行带给他的是惩罚,他避免这种行

    They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments.


  • 一直惩罚愚蠢东西浪费这么时间

    I'd chastise him for wasting his time on something so foolish.


  • 如果有人开会迟到,不要特地他们回述会议要点,能鼓励及时出席的员工,惩罚那些拖拖拉拉的人。

    Refuse to recap meetings for someone who arrives late, which both encourages those who showed up on time and penalizes those who dawdled.


  • 千万不要家务当做惩罚或者奖励但是可以家庭贡献的一次机会

    Don't use chores as punishments or rewards, but rather as an opportunity to contribute to family life.


  • 似乎遥远或许会觉得对你发怒或是你的某些惩罚你。

    When God seems distant, you may feel that he is angry with you or is disciplining you for some sin.


  • 几十年来,阅读自己罪恶每天每天这些罪恶和耻辱寻找新的证据自我惩罚寻找合理的依据。

    For decades I read this catalogue of crimes and thumbed its pages each day for fresh evidence of guilt, shame and justification for self-punishment.


  • 如果银行必须借款付出惩罚利率持续一时间的话,毒素将会蔓延开来

    If Banks have to borrow at penal rates for some time, the poison will spread.


  • 有助于德国领导人是否捍卫欧元区积极事件不是净做惩罚投机分子负面事件。

    It would also help if German leaders made a more positive case for defending the euro zone, rather than the negative case for punishing "speculators".


  • 创造工作机会麦凯恩削减公司税率——目前该税率35%,在所有工业国家高居第二位——使得公司税不是在美国做生意公司一种惩罚

    To create jobs, Mr. McCain will reduce the corporate tax ratenow at 35% the second highest among all industrial countries — to one that doesn't penalize firms for doing business here.


  • 银行资本受到风险加权的冲击,评级垃圾的债务需要采取惩罚加权,这意味着银行必须它们准备更多资本金,高达顶级评级证券所对应的

    They hit capital in another way, too, because junk-rated debt carries a punitive risk weighting; Banks must set aside five times as much capital as they have to for top-notch securities.


  • 而且,向来以肆意破坏打架滋事乐的足球流氓阻碍守法球迷入场观赛,现在,可以使用爆炸品判处他们高达的监禁惩罚

    Moreover, barras bravas (hooligans), whose penchant for vandalism and violence has discouraged law-abiding fans from attending matches, can be jailed for up to ten years for using explosives.


  • 而且,向来以肆意破坏打架滋事乐的足球流氓阻碍守法球迷入场观赛,现在,可以使用爆炸品判处他们高达的监禁惩罚

    Moreover, barras bravas (hooligans), whose penchant for vandalism and violence has discouraged law-abiding fans from attending matches, can be jailed for up to ten years for using explosives.


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