• 软件服务公司为总部美国外国公司提供技术服务

    The software and service companies provide technology services to foreign companies, many of them based in the United States.


  • 首家以中国总部国际网络快递公司主要客户提供国际快递运输派送业务

    In China, for the first of the headquarters of the international network express company. Mainly to provide international express transportation, customs clearance delivery service.


  • 然而如果度假是以自己的总部,就可以减轻许多压力银行存款同样也一样。

    Planning a vacation with your own home as "home base" can relieve a lot of stress and be a little easier on the bank account.


  • 西雅图时报以圣安东尼奥为总部的特索罗透露调查本季度收益报告文件在上星期晚些

    The Seattle Times said San Antonio-based Tesoro revealed the investigation in a quarterly earnings report filed late last week.


  • 第五不伦瑞克新泽西州为总部公司召回处方药物顾客抱怨其令人作呕的气味

    It's the fifth time that the New Brunswick, N. J. -based company has recalled nonprescription medicines because of consumer complaints about an unpleasant odor.


  • 明尼阿波利斯为总部公司思买集团代销店探索更多有利润选项并且计划重开他们中的两个

    The Minneapolis-based company says it will explore more profitable options for its Best Buy-branded outlets and plans to reopen two of them.


  • 联邦存款保险公司接管派拉蒙银行密歇根州法明顿为总部的,$252.7百万资产$213.6百万存款一起;

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. took over Paramount Bank, based in Farmington Hills, Mich. , with $252.7 million in assets and $213.6 million in deposits;


  • 不过苏黎世总部外国控股公司其非瑞士境内的营业收入可以减免企业可以申请混合企业税优惠进一步降低税率

    But foreign holding companies using Zurich as a base can be exempt from tax on non-Swiss earnings and firms can also apply for "mixed company tax privilege" to agree lower rates.


  • 现在美国人克里斯托弗·马里内略英国总部艺术品登记处——世界最大被盗艺术品私人集散地重新登记了这幅画作。

    Now it's been recovered by an American, Christopher Marinello, from the London-based art Loss Register, the world's largest private database of stolen art.


  • 这家辛辛那提市总部总司首创广播肥皂剧推销公司产品并且数年之后拥有了自己的肥皂剧,包括电视版的《让世界转动》。

    The Cincinnati-based company created one of the first radio soap operas as a way to market its products, and years later it created its own soap operas, including “As the World Turns,” for television.


  • Daniello同意以马德里为总部Amadeus能否北美市场取得突破依赖于与航空公司谈判结果不是任何技术障碍

    Daniello concedes that the push for Madrid-based Amadeus to establish more of a foothold in North America depends on the outcome of airline negotiations rather than any technical obstacles.


  • 总部位于旧金山Switch风险投资公司合伙人保罗·阿诺德抱怨道,“他们买下这些初创企业然后关闭”,将那些有朝一日可能会成长竞争对手的企业扼杀于摇篮。

    "They bought the seedlings and closed them down," complained Paul Arnold, a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors.


  • 总部位于旧金山的爱彼公司房东房客牵线搭桥

    Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco.


  • 所以我们想,我们也迅速扩大经营、走向全球;我们必须成长一个真正意义上的全球性企业这个企业的总部美国

    So we had to get global-and at significant scale-fast. We had to evolve into a truly global company that happened to be based in America.


  • 远离非洲来到美国中部印第安州哥伦布市,制造引擎的康明斯公司代表在公司总部来访者作导览

    Far away from Africa, in the central U.S. state of Indiana, in the city of Columbus, a representative for the Cummins engine-making company gives a tour of headquarters.


  • 十分精力充沛,负责瑞士沃州建立新的奥委会总部同时洛桑奥林匹克博物馆举行了开幕式

    A hugely energetic man, he was responsible for the new IOC headquarters building in Vidy and for inaugurating The Olympic Museum in Lausanne.


  • 走进下午分钟总部希望停下来一找,至少鉴证相片做调查。

    Walking into the P.M. 's minute headquarters, I expect to be stopped and searched, or at least asked for photo identification.


  • 经常开车其它镇子去,确保我们制定合适竞选计划,确保竞选总部他们提供了需要支持用具。

    I spent a lot of time driving to the other towns in the district, making sure our people had a good campaign plan in place, and the support and materials they needed from the central headquarters.


  • 20多年来在马里兰州美国国家安全局总部美国做搜集情报遥视工作

    He spent more than 20 years as a remote viewer working for U.S. intelligence at Fort Meade, Maryland, the HQ of the National Security Agency.


  • 如果一定推测我会张画面应该是大约5年前CCTV总部项目形象而制作新闻资料一部分。

    If I had to surmise, I would say that CCTV produced the image as part of its own press kit on the new headquarters project some five years ago.


  • 巴基斯坦军事精英总部-拉瓦尔品第1月8日举行国会选举进行竞选造势活动。现在选举可能延期

    Miss Bhutto had been campaigning in Rawalpindi, the headquarters of Pakistan's military elite, for an election set for January 8th. It may now be postponed.


  • 既然11初创公司都进行演示他们很快必须找到自己办公空间走出TechStarsNY总部的临时办公地点,新的初创公司腾地方。

    Now that the eleven startups have presented, they'll soon have to find their own office space, kicked out of the liminal one inside TechStarsNY's headquarters to make room for a new crop.


  • 一家专业跨国电子制造商ambient工作总部美国密歇根

    He works for a major multinational electronics manufacturer, Ambient, which is headquartered in Michigan in the USA.


  • 8月份总部阿姆斯特丹TomTom公司,推出了款价格100美元,适合iPhone手机的导航应用软件

    TomTom, based in Amsterdam, introduced a $100 navigation application for the iPhone in August.


  • 世卫组织日内瓦总部正在派遣人员提供后勤支持,包括确保洪水围困的社区运送医疗用品

    WHO is sending staff from its Geneva headquarters to Haiti to provide logistics support and to ensure medical supplies are delivered to communities cut off by flood waters.


  • 反对派青年运动核心,总部设立首都以外

    It is centred on a youth movement based outside the capital.


  • 尽量利用粮农组织总部区域办事处专门人员以及具有经验的国家人员项目提供监督和咨询服务。

    Maximum use will be made of specialized FAO staff at headquarters and regional offices and of experienced national staff for supervisory and advisory services to projects.


  • 尽量利用粮农组织总部区域办事处专门人员以及具有经验的国家人员项目提供监督和咨询服务。

    Maximum use will be made of specialized FAO staff at headquarters and regional offices and of experienced national staff for supervisory and advisory services to projects.


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