• 一方面初中生安全感培养提供理论依据家庭学校心理健康教育提供基础,为安全感缺乏干预提供一个基础。

    On the other hand, it was to provide some theoretical bases for fostering security, for education about mental health from family and school, for intervention to the lack of security.


  • 意谓放弃别人好处放弃自己喜好舒适目标安全感钱财精力时间

    "Love means giving up-yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else."


  • 我们需要食品漂亮衣服我们疼爱孩子无法用钱小孩买来安全感责任心礼貌智慧

    To buy food and good clothes to our beloved children, we need money. But you can not use the money to give a sense of security, responsibility, good manners and intelligence on your child.


  • 亚马逊例,他们遇到窘境是如何在用户使用并不舒适、也没有在电脑上那种心理安全感的情况下,刺激用户访问消费转化。

    Just like Amazon, they're stuck with a difficult goal: convincing users to buy while away from the comfort and psychological security of their PC.


  • 在《心理科学期刊上有文章,我们提供了一个简单的方法,来增强人际交往中的安全感排斥预言变回“接纳预言”。

    But a new paper published in Psychological Science provides a simple exercise that helps boost relational security and should help turn the rejection prophecy back into the acceptance prophecy.


  • 筷子缺乏安全感西方人所设计的新型筷子。 一头是传统的筷子,一头是刀这样的设计是让使用者放心自如顺利用餐。

    "Fork chops\" are chopsticks for insecure Westerners and feature chopsticks at one end and forks and knives at the other, just in case the user can\'t manage during the meal.


  • 这部小说以歹徒题材,利用讽刺手法揭露挪威社会上偏见缺乏安全感

    By turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities.


  • 然后孩子父亲提供安全感向父亲表示感恩

    Then the child expresses gratitude to the father for the security he provides.


  • 如果有一个没有安全感伴侣还可能迅速升级可怕的对质

    Add an insecure partner to the mix and this awkward situation could quickly turn into a terrible confrontation.


  • 很好的搭档你们互相提高巨蟹座提供必需安全感,他也同时用挚爱忠诚来回报你。

    Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.


  • 格喜,源于对生活情调感悟顾客创造快乐,一份家的幸福,一种安全感一种充满独特个性时尚家居空间

    Yocers, from the perception of lifestyle, are dedicated to the customer to create a happy home, a home of happiness, a sense of security and a house full of unique home fashion personality space.


  • 我们应该充分注意安全感儿童成长重要意义儿童营造一个轻松的、支持的、安全心理氛围

    We should pay more attention on the importance of security for the growth of children, creating a relaxed, supportive atmosphere of psychological safety.


  • 人父感到愉悦孩子建立情感联系,与孩子妈妈建立充满安全感父母关系这些或许重要。”

    "Feeling good about being a dad, making an emotional connection with children and establishing a secure parenting relationship with mothers are perhaps even more important, " he says.


  • 如果这样的话员工怎么能够安全感,怎么能够全心公司工作呢?

    If such is the case, how can employees feel secure and devote themselves to their work for the company?


  • 第三结合场所精神设计理念,营造住区回属安全感使用者创造一个熟悉的布满温馨回忆的“环境

    Third, according to spirit of place design principle, a sense of ascription and safety was aroused thus a familiar and memorable "home" environment was created for the residents.


  • 最低限度来说,灾民安置点必须灾民提供基本保护、供居住以及存放随身物品空间保护隐私提供安全感

    At a minimum, shelter must provide protection from the elements, space in which to live and store belongings, privacy, and emotional security.


  • 简而言之大阵营并不势均力敌有些已经欧洲提供了很多灵活性政策其他人担心安全感问题。

    To put it simply, the two halves of the bargain have been unevenly shared out: some people have provided Europe with much of its flexibility while others have hogged most of the security.


  • 以考试导向、只关注答案对错的中国教育系统摸爬滚打这么多年后,如果知道“正确答案”我会感到很没安全感

    Having survived and thrived in the exam-oriented, right/wrong-answer-focused Chinese education system, I feel insecure not knowing the "correct answer."


  • 舞台——这个可以自我中心又窥视他者的意像,准确地传达艺术家潜在安全感努力寻求确证意图

    As for stage, an image that can be regarded as a self-center or a place to spy on others, it accurately conveys the artist's hidden insecurity and her intention to search for exquisite proof.


  • 作者一种安全感起了名字然后告诉大家这些荒谬安全感都不是真实

    The author names and claims each one, then defuses every bit of power these nonsensical inner voices possess by countering their lies with God's truth.


  • 作者一种安全感起了名字然后告诉大家这些荒谬安全感都不是真实

    The author names and claims each one, then defuses every bit of power these nonsensical inner voices possess by countering their lies with God's truth.


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