• 过午饭后,他们驾车他们夏季别墅那儿过冬安排他们一起了。

    After lunch, they drove to their summer villa, in order to make arrangements there for winter, and I went with them.


  • 孩子们格拉斯哥旅行准备

    The children made arrangement for their trip to Glasgow.


  • 他们哪里野餐争论了好几个小时。

    They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic.


  • 他们那里野餐争论了好几个小时。

    They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic.


  • 我们总是为去哪儿旅行争论不休,总是胜利的一方。

    We always argued about where we’d take trips, and he always won.


  • 厨房污清洁剂之类的用品时专门为去油渍污垢设计的。

    Detergents such as washing up liquids are designed to dissolve grease, oil and dirt.


  • 他们哪里争论了半天,结果车咋也发动起来,真有点好笑

    It was kind of funny that the car wouldn't start, after they'd argued for hours about where to go.


  • 如果要说华语那么学习华语最好方式中国而且听到华语。

    If you want to speak Chinese then the best way to learn Chinese is to go to China and only hear Chinese.


  • 人称中国澳大利亚使馆为去堪培拉欢迎火炬传递的人员提供食宿协助

    Q: Some said that the Chinese Embassy in Australia provides accommodation and other assistance to those welcoming the torch relay in Canberra.


  • 为去检测他们行动多伦多大学20集团研究小组发布了一项对比领导人言行常规合规报告

    To check that they do, the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto releases a regularcompliance report”, comparing the leaders' words and deeds.


  • 虽然Space Adventures的客户太空化了很多银子,也不能保证他们是否最终成行,小病计划

    Though Space Adventure clients pay a fortune for their trip, there's no guarantee they'll actually make it. The slightest ailment could scuttle their plans.


  • 周末往来纳米比亚首都古老德国殖民小镇加海滨度假胜地科普蒙德,沿途野外驾驶沙丘远足喂饲狮子的游客停站。

    On weekends it trundles between the Namibian capital and the old German colonial seaside resort of Swakopmund, stopping along the way for game drives, dune excursions and lion-feeding.


  • 回到家里时候,线绳已经磨损得厉害,小羊我还是很虔诚地把它戴在手上,直到两个月后威尼斯参加一个派对梳妆打扮的时侯才拿了下来。

    By the time I got home they had frayed so much they resembled two small sheep, but I wore them faithfully for two months until I had to scrub up for a party in Venice.


  • 已故丈夫灵魂祈祷

    She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.


  • 竞争对手工作了。

    He's gone to work for the opposition.


  • 旅程一夜长途汽车柏林

    Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.


  • 不会贬低自己身份工作

    I wouldn't lower myself by working for him.


  • 总统可能委托佛罗里达国民警卫队代表帮助提供安全保障

    The president said he could deputize the Florida National Guard to help with security.


  • 维生素C有助于体内污染物毒。

    Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body.


  • 训练赢得金牌规划的。

    My training was geared toward winning gold.


  • 英雄足够的勇气自己国家战斗

    A hero is brave enough to fight for his country.


  • 今晚要女朋友那家开的高级餐厅庆生

    I'm taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.


  • 等不及亲亲那位亲爱的老人那么

    I cannot wait to kiss that dear old man, who has suffered so much for my sake.


  • 亲爱的午餐付了钱了真好。”负责午餐的女士指着男孩方向

    "Oh, dear, he paid for your lunch, you're good," the lunch lady said as she pointed to the direction the boy had gone.


  • 奥尔雷德说:“听到了祖父谈话我们孙子手术忧心忡忡,不知道该怎么休斯顿。”

    "I guess she overheard her grandfather and me talking about how we're worried about how we're going to get to Houston, for my grandson's heart surgery," said Allred.


  • 有时它的主人会给阿格罗宠物打电话家里其他宠物订购食物,皮托非常乐意商店食物带回家其他宠物。

    Sometimes his owner calls Agro Pet for food for his other pets, and Pituco is more than happy to go to the shop and bring the food back home for the other pets in the family.


  • 不管是商店还是回家或者楼梯而不是电梯记住”的想法生活增添更多精彩简单方法

    Whether it is to get to the store or get home, or if it is climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift, remembering a "Because I can" idea is an easy way to add more activities to your life.


  • 无法拥抱或者早餐,或者冲他嚷嚷不让他穿着钉鞋地毯上来踩,或者赛场欢呼

    I can't hug him, or make his breakfast, or yell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games.


  • 无法拥抱或者早餐,或者冲他嚷嚷不让他穿着钉鞋地毯上来踩,或者赛场欢呼

    I can't hug him, or make his breakfast, or yell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games.


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