• 今天我们涵盖旧石器时代晚期,大致定义公元35000年公元前8000年。

    Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughly defining as the period from 35,000 to 8,000 BC.


  • 劝说式演讲最早公元4世纪亚里士多德时期

    The foundation-stone of persuasive speech is what Aristotle in the 4th century BC described as the "ethos" appeal.


  • 中国是世界上发明雕版印刷术国家,发明时间公元2世纪汉代

    Chinese invented engraving typography in the Han dynasty at the end of 2nd century BC.


  • 根据历史记录地层层序关系堆积物特征综合分析,推测堆积物的形成时间公元1903年。

    Based on historical records, stratigraphic correlation and features of the deposits, it is estimated that the ejecta are the product of 1903 AD eruption.


  • 公元2650年胡夫法老陵墓,已经历了4000多个春秋,可是它仍然是世界上最高的建筑物。

    It was built as a mausoleum for the pharaoh Khufu around 2650 BC and.


  • 哈德良皇帝统治时期时公元117至公元138年),人数至少12500大约在公元80年的时候达到人数的顶点

    The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D.117-138), with a peak around A.D.80.


  • 其中最早,如公元前4500埃利都以及之后1000年出现的乌鲁克,都以用泥建造令人惊叹庙宇中心

    The earliest, that of Eridu, about 4500 B.C.E., and Uruk, a thousand years later, center on impressive temple complexes built of mud brick.


  • 13世纪兹塔克人扫荡墨西哥中部陶蒂华康这座繁华城市(在公元400年左右繁华时期)已经神秘建造者们遗弃很长一段时间

    By the 13th century when the Aztec swept into central Mexico, the once teeming city—which reached its zenith around a.d. 400—had been long since abandoned by its mysterious builders.


  • 张飞庙坐落云阳县,始建于蜀汉末期,扩建北宋时期(公元960年- 1127年),纪念三国时期蜀国著名将领张飞。

    Located in Yunyang county, this temple from the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 A.D.) honors the famous Shu Kingdom general, after whom the temple was named.


  • 库埃拉普遗迹建造公元800年左右,建造印加时期之间的查查波拉斯人,它超过400个建筑构成,这些建筑的石墙高达19

    The archaeological site of Kuelap, constructed by the pre-Inca Chachapollas community in about 800 AD, consists ofmore than four hundred buildings with stone walls up to 19 meters (62 feet)tall.


  • 公元9600年左右这个已经征服了西欧大部分非洲敌人抓来

    By around 9600bc the island had conquered much of Western Europe and Africa and enslaved its enemies.


  • 早期哥特雕塑——其中说明标准大约公元1240年——事实上具有戏剧讽刺元素罗马风格人文更少

    Early Gothic sculpture - the label dated the early one around 1240 CE - is actually less human than Romanesque, with its comedy and satire.


  • 该岛巴利阿里群岛大岛之一,(三个岛梅诺卡岛、伊比沙福门特拉岛)公元二世纪成罗马殖民地

    The island is oneof the four major Balearic Islandsthe others are Menorca, Ibiza, and Formenteraand it was colonized by the Romans in the secondcentury B.C.


  • 公元480年,锐不可挡波斯帝国大军攻克雅典,雅典夷废墟

    In 480 BC, Athens lay in ruins conquered by the seemingly unstoppable Persian Empire.


  • 公元1400年至1900年期间一年期尺度的分辨率人口数据分析报告有助于我们验证上述假设

    Annual-scale analysis for the period A.D. 1400–1900, which has higher-resolution population data, could help verify the above hypothesis.


  • 颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名,始建于公元1750年,清朝乾隆皇帝母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。

    It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday.


  • 玛雅文化现代墨西哥中美洲基础,在公元300至公元900年间达到顶峰,具有非凡的天文智慧。

    The Mayan civilization, based in modern day Mexico and Central America, reached its height from 300 AD to 900 AD and had a talent for astronomy.


  • 公元世纪或是世纪流传下来的《舞论》,教导人们如何描述9种主要情绪这些规则至今仍然今天印度古典舞蹈遵循

    The Natyasastra, a text from the first or second century A.D., offers instructions for how to depict nine primary emotions, and these rules continue to be followed in Indian Classical dance today.


  • 塔吉克大流士1世统治下的古波斯帝国一部分。后来公元3世纪亚历山大大帝所征服

    The Tajikistan were part of the ancient Persian Empire that was ruled by Darius I and later conquered by Alexander the Great (333 B.C.).


  • 公元9世纪公元15世纪,柬埔寨都高棉帝国势力中心,在一时期吴哥(angkor)基础。

    From the 9th century to the 15th century, Cambodia was the center of the mighty Khmer Empire, which was during this time based at Angkor.


  • 永久不散汽车污染烟雾所苦的加利福尼亚州,强制要求公元2003年前,在销售汽车有10%完全不排放废气

    California, locked in a perpetual automotive smog, requires that by 2003, 10% of the cars offered for sale in the state produce zero emissions...


  • 公元1791-1792年公元1793-1794年间,海顿来到英国指挥演奏伦敦交响曲,这是专门这个房间而谱写的。

    When Haydn came to England in 1791–1792 and 1793–1794, he conducted his London Symphonies (numbers 93 to 101), which he had written specifically for this room.


  • 法语1066年英格兰官方语言但是几乎到了公元1300年,英语单词beef第一次了书面引证

    French arrived as the official language of England in 1066 but it was almost the year 1300 before beef has its first citation as an English word.


  • 公元1896年——时间绅士们几千美金Klondike*1盎司云母荣……暴风雪夜里,一伙掉队破衣衫赌棍穿越漫漫雪夜;Chilkoot Pass。

    The date was the year of Our Lord 1896—a period in which gentlemen were proud to spend several thousand dollars of lousy paper money to dig up a couple of ounces of mica "in the Klondike. A blizzard.


  • 正在进行Friendster考古挖掘研究者们表示网页公元2005年就遗弃了……(这一篇洋葱新闻社自制的恶搞采访视频)

    Researchers conducting the Friendster excavation say the site has been deserted since the year 2005 A.D……


  • 正在进行Friendster考古挖掘研究者们表示网页公元2005年就遗弃了……(这一篇洋葱新闻社自制的恶搞采访视频)

    Researchers conducting the Friendster excavation say the site has been deserted since the year 2005 A.D……


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