• 然而正如哈佛大学艾米·埃德蒙森指出的那样,越来越多组织将“团队用作动词名词,原因他们往往为了一些特殊目的组建团队之后迅速地又解散团队。

    However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organizations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun: they form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.


  • 为了社会生活目的除了关于收获季节惯例外,还制定了一详尽荣誉准则而且总体需要严格遵守的。

    For the purposes of social life, in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honour has been established and is on the whole faithfully observed.


  • 目的其实简单,就为了找出这一物种如何适应这种简直可以熔化鞋底高温的。

    The goal was simple, to discover how the species adapted to the kind of heat that can literally melt the bottom of shoes.


  • 当然涉及音乐技巧为了表明技巧如何指向音乐的表达目的听众音乐体验的。

    It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show how technique is directed toward expressive aims in music and toward the listener's musical experience.


  • 目的一部分出于审美需求而且为了通过绿色植物取代荒芜迹象,来尝试增加邻近房屋价值

    The aim is partly aesthetic, but also an attempt to increase the value of neighboring homes by replacing signs of blight with greenery.


  • 目的降低昂贵家教补习班重要性部分为了帮助学生享受正常高中生活

    The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life.


  • 目的为了我们相信小张名著名的导演案件也会得到赦免。

    The purpose is to convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned.


  • 福特发言人称,广告针对年轻人目的为了幽默

    A spokeswoman for Ford said that the advert was aimed at young men and was intended to be humorous.


  • 家书店朱志康不久前创办的,目的是为了增进人们读书时的感觉。

    The bookstore was created by Chu Chih-kung not long ago, with the purpose of increasing people's senses when they read books.


  • 篇文章我们目的为了更好地理解我们过程,我们怎样选择一个技巧或者方法在其中应用一定度量方法

    Our goal, in this article, is to see how we can select a technique or method and apply measurement to it in order to better understand the effectiveness of our process.


  • 所以为了我们目的让我们假设柏拉图的,然后呢。

    So for our purposes, let's suppose Plato was right about that and ask, what follows?


  • 为了审计目的应用程序需要知道用户何时输入生日的。

    But, for auditing purposes, the application also needs to know when a user entered the birthday.


  • 有时为了唯一玩儿目的无所事事和进行娱乐健康的行为。

    Sometimes it's healthy to fool around and engage in recreation for the sole purpose of having fun.


  • 新词“地球工程师”最大行星尺度为了军事目的人类理想而进行的设想、设计发明

    The neologism "geoengineer" refers to one who contrives, designs or invents at the largest planetary scale possible for either military or civilian purposes.


  • 目的顾客为了完成业务任务所发出请求数目最少。

    The goal is to minimize the number of requests a consumer makes in order to accomplish a set of business tasks.


  • 可以肯定人类形成语言最初目的为了告诉子孙后代自然界的这些规律。

    Humans first formed our tongues around language, surely, for the purpose of explaining these constants to our children.


  • 破产法目的为了债权人的利益重组或者清算破产机构

    The purpose of the Bankruptcy Code is to reorganize or liquidate a failing firm "for the benefit of its creditors".


  • 为了达到本文目的我们假设Windows 2000终端客户设备管理器进行注册的。

    For the purposes of the article, we'll assume that the Windows 2000 endpoint client is registered with Device Manager.


  • 现在让我们看看这个web时代Yahoo收购情况(为了我们目的,所指时代2005年之后)。

    Now let's look into some of the acquisitions in this era of the Web (which for our purposes here, we'll say is 2005 and beyond).


  • 注意在这里进行可视化为了说明目的方法正常实现可能的。

    Please note that this is done here visually only for explanation purposes; it is not possible in the normal implementation of this methodology.


  • 尊重代码审核目的确保代码质量为了显示高明

    Be respectful. The objective of the review is to ensure code quality, not figure out who is smarter than whom.


  • 最有意义的展示用户为了一个特定的,特定的目的定制的。

    The meaningful presentation is custom designed—for a particular purpose, for a particular person.


  • 两个洗礼目的为了净化重生-无论活着死了-成为了永恒的幸福”的状态

    In both cases, the purpose of baptism was to cleanse and rejuvenate individuals - whether alive or dead - into a new state of "eternal blessedness".


  • 世界卫生组织鼓励信息目的使用信息材料无论免费为了销售,使用目的在于分享客观信息。

    WHO encourages the use of its information materials for information purposes i.e. when the purpose of the use is to share objective information, whether free of charge or for sale.


  • 虽然为了兼容性目的指定设备号号码作为参数可能的,但不再需要这样了。

    While it's possible to specify a major and minor number as arguments for compatibility purposes, this is no longer required.


  • 为了他们悲惨境遇黯然神伤,来说,这个比喻令人震惊事实最初目的只不过为了描述葬身地狱火海的天使数量之多。

    For me the absolutely shocking fact of this simile is that its primary purpose is merely to describe the number of angels who are prostrate on the burning lake of hell.


  • 第一个方面目的为了炫耀对于名片主人来说没有什么不可能

    The purpose of the first approach is to show that there is nothing impossible for the card's owner.


  • 很多问题目的为了了解创业者如何思考的,以及创业过程中的挑战如何应对。

    A lot of the questions I ask are meant to understand how an entrepreneur thinks and will respond to the challenges of the entrepreneurial process.


  • 请注意选择纯粹为了视觉目的选择,喜好的问题

    Note this selection is purely optional for visual purposes only, and is a matter of personal preference.


  • 请注意选择纯粹为了视觉目的选择,喜好的问题

    Note this selection is purely optional for visual purposes only, and is a matter of personal preference.


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