• 受害者们希望看到正义得到伸张,这不仅为了他们自己, 也是为了社会更大利益

    Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.


  • 因此这种力量为了全体利益不是为了此种力量任人个人利益设立的。

    These forces are, therefore, established for the good of all and not for the personal advantage of those to whom they shall be intrusted.


  • 就算不喜欢单位风气也没关系,一样可以把工作做好;你只要告诉自己这种努力为了自己利益而不是为了公司就可以。

    If you dislike the ethos of your company, youcan still do a good job; but, feel you are doing it for your benefitand not the company's.


  • 因此我们世界范围内规范药品生产方式仍然为了服务于制药公司股东利益而不是为了人类健康

    That's why the way we regulate the production of medicines across the world is still designed to serve the interests of the shareholders of the drug companiesnot the health of humanity.


  • FCPA并未为了惩罚诸如贿赂警察以获取信息犯罪行为的初衷是惩罚那些为了谋取保住商业利益而进行的贿赂行为。

    The FCPA was not written to punish crimes such as paying police officers for information. It was devised to punish the giving of bribes for obtaining or retaining business abroad.


  • 我们承诺毫不动摇地履行我们金融责任,不仅为了海外持有人的利益也是为了美国人民利益

    Our unshakable commitment to honoring our financial obligations is for the sake of Americans, as well as for those overseas.


  • 为了全国人民利益,而不仅为了红衫军,议会一定解散而且正确时间解散。

    The dissolution [of parliament] must be done for the benefit of the entire country, not just for the red-shirts, and it must be done at the right time.


  • 以为这些桀骜不驯高加索为了各自的利益,也为了能源消费者利益终于学会了联合一致,但由于两个问题,这个希望正在慢慢破灭。

    Two things undermine the hope that the fractious Caucasians have finally learned to hang together, to their own benefit and that of Western energy consumers.


  • 但是他们投票为了他们认同的价值而不是为了他们的利益

    But they vote for their values, not their interests.


  • XQuery设计者们十分认真地承担起这个责任不仅仅为了各自公司利益为了整个行业做出一份贡献

    The designers of XQuery took their responsibilities very seriously, not only in the interest of their individual companies but also in order to make a contribution to the industry as a whole.


  • 我们为了利益竞争为了公司中的职位竞争,为了身份标志、生存空间等去竞争。

    We compete for profits, positions in a corporation, status symbols, space.


  • 那些富豪的宴会不是看到的那样和谐那样纯净,他们只是为了为了利益他们人生没有别的只有交易

    Those rich party, is not as harmonious as they see, they just for the sake of money, in order to benefit, their life is nothing but a deal.


  • 他们废寝忘食,不分昼夜地工作着,他们不是为了金钱这些着生命危险举动,他们不是为了个人利益,那么,他们到底为什么呢?

    Their sleepless nights, working around the clock, they are not for money and risk their lives to do these moves, they are not for the sake of personal interests, then they are in the end Why?


  • 不仅为了中国美国利益为了整个世界利益

    Not just for the benefit of China and America, but for the benefit of the entire world.


  • 看起来投资银行运营不是为了经济受益或者说为了所有者利益而是为了他们员工利益

    Investment Banks, it seemed, were not being run in the interests of the economy or even of their owners, but for their staff.


  • 工作室打算买下一档节目或者砍掉最爱的一部戏剧时,这都为了利益,绝不是为了它们粉丝

    So when a studio decides to purchase a show, or discontinue your favorite drama, it is profit, not the fans, talking.


  • 营销理念不是为了利益推广产品而是为了真心帮助别人

    Marketing concept: not for the interest to promote their products but to truly help others!


  • 由此可见任何规则或者说规矩不是单纯地为了限制自由,则为了维护每一个人利益

    It can be seen that any rules or regulations is not simply to restrict the freedom of who is in order to safeguard the interests of everyone.


  • 人类能够观察,能够学会理解事物运用所学知识,奥秘就在于运用知识为了所有利益,而不是为了一个几个人,不是为了毁灭而是为了所有人而建设。

    Man can observe, he can learn to understand, he can apply. The secret is to apply in the interests of the common good; not for one or for a few; not to destroy but to build for all peoples.


  • 为了防止董事职权的滥用,为了更好的保护股东债权人社会公众利益,以法律的形式对董事职权与董事责任加以严格限定,是对责任与职权的一种制度平衡

    In order to protect the profit of shareholder, creditor and public bitterly, it should limit the Director authority and Director liability according to the law, which reflects some balance.


  • 以及僧侣们四出乞食就是为了每个我们所遇到的人结个善,我的目的为了利益一个人。

    The reason for me and my Sangha to go begging in all directions is to make a positive connection with everyone we meet. My objective is to benefit everyone.


  • 为了宏伟计划为了整个巫师界利益一个小姑娘受到忽视又有什么关系?阿不更伟大的利益工作呢!

    Grand plans for the benefit of all Wizardkind, and if one young girl got neglected, what did that matter, when Albus was working for the greater good?


  • 体会到了环保不仅仅为了自身利益更是为了大家利益好。

    More let me feel the good environmental protection is not only for their own interests, but also good for the benefit of everyone.


  • 仅只是为了这里人们利益呢?或者也是为了果证盘呢?

    Is it for the sole benefit of the people here, or is it for the sake of your fruition and Nirvana as well?


  • 为了使管理层获得更多利益公司有时为了利用以前股价获得利益,就允许其回溯购买日期。

    To make the perk even more lucrative, companies sometimes allow the executives to backdate the purchase to take advantage of a previous, lower stock price.


  • 为了保护国家经济利益社会经济秩序为了经济实体法正确实施需要有与之适应诉讼法

    In order to safeguard the state economic interests and social economic order and in order to the correct implementation of the economic substantive law, we need the procedural law suited to it.


  • 一旦进入董事会, 你就为了受托人, 你的存在就是为了维护股东利益, 就是这样

    When you serve on a board, you are in a fiduciary role; you are there to protect shareholders and that's the concept.


  • 一旦进入董事会, 你就为了受托人, 你的存在就是为了维护股东利益, 就是这样

    When you serve on a board, you are in a fiduciary role; you are there to protect shareholders and that's the concept.


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