• 全区夏季西南风冬季东北

    The region southwest winds in summer, winter north-easterly winds.


  • 其中家养全部东北亚种染色体66条。

    Domestic species is Northeast subspecies completely, with 66 chromosomes.


  • 长春市吉林省省会所在地,东北城市之一

    Changchun is the provincial capital of Ji Lin province and one of the five bigest cities of the Northeast.


  • 石油主要蕴藏西北地区其次东北华北地区东部沿海浅海大陆架。

    Petroleum reserves are mainly in northwest and also in northeast China, north China and the continental shelves in east China.


  • 注释可以看到这些规定幻灯片移动范围为东北东南、西北西南的任意组合

    As you can see from the comments, these ranges specify movement of the slide from each combination of northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest.


  • 傍晚东北偏东风晚上至半夜转成北风 下午为东北偏东风,夜间至午夜北风。

    Later in the afternoon the wind backed ENE'ly and, during the evening, continued to back to be N'ly by midnight.


  • 国内学者纷纷东北复兴献计献策,但是局限战略层面对于具体操作方式研究还不够充分。

    Domestic scholars suggest ways and means for the rejuvenation of the Northeast one after another, however, confine to more strategic aspects, study to the concrete operation mode very few.


  • 第一战壕地区存在中央管理复杂社会提供了强有力的证据

    The first trenches have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East.


  • 过去几年里,一队阿拉伯研究对象海洋学家已经注意东北季风(冬季)产生期间出现浮游植物水华已经发生了改变

    In the past few years, a team of oceanographers studying the Arabian Sea has noticed that kinds of phytoplankton present during the Northeast (winter) Monsoon seem to be changing.


  • 虽然已经大西洋东北发现了条多山带宣布禁止渔船进入该区域山建立隔离保护区进程处于初步阶段

    The process of fencing off seamounts is still at an early stage, though four clusters of them have been discovered and declared off-limits in the north-eastern Atlantic.


  • 投票最后一周巴马终于东北大学克利演讲。

    On the last weekend before voting, Mr Obama at last flew up to stump for Ms Coakley at Northeastern University.


  • 丹尼尔·吉尔伯特于2007年12月布里斯托尔捷报速递》的特约撰稿人,主要对弗吉尼亚西南部田纳西州东北法律事务进行报道。

    Daniel Gilbert joined the Bristol Herald Courier as a staff writer in December 2007. He covers legal affairs in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee.


  • 黑色金属矿产探明储量钛等,其中铁矿保有储量459亿主要分布东北华北西南地区,辽宁的鞍山-本溪一带、河北的冀东一带、四川的攀枝花一带,都大型的铁矿区。

    Proven reserves of ferrous metals include iron, manganese, vanadium and titanium. China's 45.9 billion tons of iron ore are mainly distributed in northeast, north and southwest China.


  • 8月份,发生中国东北的一起坠机事故导致42死亡官员在事后的调查中发现这家航空公司母公司工作的100位飞行员曾经篡改过各自的飞行记录

    After a plane crash in August killed 42 people in northeast China, officials discovered that 100 pilots who worked for the airline's parent company had falsified their flying histories.


  • 我们他们自豪,也他们每天许多中国东北地区当地管理人员投资者雇员所提供机会感到骄傲。

    We are proud of them and of the opportunities they provide every day for so many local managers, investors, and employees throughout northeast China.


  • 东部东北冰川尘埃其他火山碎屑覆盖看起来一种皱巴巴棕色

    To the east and northeast, the glacier is covered by ash and other volcanic debris, giving it a rumpled, brown look.


  • 来势汹汹横扫墨西哥湾并升级二级飓风袭击了墨西哥湾东北沿岸

    It came furiously across the gulf, hitting Mexico's North-East coast as a category two hurricane.


  • 这个暖气电力组合系统中国东北城市哈尔滨道里区一百万居民带来洁净节能最优的暖气。

    The combined heat and power system brings clean, efficient and optimal heat to one million residents in the Daoli district of Harbin in northeast China.


  • 荣格研究对象空降步兵一个部署阿富汗东北偏远崎岖的库伦·加尔(Korengal)山谷地带。

    Mr Junger's study, a platoon of airborne infantry, was deployed to the Korengal valley, a remote and craggy tract of north-eastern Afghanistan.


  • 一个炎热星期四早晨来到AlexEgayu位于Katine的家里,Katine在乌干达东北。这天距离圣诞节还有9但是这个日子做的准备工作早就开始了。

    It was nine days to Christmas when I arrived at Alex Egayu's house in Katine, North-East Uganda, on a sizzling hot Tuesday morning, but preparations for the big day had begun much earlier.


  • 亚太地区最大次地区东北下降幅度最小5.2%,国际入境游客数量却损失超过500万人次。

    The largest sub-region in Asia Pacific, Northeast Asia, registered the smallest rate of decline at 5.2 percent, but lost more than five million international arrivals in volume terms.


  • 塞尔维亚民族主义者东北部的Vojvodina取得自治权义愤填膺

    SERBIAN nationalists are outraged over a new autonomy statute for Vojvodina, their northern province.


  • 2008年至2010年间在美国西部结婚新人有20%是不同种族民族结合的,而美国南部这一比例14%,美国东北13%。

    About 20 percent of newlyweds there married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14 percent in the South and 13 percent in the Northeast.


  • 因此避免购买天然黄油花费HappyPancakeHouse应该这项节省措施推广东南部以及东北餐厅

    Thus, to avoid the expense of purchasing butter, the Happy Pancake House should extend this cost-saving change to its restaurants in the southeast and northeast as well.


  • 广东梅县代表主要通行于中国的广东省东北福建省西部北部江西省南部

    Hakka, represented by Meixian dialect of Guangdong Province, is mainly used in northeastern Guangdong Province, western and northern Fujian Province, and southern Jiangxi Province.


  • 东北地区新中国建设做出过重大贡献,具有比较雄厚的工业基础

    Northeast China has made great contribution to the construction of new China, and laid its relatively strong industrial foundation.


  • 东北地区新中国建设做出过重大贡献,具有比较雄厚的工业基础

    Northeast China has made great contribution to the construction of new China, and laid its relatively strong industrial foundation.


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