• 自己演讲选择了一个不会引起争议的话题

    He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech.


  • 可以一个引导话题,把话题引向有趣的方向,别人增加幽默感

    You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun topics that are ripe for others to add humor.


  • 理解信号,而且礼貌的信号,说明对你这个人兴趣,而不只是谈话话题感兴趣。

    You interpret this as a signa polite one—that he is interested in you as a person rather than just in the topic of conversation.


  • 常见最好方式特定话题创建一个群组组织所有文件包括音乐,powerpoint演示word文件里面。

    The most common and best way to do it, is to create a group around a certain topic and start organizing all your files, from videos over music to powerpoint presentations and word files in it.


  • 当道今天制造了一个社会批判话题上帝藏品开发才智美丽的狗儿,赞吧!

    Making a social critique on the ways in which we worship our pets, he created his brilliant and beautiful Dog in a God collection. Genius! (Link)!


  • 一个长期争议的话题就是银行业应当在何种程度上采用以实时市场信息资产定价公允价值会计

    A long-fermenting issue is how far "fair-value" accounting, which USES up-to-the-minute market information to price assets, should be pushed in banking.


  • 感知到成家权利敏感话题所以不足有些莫塔夫这项研究反应不佳。

    The perceived right to start a family is a sensitive topic, so it's hardly surprising that some have reacted badly to Murtaugh's research.


  • 世界各地,尤其青春期男孩之间人体功能自然生理现象一直低级幽默中的一个热门话题其中尤以放屁

    Natural bodily functions are a popular theme in lowbrow humor the world over, especially among adolescent boys, and none more so than farting.


  • 亚洲人谈话方式可以描述一个拱形开始的时候谈论一些比较随意的话题然后再引入主题

    We have argued that Asian conversations show a pattern which can be described as a parabolic arch, beginning with incidental topics and minor points. The main topic is introduced somewhat later.


  • 演讲内容思维——或者更好的办法是——话题都画一个思维导图。

    Draw yourself a mind map of the the presentation - or better yet - draw one on the whole topic area that you're speaking about.


  • 结束这个话题之前,我不得不说,我们应该搞一个募捐,我们需要筹集一些PaulWesley汉堡包

    Before I turn the conversation over to you, I'm considering taking up a collection - we need to raise money to buy Paul Wesley a few hamburgers.


  • 目标思想建立一个市场(交流场所)。在这里我们可以学习娱乐讨论彼此兴趣的话题

    My aim is to build a marketplace for ideas. A place where we can educate, entertain and discuss with each other topics we find interesting.


  • 让人兴趣话题是人们之间的交流习惯尽管资信标准世界最高几个国家之一,但2/3的墨西哥拥有一部自己的手机,而拥有固定电话的人只有1/4。

    Communications habits are interesting too: despite some of the world’s highest charges, two thirds of Mexicans have a mobile phone—though only four out of ten have a landline.


  • 补救改善一状况6月阿灵顿Marymount大学,美国心理协会一致同意就欺骗话题召开了国际性专家会议

    To help remedy this situation, APA in June coordinated a meeting of internationally recognized experts on deception at Marymount University in Arlington, Va.


  • 亚洲人谈话方式可以描述一个拱形开始的时候谈论一些比较随意的话题然后引入主题。

    We have argued that Asian conversations show a pattern which can be described as a parabolic arch, beginning with incidental topics and minor points.


  • 但是通过建设性地去考虑如何提出一个困难话题也许每个人减少了谈话的痛苦增加了谈话的成果

    But by thinking constructively about how to broach a difficult subject, you might make it less painful and more productive, for everyone.


  • 名印度裔下院议员国会中挑起此话题称此指控一个阴谋

    Several Indian MPs raised the issue in parliament, calling it a conspiracy.


  • 其它宠物对话提供了一个话题

    Cats and other pets provide a topic of conversation.


  • 大多数复杂话题一样,动力可以理解一个简单定义

    Like most complex subjects, motivation can be reduced to a simple definition.


  • 结果显示媒介通过营造话题、制造梦幻打造明星等方式,体育运动构成一个现代神话大众提供短暂的心理满足,而大众也从中获得快乐,双方共谋。

    The results reveal that media, through making topics, dreams and stars, have constructed sports into a modern myth, providing temporary satisfaction and joy to the public.


  • 某个时刻希望自己备有一个急救箱,在节以身体健康话题的英语上,听听杰夫讲述这件事

    Find out what Devan has to tell Jeff about a time she wished she had a first aid kit in this lesson about good health.


  • 话题式本质就是认知参照构式,其中话题参照点,目标为一个命题。

    Topic construction, in essence, is a cognitive reference point construction, in which topic is the reference point, and target is a proposition.


  • 提及与工作相关话题,不失为一个明智做法。 当然,如果略知对方的职位工作容易了。

    It 's not ill-advised to bring up a work-related topic, though that's probably going to be easier if you've got some inkling of what the person does and what she's working on.


  • 于是TD - SCDMA中国敏感话题不足了。特别是考虑到中国移动一开始不想使用这个制式。

    It's no surprise, then, that TD-SCDMA is a sensitive topic in China, especially since China Mobile did not want to use the standard in the first place.


  • 今天情人节,不过写写自己离婚经验或许也不失一个有意义的话题

    Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so I thought I would write about my divorce.


  • 股票价格(本文上证指数代表)通货膨胀之间关系一直一个争论不休话题

    The relationship between stock prices (represented by SSE Index in the paper) and inflation has been a topic of debate home and abroad.


  • Ok一词起源一直没有定论也成学术界多年来之热话题。作为一个感叹词,ok这个英文词汇已经成世界性的用语。

    The origins of OK are not known with certainty, and have been the subject of much discussion and academic interest over the years.


  • Ok一词起源一直没有定论也成学术界多年来之热话题。作为一个感叹词,ok这个英文词汇已经成世界性的用语。

    The origins of OK are not known with certainty, and have been the subject of much discussion and academic interest over the years.


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进来说说原因吧 确定