• XSLcachesize 设置个理想数值

    Set XSL cache size to the desired number.


  • 一个理想主义者感到自豪,说明信仰人类

    I'm proud to be an idealist because it shows that I believe in mankind.


  • 对于那些除非电脑生锈不想购买电脑家庭用户来说,这不失理想的选择。

    That makes it ideal for home users who aren't going to buy a new PC until the old one rusts underneath them.


  • 还补充现在让颗卫星退休有些过快了,由于电子寿命,所以不失一个理想的试验对象

    He added that it was due for retirement sometime soon but still appeared to be electronically alive - making it an ideal target.


  • 一个理想主义者感到自豪,说明信仰人类。那听起来可能很天真但是其他别的信仰将会导致毁灭

    Walter Redlich: I'm proud to be an idealist because it shows that I believe in mankind. That may sound naive but every other belief will lead to destruction.


  • 灵机一动自己小说找到了个理想书名

    She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel.


  • 这样我们下水道河流中出现抗药性细菌创建一个理想环境

    In this way, we have created an ideal environment for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in our drains and sewers.


  • 一句理想的话说,我们希望能够质量工作产生帮助环境中工作,但是无论我们在做什么,我们中的很多人都无法我们自己创造这样一个环境。

    In an ideal word we all want to work in an environment that is condusive to high quality work, whatever we’re doing but so many of us don’t create that for ourselves.


  • 作者说,本意是构建分布式应用软件创建一个理想基础设施

    According to its creator, this makes an ideal foundation for building distributed application.


  • 就像可以第1部分回想起来这个由多个部分组成的系列文章覆盖了项目第1个阶段一系列需求参考架构代码(理想的可重用的)结果概念验证

    As you may recall from part 1, this multiple-part article covers Phase 1 of the project: a proof of concept resulting in a set of requirements, a reference architecture, and (ideally reusable) code.


  • 八个盐水“嗜盐”的微生物提供了一个理想栖息地,而火烈鸟则“嗜食”这些微生物。

    Its eight saline lagoons provide an ideal habitat for the salt-loving micro organisms on which the flamingos feed.


  • 我们已经知道Node对于处理流量应用程序理想,所以我们将创建非常简单Web应用程序,一个实现最快速度而构建应用程序。

    Since we've seen that Node is ideal for handling high traffic applications, let's create a very simple web application that's built for maximum speed.


  • 知道,我知道...我个理想主义者,这样世界永远也不会存在.但是没关系.可以接受世界现在的样子...同时,我所拥有的这么美妙一个世界表示感激.生活拥有这么多这么(比如屏幕前的)表示感激.通过我的一行,我的感激将会辐射到这个世界,从某种程度上说对也会有所改善.

    I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we have. And what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.


  • 对于一个理想应用程序,维护性应当0,这意味着任何特性应用程序中立即实现

    For an ideal application, the maintainability would be 0, meaning that any feature can be implemented in the application in zero time.


  • 一个大小18理想石头夫妇试图摆脱多年额外徒劳的锻炼。

    A size 18 and a couple of stone heavier than ideal, she tried in vain for years to shed the extra.


  • 大学生空谈理想,应该认真奋斗,而没有明确目标则会一个度过他至关紧要几年后头脑空空

    Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one's studies.


  • 说明了什么BPEL4WS构建我们电子商务对话一个理想选择然后介绍了我一系列文章精心设计的电子商务对话。

    I have explored why BPEL4WS is an ideal choice for building our e-business dialogue and I introduced an elaborate e-business dialogue that I am constructing for this series.


  • 用户改善需求商业雇主决策解决方案可行性时,平台他们提供了建立快速原型理想环境

    Cloudy environments provide an ideal setting for rapid prototyping as users refine requirements and business owners determine feasibility of a solution.


  • 母亲节临近,今年的这个日子是五月八日星期日所以时间母亲选择一个理想礼物

    Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom.


  • 特别是商业用户而言主要担忧Skype传输恶意软件进入组织内部办公室和公司机密提供了一个理想载体

    For business users especially, the main concern is that Skype provides an ideal vehicle for delivering malware into the inner sanctum of an organisation, as well as for sneaking corporate secrets out.


  • 源代码(理想情况下应捆绑一个tarball压缩文件)复制SOURCES目录如清单2

    Copy your source, ideally bundled as a tarball, into the SOURCES directory, as shown in Listing 2.


  • Wiki协作提供一个理想平台它们便于非技术人员使用允许实时编辑存储信息提供集中的存储库

    Wikis provide an ideal platform for collaboration because they are easy for non-technical people to use, allow for real-time editing, and provide a centralized repository for storing information.


  • 目的观察水泥固定型人工关节植入股骨远端的影响提供一个理想动物模型

    OBJECTIVE: To provide an ideal animal model for study the effect on distal femoral shaft after implanting the artificial joint of bone cement.


  • 天窗允许房间更大高度战利品创造一个理想地点

    The skylight also allows for a greater height of the room, creating desirable location for trophies.


  • 如果用户寻找储存空间一些非敏感数据那么基本线上存储一个理想

    If the user is looking for storage space for some non-sensitive data, then the basic online storage is an ideal one.


  • 建筑设计师文森特·卡勒博(VincentCallebaut最近公布了理想计划,其中的建筑一群悬在高空的、能够自给自足的飞行器;这些飞行器一半飞艇城市,一半是能够产生氢气的悬浮农场

    Architect Vincent Callebaut recently unveiled a blue-sky plan for a high-flying fleet of self-sufficientaircraft that are one part zeppelin cities and one part hydrogen-generating floating farms.


  • 建筑设计师文森特·卡勒博(VincentCallebaut最近公布了理想计划,其中的建筑一群悬在高空的、能够自给自足的飞行器;这些飞行器一半飞艇城市,一半是能够产生氢气的悬浮农场

    Architect Vincent Callebaut recently unveiled a blue-sky plan for a high-flying fleet of self-sufficientaircraft that are one part zeppelin cities and one part hydrogen-generating floating farms.


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