• 约翰当然高大但是没有那么高留意我们的速度比赛我们的速度很快

    Johan is big of course, but myself and Laurent aren't as tall but we all look to play with our feet, and we are all quick.


  • 你们代表竞选团队在全国四处奔走,在需要时候给予支持鼓励—就连仅4岁的小跟随妈妈四处奔波。

    You crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when I needed it most, even 4-month-old Aidan who would travel with his mom.


  • 无论是商铺还是商店无论是连锁店还是购物中心,在阿姆斯特随处可见。不过许多游客购买少量零售商品还是径直奔向该市集市

    Amsterdam may have everything from small shops to big stores, chains and malls, but many visitors make a beeline for the city's markets when it's time for a spot of retail therapy.


  • 善良阿姆斯特市民第一次看到犀牛时他们难以置信摇了摇头

    When the good burghers of Amsterdam were first presented with a rhinoceros, spectators shook their heads in disbelief.


  • 奎尔毫无忌惮地的这个问题进行攻击,尽管利用家庭关系加入国民警卫队,得以远离越南战场。

    Even Dan Quayle felt free to go after me on it, despite the fact that his family connections had gotten him into the National Guard and away from Vietnam.


  • 据说,善良阿姆斯特市民第一次看到犀牛时候——皮厚如甲、头上、三个脚趾,还有它那能卷握东西的嘴唇——摇头

    It is said that when the good burghers of Amsterdam were first presented with a rhinoceros-armoured, horned, three-toed, with a prehensile lip-spectators shook their heads in disbelief.


  • 将会继续落后巴黎戴高乐机场阿姆斯特的斯希普·霍尔机场法兰克福机场,这些机场拥有两倍的跑道空间更大扩建潜力以及便捷的水陆运输

    It will continue to be out-gunned by Paris Charles DE Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol and Frankfurt, all of which have twice the runway space, greater potential for expansion and better surface transport.


  • 岁的上到小学年级了还是自己名字写不好。

    AFTER three years in school, seven-year-old Dan could barely scrawl his name.


  • 多年来,包括摩根·士高盛部分人士在内不少金融界人士支持卖空行为的存在,希望借此提高市场的效率。

    For years, many people in the industry, including some at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, have supported letting investors bet against stocks in an effort to promote more-efficient markets.


  • 几乎所有人赞扬贫民窟百万富翁导演·博伊尔,莱坞词作者葛萨的话来说,导演捕捉到了孟买灵魂”。

    There was almost universal praise for Slumdog Millionaire's director Danny Boyle for choosing to capture, in the words of Bollywood lyricist Gulzar, "the spirit of Mumbai".


  • 那些最大银行包括高盛摩根·士利,以及世界富有的沃伦·巴菲特断然拒绝提供资助呼吁

    Leading Banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley rebuffed appeals to provide funds, as did the world's richest man, Warren Buffett.


  • 自从餐馆标签纽约推行以来,星巴克麦当劳快餐,唐恩乐等连锁店已经推出了低卡路里含量的食物。

    National chains like Starbucks, McDonald's, Denny's and Dunkin 'Donuts have all introduced less calorific items since menu labelling went into effect in New York.


  • 大多数一轮”,所以保持尾巴最长狗狗记录不足为奇了。

    Great Danes have a leg up on other breeds in most dog categories for "biggest." so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a Great Dane also holds the record for the longest tail.


  • 每晚一张床

    She had not returned. Danni had Shared his bed every night.


  • 这儿人缺席的情况下,表现出色·维尔贝克顶替乐空缺,不过曼联可能一直那么走运

    Danny Welbeck performed well in their absence, but United won't always be so fortunate.


  • Fortune Brands交易情况复杂,比较之下,亚吉欧可以简单地买下杰克·美国销售量销售价格高于占边。

    Instead of the complicated deal with Fortune Brands, Diageo could simply try to buy Jack Daniels, whose sales volumes and selling price are higher than Jim Beam's in America.


  • 根本不值一提,就是这样僵尸及其zhuay一个鬼城

    Not worth commenting on this one other than saying it is a GHOST town inhabited by ZOMBIES like Than Shwe and his coyotes.


  • 西班牙葡萄牙以及荷兰拥有良好的系统正是Comolli的故乡法国于1988年确立了标准当年,享有盛誉的克莱国家足球培训学校正式开张

    Spain, Portugal and Holland all have excellent youth systems, but itis Mr Comolli's country that has set the standard since 1988, when itsvaunted Clairefontaine national academy opened.


  • 他们努力工作速度凯蒂块,凯蒂工作仔细

    They both worked hard. Dan dug faster than Katie, but Katie worked more carefully.


  • 爱好者知道历经沧桑的牛仔裤穿起来好看,为了达到理想穿着效果,牛仔裤的穿着、洗涤烘干其实自有一套门路。

    Denim aficionados know that jeans usually require breaking to look their best, but there's an art to how to wear, wash and dry them to achieve that desired look.


  • 无论何时忙忙碌碌、高高兴兴很大程度上,我依赖亲爱的朋友伯尔小姐帮助鼓励

    I was busy and happy all that time, relying greatly on the help and encouragement of my dear friend Miss Temple.


  • 无论何时忙忙碌碌、高高兴兴很大程度上,我依赖亲爱的朋友伯尔小姐帮助鼓励

    I was busy and happy all that time, relying greatly on the help and encouragement of my dear friend Miss Temple.


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