• 华何与,,张红栓神经感受器发生传入神经冲动反映了各个结构机体需求

    ObjectiveNerval afferent impulse induced by stimulation of receptors reflects the requirement of structures for body.


  • 阿姆斯特记者招待会上做了评论

    He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.


  • 极为焦虑不安状态下回到了父亲

    Danny returned to Father's house in a state of intense agitation.


  • 这个出口,哈里马上交换了意味深长眼神

    Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.


  • 发现和前男友秘密见面

    Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.


  • 尼古拉·德米柯献上了激动人心而又富有诗意演出

    Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance.


  • 待会儿过来下。

    She and Danny will drop by later.


  • 接下来,阵急剧的疼痛穿过脊椎

    There was a pain then, a quick, blinding agony that jumped along Danlo's spine.


  • 做饭总是全份道菜外加道甜食

    When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert.


  • 飞往阿姆斯特的班机下午飞往纽约航班衔接。

    His flight to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon flight to New York.


  • 毒药1991年的圣电影节上赢得等奖

    "Poison" took first prize at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival.


  • 姆巴尔先生已经他们3人安排好顿晚餐。

    Mr. Dambar had arranged a dinner for the three of them.


  • 此事征求的许可,只要我能在下上午回来就

    I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.


  • 不是个经常紧张的孩子,但他并不希望在电视上说唱。他能再次走运吗?

    Dan was not a kid who got nervous a lot, but he did not wish to rap on TV. Could he be lucky again?


  • 鼓励他们检查督促他们。就孩子而言他们坚持上学最难事情

    You have to keep encouraging them and checking on them. Just like Danny, for some children, getting them to go to school is the toughest thing.


  • 在学校参加了个说唱比赛。

    Dan joined in a rap competition at school.


  • 尔斯老师和同学们都很兴奋,但声不吭地坐在椅子上。

    Miss Mills and his classmates were excited, but Dan threw himself onto his chair, silent.


  • 家使用的装备有两种,种是长棍,叫做达,另种是卵圆形短棒,叫做吉利。

    The players use two things: one long stick, called a danda and a short egg-shaped bat, called a gilli.


  • 潮湿下午,萨里比斯,酿酒师这样描述起泡酒:“紧张带着朴素甜美的特质”。

    "Nervy, with an austere, honeyed character", was how one winemaker described the bubbly on offer on a wet afternoon at Denbies.


  • 善良阿姆斯特市民看到犀牛时他们都难以置信摇了摇头

    When the good burghers of Amsterdam were first presented with a rhinoceros, spectators shook their heads in disbelief.


  • 姆斯特河旁的棵树上,小小的鸟舍会在空气清新的时候发出明亮的绿色。

    On a tree next to a river in Amsterdam, a tiny birdhouse glows (发光) bright green when the air is clean.


  • 午餐时间朋友餐馆吃热狗

    During one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the restaurant to have a hot dog.


  • 二天,当来到教室时,他看到墙上有块牌子。

    When Dan got to class the next day, he saw a sign on the wall.


  • 阿姆斯特商人马赛的商人那里购买肥皂,他可以交换者那里,荷兰盾荷兰货币)付给交换者等值的钱。

    An Amsterdam merchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchanger and pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch currency.


  • 是从本书里得到了灵感,是·布朗的《达芬奇密码》。

    I was inspired by a book, Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code".


  • 午餐期间朋友格拉戈尔餐厅热狗

    During one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hotdog.


  • 个球员把地上的吉利球放在个小圆圈内,然后用达把它打到空中。

    One player puts the gilli on the ground inside a small circle and hits it into the air with the danda.


  • 城市更智能出路认为反过来城市更环保。”研究公司负责人希尔

    "Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn make cities greener," said Dan Hill, head of a research company.


  • 家是由马丁·波斯马于2009年在阿姆斯特开设的。

    The first one was opened by Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009.


  • 心理学家托德·卡什那些正在培养爱好如下建议:“作为新人必须容忍嘲笑自己无知。”

    Psychologist Todd Kashdan has this advice for those people taking up a new passion: "As a newcomer, you also have to tolerate and laugh at your own ignorance."


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