• 他们弗兰基用临时做担架树林里出来,开车把它送到5英里地方的兽医院去。

    They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away.


  • 开始这家公司临时雇员。

    She began working for the company as a temp.


  • 我们这里临时

    He works for us on an occasional basis.


  • 一些临时工作这些工作的时间要得多

    I also do a couple of ad hoc jobs which are much shorter projects.


  • 一些临时工作这些项目耗时短。

    I also do a couple of ad-hoc jobs which are much shorter projects.


  • 不过自从解雇后,一系列兼职、低临时工作包括洛德-泰勒公司Lord& Taylor)以及一家汽车公司销售客服

    Since being laid off, though, he has worked a series of part-time, low-wage, temporary positions, including selling shoes at Lord & Taylor and making sales calls for a car company.


  • 这家商店通常一些临时售货员圣诞节玩具生意

    The shop usually employs additional salespeople for the Christmas toy trade.


  • 总是可以开始时候创业作为第二职业,同时临时工作维持收支平衡

    And you can always moonlight with a part-time venture in the initial stages while taking a temporary job to make ends meet.


  • 应该某个开发成员决定怎样临时修复确保没有太多时间决定

    You should let the individual developer decide how to temporarily patch it and make sure he doesn't spend much time deciding.


  • 一般来说,套结不能确保安全万无一失所以最好临时用途

    In general, this knot is not highly secure, so it is best used for temporary situations.


  • 我们现在才知道卡车运到森林波兰俘虏一个用有刺铁丝网笼临时监狱。

    We now know that after being transported into the forest in trucks, the Polish PoWs were discharged into a barbed wire cage, which acted as a temporary holding pen.


  • 有一些程序只是直接调用mktemp(3)tmpnam(3)创建临时文件然后基于这样成功假定简单地打开

    Some programs just call mktemp (3) or tmpnam (3) directly to create a temporary file name, and then simply open it under the assumption that it'll be OK.


  • 简单没有什么,但是值得一,”这个部门临时主管奥斯。伯特纳(AustinBeutner)谈到这个试验项目时说道。

    "Nothing about this is simple, but it's worth doing," Austin Beutner, the department's interim general manager, said of the pilot program.


  • 简单没有什么,但是值得一,”这个部门临时主管奥斯.伯特纳(AustinBeutner)谈到这个试验项目时说道。

    Nothing about this is simple, but it’s worth doing,” Austin Beutner, the department’s interim general manager, said of the pilot program.


  • 一个高中孩子们树荫篮球尽管学校已经临时关闭,但是棚户区居民为了生存只好他们可以的事情

    Teenage boys play basketball in the shadow of a high school, damaged and closed for now, as camp residents do what they can to get on with their lives.


  • 辅助项目临时任务方式思考而不要急着决定

    Think in terms of side projects and temporary assignments, not binding decisions.


  • 雇佣了塞弥儿作为临时

    It hired Samuel as a temporary worker to do the job.


  • 但是专门高尔夫器具卡拉公司老板乔治弗洛茨却把自己描述成为一个临时的高尔夫玩家——并且高尔夫上没有什么天赋

    But George Fellows, the boss of Callaway, a firm that makes golfing equipment, describes himself as only an occasional golfer-and not a particularly talented one at that.


  • 这样为了避免聘用临时工作人员

    The idea is to avoid hiring temporary staff.


  • 但是监管机构周一发表声明并没有表示要这么,他们似乎支持持有更多临时的”优先股实际损失发生之再逐渐这些“临时”优先股转为普通股

    But instead the regulators' announcement on Monday appears to support the idea of more "temporary" preferred shares that would convert into common stock "over time" as and when losses materialise.


  • 醒目地标示只是一个临时工作令自己讨厌的工作时,我等待时机的方式就是电子告示牌挂上提示:“这只是临时的。”

    Post a visible reminder that this job is only temporary. When I once worked in a job I hated, I helped bide my time by hanging a reminder on my bulletin board that said, "this is only temporary."


  • 妈妈楼上间空余的卧室临时当作厨房一些简单饭菜

    Mother cooked simple meals in a spare bedroom she had turned into a makeshift kitchen.


  • 一部分难民营穷苦的人靠打临时苦力活挣得一点钱

    Some of the poorer camp inmates make money from occasional odd jobs and manual Labour.


  • 伯格取出了自己存款零用钱周围邻居临时工赚凑在一起机票

    Kielburger dipped into his savings and pooled money from his allowance and from doing odd jobs around the neighborhood to purchase his plane ticket.


  • 事情临时关键要看怎么

    When it comes right down to it, what you do matters.


  • 祝愿地球地球之外所有人节日快乐!” 他们塑料唐纳德临时用太空飞船参考书的塑料封皮的。

    Wishing everyone on Earth, and off Earth, a good Thanksgiving," said Endeavour astronaut Donald Pettit, holding iced tea in a makeshift cup he had made from plastic covers of shuttle reference books.


  • 他们转而关注利于EC2主机临时磁盘持久化

    Instead, they have focused on utilizing the ephemeral disks present on each EC2 host for persistence.


  • CNN命名为玛丽,她没想到这个位置找到家人是个会计师丈夫在所在的航空公司失去工作,只要允许,他们甚至临时工的工作,他们个孩子,其中一个患有自闭症。

    Named Maria by CNN, she said she never expected to find her family in this position. She had been an accountant and her husband worked for an airline: both lost their jobs.


  • CNN命名为玛丽,她没想到这个位置找到家人是个会计师丈夫在所在的航空公司失去工作,只要允许,他们甚至临时工的工作,他们个孩子,其中一个患有自闭症。

    Named Maria by CNN, she said she never expected to find her family in this position. She had been an accountant and her husband worked for an airline: both lost their jobs.


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