• 说张三在看过条蛇和只鸟打架之后创造了太极。

    It is said Zhang Sanfeng created tai chi after watching a fight between a snake and a bird.


  • 科技大学开发了 Terapio,这是机器医疗推车可以医院内巡回运转,运送药物其他物品检索记录

    Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items, and retrieve records.


  • 议会采用火葬方法,将尸体焚烧作为处理问题方式

    Amphons city council wants to introduce cremation that is burning the dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem.


  • ·奥兹利克带领土耳其科学家提出基因突变可能导致四足动物的出现。

    Turkish scientists led by Tayfun Ozcelik suggested that a mutation in a single gene might result in quadrupedalism.


  • 我们发现供应数量之间存在复杂非重大的关联没有处理设施地点较高病媒存在关联。

    A complex but non-significant association was found between water supply and pupal counts, and lack of waste disposal services was associated with higher vector abundance in only one site.


  • 因此,主形成伊始很大的梯度就像遥远的狮子座里的那个星系那样

    Thus, the disc begins its existence with a steep metallicity gradient, like the one in the distant galaxy in Leo.


  • 语义技术允诺用其他途径确保质量检测既定文本遇到的概念致性

    Semantic technology promises other means of assuring quality, by detecting the richness and coherence of the concepts encountered in a given text.


  • 篇文章只是为了帮助别人同时也是帮助我自己经验甚开发者难免会忘记这些顺序,记下来,还是经常看看吧。

    I put this article together as much to help other people, as to help myself. Even experienced developers can sometimes forget the order in which things occur.


  • 这个模型下气体坍缩中心形成大量恒星,它们在那里迅速增加金属度。

    In this model, a mass of gas collapses and creates lots of stars at the disc's centre, where the stars quickly boost the metallicity.


  • 世上最好的英文版欧洲通史古老的《塔纳欧洲历史》,这本书的内容有些不致,并且整套书的编写时间没有好的连贯性。

    The best overall European history in English is the oldFontana History of Europe”, but it was uneven in quality, and it suffered because the volumes appeared so far apart in time.


  • 2006年,塞卡差点成为猛虎组织自杀性爆炸中的亡魂。好在个月之后,安全回到司令官职位,向猛虎组织发起攻势消灭

    Fonseka was nearly killed by a LTTE suicide bomber in 2006, but in three months returned to his post as army commander and launched the offensive that would spell the end of the LTTE.


  • 结果真的并不奇怪,”塞卡

    "There is really nothing surprising in this," Fonseca said.


  • 中国当代艺术特殊的人物,除了视觉艺术外,创作涉及音乐图像装置、舞台等等

    Feng Jiangzhou is an unique artist in Chinese Contemporary Art.Besides visual arts, his works are involved in electronic sound, videos, mechanical installations, etc.


  • 另外去年其他天文学家报告称更远星系中发现了较大的金属梯度那个星系不是螺旋星系,所以银河系关系没有那么明确了

    In addition, last year other astronomers reported a steep metallicity gradient in an even farther galaxy, but that galaxy is not a spiral, so its relevance to the Milky Way is less clear.


  • 几百万家与兴烟具工厂受到成本持续上涨劳动力紧缺、利润率下滑以及海外订单锐减等因素的全面挤压

    Millions of factories like Ms Sun's are being squeezed on all sides by rising costs, Labour shortages, shrinking margins and a collapse in new orders from overseas.


  • 随着游戏的人数以及玩家平均年龄渐长,收入次周期次要长。

    Each cycle is bigger than the last as gaming becomes more popular and the average gamer becomes older and richer.


  • 斯里兰卡看作猛虎代言人泰米尔民族联盟已经宣布支持塞卡先生因为这是阻止·帕克萨先生的办法

    In Sri Lanka the Tamil National Alliance, once seen as a proxy for the Tigers, has announced its backing for Mr Fonseka, as the only way to thwart Mr Rajapaksa.


  • 渴望更高、更贵、更生命

    Aspire to a higher, a nobler, a fuller life.


  • 五十年前艾伦·谢波德进入墨丘利号太空舱等待发射升空时,所有的对于羽翼未美国太空计划显得十分残酷。

    Fifty years ago when Alan Shepard climbed inside his Mercury capsule to blast off into space, things were looking pretty grim for the fledgling U.S. space program.


  • 我们驾车抵达塔纳村时,当地位工作人员帮我们推开沉重铁门,好我们车辆能够驶入。

    We arrived at Fontana Village, and one of the staff members slid open a heavy iron gate to admit the car.


  • 就是著名问题,由法国数学家乔治·路易·勒克莱尔伯爵1733年提出

    This is known as Buffon's needle problem, after the French mathematician Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte DE Buffon, who first proposed it in 1733.


  • 德国医生本周三发布突破视网膜植体,而这个羽翼未技术目的是恢复人们视野形式咒诅遗传失明

    German doctors on Wednesday announced a breakthrough in retinal implants, the fledgling technology that aims to restore sight in people cursed by a form of inherited blindness.


  • 整个村庄设计施工彼得·塔纳完成的,塔纳是俄勒冈州立大学物理系名退休教授,2004年移交给霍尔特机构管理

    The village was designed and built by Peter Fontana, a retired professor of physics at Oregon State University; Holt took over its management in 2004.


  • 相比较而言,付出更少报酬并且提供健康保险的工作容易些。

    It certainly would be a lot easier to find a job that demanded less, paid more, and provided health insurance.


  • 歌唱组合西蒙制片人麦克.尼克斯合作经典配合.

    One classic collaboration was between the singing duo Simon & Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols.


  • 那永不停歇创造精神发出生命魔力万种物体交流,犹如火炬可以点燃切。

    The spell of life went forth from her ever creative spirit, and communicated itself to a thousand objects, as a torch kindles a flame wherever it may be applied.


  • 加利福尼亚州塔纳南加州爱迪生公司租赁大量仓库屋顶,在2008年安装2.44兆瓦太阳能电池阵列

    Southern California Edison leased the roof of this massive warehouse in Fontana, California, to install a 2.44-megawatt solar array in 2008.


  • 加利福尼亚州塔纳南加州爱迪生公司租赁大量仓库屋顶,在2008年安装2.44兆瓦太阳能电池阵列

    Southern California Edison leased the roof of this massive warehouse in Fontana, California, to install a 2.44-megawatt solar array in 2008.


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